It is unlikely that your reality is real. It may be a simulation, hologram, or computer game. It is tricky to see this because you are immersed in it. Yet each year there is more scientific evidence that human beings live in an advanced computer game or a virtual reality.
You may live in a more sophisticated version of an online virtual environment or computer game. The level of detail is co-created through our belief in the world and universe as solid. This leads to a more seamless experience more akin to films like The Matrix, Avatar, eXistenZ and Tron.
In June 2016, Elon Musk said that the odds are a billion to one against us living in natural reality. Also, Google’s Ray Kurzweil suggests that maybe our whole universe is a science experiment of a university student in another universe.
It is possible that matter, energy, space, time, and information are all holographic. Our physical universe is like a virtual reality training environment that is self-aware and evolves through causes and conditions. Our lives and the world we live in are like highly detailed SIMS interacting in a finely rendered world.
You are an avatar with your own perspective of reality. You crystallize your world through observation and interaction with the energy around you. Everything appears solid where you focus but things may be less solid where you don’t observe them.
What is Physical Reality?
The universe appears as a hologram that becomes real when observed. Your reality and everyone’s reality is an illusion projected by the collective observations of all living beings that live within the hologram. This hologram can appear to have no beginning and no end because you are trapped inside of it.
Your reality is information-rich and mathematical in nature. Everything is described through mathematics, as codes of information, and run like a multi-player virtual reality game.
Like a fly in amber, you entrap yourself within the matrix of your own creation. You create what you observe. When more people believe in an idea or an observation, reality responds energetically be de-cohering or crystallizing into finer and finer details. Thus reality becomes more solid and real to you.
Life in Physical Reality
You understand your world through your experience of living and what being alive means. You have a body of flesh and bone and senses that are bound by the physical laws of this world and the universe. You are living sentient energy flowing through the spiritual dimensions, emanating on Earth as one ray or facet of God’s creation. Or is this all illusion too?
You experience life in the here and now. On Earth, you become attached or immersed in the events, actions, thoughts, and emotions of your limited perception. You are a limitless being of light and your light had been reduced temporarily to accommodate your physical vehicle and play the game of life on Earth.
You are born without any memory of where you were before. You may have fragments of memories of other lifetimes or worlds. These vanish as you become immersed in this reality during childhood. Then with near-total amnesia, you go about your life trusting that it is all that is.
Simulation from Future Civilisations
Nick Bostrom says that human destiny will follow one of three distinct paths. He says that human beings will either go extinct, choose not to run simulations, or already be in a simulation and be unaware of it.
In the first scenario, all civilizations in the universe go extinct before they develop the technology to create simulated realities. Intelligent civilisations may destroy themselves before they get to the stage where they can accurately simulate physical reality and have SIMS as intelligent as humanity.
In the second scenario, any civilization that reaches technological and social maturity will choose not to run simulations of intelligent beings. They get to the tipping point and then choose not to conduct such simulations. This may be because they are distracted more by other things or for ethical reasons as intelligent beings experience suffering.
In the third scenario, advanced civilizations create countless simulations. This results in many more simulated worlds than original ones. Then we are overwhelmingly likely to be in such a simulation.
Elon Musk and many others are suggesting that you are an entirely simulated being. They feel that you may be nothing more than strings of information like the characters in a video game in an advanced quantum computer.
Today, human beings can simulate human societies using simple agents that make choices according to certain rules. It is possible that your brain is simulated and set to respond to sensory inputs reading an energy field as your physical and etheric body. Then this is where you live and it is your only chance of living life at all. There is no matrix to escape from except the one you create with your imagination.
Scientific Testing of Reality
There are many ideas about reality that science is starting to test. Theories abound including string theory, M-theory, the many-worlds theory, holographic event horizons, Planck pixels, and weird gravitational wave effects. Then there are observations of unusual phenomena including UFOs, ghosts, and time slips. Could the cracks, in reality, be appearing as we probe further and there is more to render?
Cosmologist Alan Guth believes that it is possible to create a universe in an artificial Big Bang that is filled with real matter and energy. This would involve programming all the maths, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, and emergent properties into a melting pot of creation. Guth also suggests that our entire universe might be real yet still a kind of lab experiment with alien eyes peering deep into your home. Yet our universe is as physically real as if it had been born naturally.
The bubble multi-verse idea is an interesting one. A new universe creates its own bubble of space-time that separates from the space-time in which it was hatched. This bubble would rapidly pinch off from the parent universe and lose contact with it. This is applying the ideas of M-Theory or membrane theory with a few extra dimensions and interacting branes giving birth to an endless cascade of bubble universes.
Space-time should be smooth and continuous at all scales according to Einstein. This is not so at the smallest scales of the Planck length. The GEO600 gravitational wave experiment has detected noise at scales much smaller than an atom. The Holometer (holographic interferometer) will delve deep into this quantum realm at even smaller scales probing the quantum noise in the fabric of space-time.
Living in the SIMS VR Game
It is very likely that you live within a multi-dimensional version of ‘The SIMS’ computer game. Before you are born you choose your avatar which becomes your physical body and the degree of your abilities and talents. Then you play the game of living life in this world.
In life, you live like a SIM in the SIMS. You work a job, meet people, play with your home, look after a family, and organize your day. You also feel off if you neglect things like going to the loo, washing your self, cooking food, or socializing with friends. You repeat similar activities each day and get older. This game environment is very simple to recreate with AI characters that are autonomous and can think too.
The game of life is also like a role-playing game. This is a game in which you are a spiritual being playing in a human body. Within your body, you have limited local awareness. Beyond your body, you have limitless energy awareness. You may find that time slows down or stops as you enter another dimension in the game of ascension. You may simultaneously play levels as angels, demons, ascended masters, animals, and beings on other worlds.
Destiny & Ascension
You chose to be in this frequency. No one else has trapped you. In this life, you are teaching yourself every second of your life because it is the purpose of your life.
You have lived a lot of lives before this one. This life may seem strange to some people and it may repeat itself like in Groundhog Day. You incarnate again and again until you learn you finish the game.
You create and are born within what you create. You are the designer of the game you live in. You are all beings living as one being, unified, and whole.
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