Like everything else in physical reality, you are composed of pure energy. Your body is a collection of cells and atoms which are manifestations of physical energy. Energy healers use a toolkit of healing techniques with medical treatments to facilitate the healing and repair of your body, mind, and soul.
In this article you will explore eleven spiritual techniques that can help your body, mind, and soul to heal. Read on to discover more about these healing techniques and how they can help you.
You begin to prepare yourself for energy healing by living a well-balanced life. To do this, adopt a healthy daily routine by eating nutritional whole foods, exercising regularly, getting regular high-quality sleep, and engaging in mindful actions. You may also join a local spiritual group and cultivate a daily spiritual practice centred on mindfulness. This helps you to remain in the moment and cultivate love for yourself and others.
You can reprogram aspects of yourself and experience positive shifts in your cellular frequency on an energetic level for your energy healing, spiritual awakening, and ascension. Everyone’s healing experience is different, and it may take a few healing sessions using one or many of the energy healing approaches to find one that works for you. Also, much of the fun in your healing journey is through trial and error, experimentation, and personal experience.
Many alternative therapies, both ancient and modern, use energy healing to address the root cause of the issue and not just treat the symptoms. Described below are some spiritual techniques that can facilitate your energy healing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of your entire being.
Meditation occurs when you are present to your thoughts and feelings without attachment. When you meditate, you focus internally on your breath, a mantra, or your bodily sensations. Begin by finding a comfortable position, such as sitting in a chair or lying on a yoga mat and focus on your breath. To start meditating, sit quietly and empty your mind of thoughts. Then focus on the inflow and outflow of your breath.
The benefits of meditation include better memory and digestion and lower levels of anxiety and depression. You can also meditate with your eyes open in your waking day using mindfulness meditation techniques. Mindfulness is the practice of remaining in the present moment whilst you observe your environment and catch your thoughts.
Massage therapy helps to decrease physical aches and pains and it can improve your mood. Deep tissue massage can aid recovery from injuries or if you suffer from fibromyalgia or lower back pain. It uses pressing and rubbing techniques to manipulate your muscles and lymph nodes. Swedish massage is a lower pressure massage which is great for relaxation and relief from tight or tense muscles.
Aromatherapy and massage are used together for relaxation, pain management, and improved mood. Massage and aromatherapy treatments can help to reduce your pain, insomnia, nausea, anxiety, and depression. During your massage session, essential oils may be diffused in the healing room. Also, a few drops of an essential oil such as lavender, sandalwood or lemon, may be used in a massage lotion before being applied to your skin.
Yoga includes yoga poses, meditations, and mindfulness practice. The word yoga means to unite, or yoke, your body, mind, heart, and spirit. There are many varieties of yoga including Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga. A yoga studio or local gym will run yoga classes which last from 30 minutes to two hours.
Kundalini Yoga is very popular, and it includes breathwork, yoga postures, and chanting. Kundalini is the flow of vital energy, including sexual energy, through your energetic body from your base chakra, or energy centre, to your crown chakra. When you work with Kundalini yoga, you will experience spiritual awakening and increased vitality as well as energy healing and physical fitness.
Tai-Chi and Qigong combine slow flowing movements with meditation and breathing exercises. Tai-Chi and Qigong are martial arts that can help your circulation, balance, and alignment. They can also help restore your energy, also known as chi or qi, which can then be harnessed for healing and regenerating your physical and energy bodies.
Tai chi and Qigong may be adapted to fit just about any fitness level and are great if you have not been active or have diabetes. Both involve flowing low-impact movements are easy on your joints if you have arthritis. You can even do them seated or in a wheelchair if needed. Tai chi can help lower your blood pressure and scientific research also indicates that cholesterol levels lower which reduces your risk of heart disease.
Acupuncture in a discipline of traditional Chinese medicine which balances your energy flow, or chi, through your body. Acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny needles into your skin at specific points called meridians. Then you’ll rest quietly for 45 minutes to an hour before the acupuncturist removes the needles. Acupuncture can relieve pain and allergies, balance your hormones, and reduce levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.
Acupressure is like acupuncture except that it uses pressure points instead of needles. An acupressure treatment dissolves energetic blockages through the application of pressure on specific meridian points on your body. This feels up energy so you can heal energetically and physically.
Reiki is a popular energy healing technique originally taught by Usui in Japan. Reiki uses the unseen lifeforce energy that flows through you and all living things for releasing blockages, balancing your chakras, energy healing, stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki is administered with hands-on or remotely as distance healing.
Reiki has many forms and variations including Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, and angelic Reiki. A qualified Reiki practitioner guides powerful life force energy (Chi or Ki) through your body and your energy field (aura). Reiki accelerates healing, helps your subtle energy to flow better, and it dissolves blockages energy from your body and energy centres (chakras). This helps your body to cleanse toxins and it balances your seven main chakras as well as your channels and meridians.
Shamanic healing is a toolkit of healing techniques for past life work, removal of dark entities and black magic, healing energetic imprints from past trauma, and assisting the passing of spirits which may be haunting you. Shamanic healing extracts the root of a wound, trauma, or blockage from your energy field. Ceremony is used by shamans to connect with powerful healing guides and spirits to receive information for healing. In the shamanic journey, the shaman travels to other realms and connect with animal and ancestral spirits who guide and assist them with energy healing.
The Shaman works directly with your energy field to remove blocked energies, clear energetic imprints, and restore your energy body. Shamans use their guides and extra senses to see blockages and clear them. They act as a channel for the healing energy, and they direct it to remove bad energies or beings that are stopping you from healing. Shamanic healing also clears limiting beliefs and negative belief systems, and it removes deep emotional imprints from your past.
A crystal healer uses crystals with specific healing energies, such as quartz, agate, amethyst, or opal. These crystals are placed in specific locations on and around your body, including the main energy centres, face, and hands. Crystal healers use their crystals to boost energy, protect against negative energy, release blocked energy, and transform your body’s aura.
Crystals can be placed around your body in a geometric crystal energy healing grid to surround you with healing energy. Crystals are also used in most healing spaces to cleanse and purify the environment before energy healing, aromatherapy, Reiki, and most other forms of energy healing.
Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to treat specific health conditions, improve mental health, or change habits. You begin with a consultation at the start of your session, so the hypnotherapist knows what to focus on. The hypnotherapist then guides you into a deeply relaxed state, or trance. The hypnotherapist may regress you to earlier events in this life or to past lives.
Hypnotherapy also helps you towards your goals such as quitting a certain habit or overcoming a specific traumatic experience that you had in the past. During the session you will feel refreshed and relaxed, and the entire process requires that you let go and allow the healing to take place.
A floatation tank is a lightless, soundless tank filled with highly concentrated Epsom salt water heated to skin temperature. The density of the soothing bath water allows you to float, weightless. A healing session in a floatation tank can last for one to two hours when you drift into a meditative state.
By soaking in a floatation tank, your magnesium levels are raised. This helps to rejuvenate your mind and body and can relieve mental stress and detoxify your body. Further benefits include pain relief, increase in sleep quality, less inflammation, improved bone health, lower anxiety, and deep relaxation. Floatation tank healing sessions may also help with migraines, diabetes, and heart and circulation conditions.
Star Magic energy healing uses extra-terrestrial healing from the stars and divine healing from higher realms together with quantum healing, psychic surgery, and light codes. Your body naturally heals, recalibrates, and regenerates when you clear your mind and relax during the healing. Also, your body may tingle, spasm, or shake, and you may feel or see invisible beings working on your light body. Always trust the process and feel the power and magic of Star Magic healing work on your body, mind, and soul.
Visit our website at to further explore Star Magic healing. There, we have many powerful ascension tools that will increase your vibration, expand your consciousness, and reunite you with your soul. Take advantage of our free 7-day trial of Infinity where you can test drive our suite of amazing ascension tools for free right now. We also run four levels of energy healing training called facilitator training which will transform your world in the most magical way.
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