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Hey there beautiful soul. This will be the most powerful healing, DNA, and third eye activation that you’ve ever experienced. So, I welcome you into this space. Close your eyes, take some nice long deep breaths, open your heart, and be in this space with me.This guided meditation will activate you on a physical and a multi-dimensional level. Close your eyes and breathe deeper and longer and slower and know that you are extraordinary and that you deserve this time and this space to kick back relax, to expand to heal, to transform, to raise your vibration. Breathe deeper and longer and slower and feel your body, be in this space, the only space that truly matters, this present moment. As you breathe into your powerful body, you’ll become aware of a diamond light that starts to move in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor. This powerful diamond frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it, over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger, swirling around your physical body like a diamond tornado.
You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it into your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head your face your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest, and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle back, lower back, into your buttocks. It flows through your heart, your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ moving through your bones, your bloodstream. It flows through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and hamstrings, through your knees, through your calves, past your shins into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. This powerful diamond light flows through your shoulders down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs.
Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full, in your mind say, ‘thank you’ and keep breathing. As this frequency flows through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of your entire being, your cells they dance and smile communicating with each other like one big happy cosmic family. You feel your heart expanding and expanding, blooming like a thousand petals diamond lotus flower. Your heart expands and expands and expands.
As you vibrate in this space you become aware of an inverted gold and platinum pyramid, a high vibrational 5D frequency spinning up above your crown chakra, 90 centimetres in a clockwise direction. This inverted pyramid spins faster and faster and as it spins it starts to draw light codes out from the cosmic fabric. Ruby emerald and electric blue light codes start to flow out from the ether into the space. They’re drawn into this pyramid which spins faster and faster up above your crown. The pyramid collects these codes and the frequency inside the pyramid elevates. You can feel the energy up above you.
We’re going to count from six back to zero. When we get to zero the apex of this pyramid is going to open. That light is going to flow down through your crown and pierce your pineal gland – six five four three two one zero. The apex of that pyramid opens and that electromagnetic light containing high vibrational information flows down through your crown, into your pineal gland. Boom it explodes. You start to download data, information, light codes, to activate your pineal gland. These frequencies flow around your pineal gland, into your pituitary gland. They flow into your left and right hemisphere, your left and right brain. They start to glow, they start to vibrate, and then light starts to shuttle backwards and forwards from the right brain to the left brain, from the left brain to the right brain, opening your corpus callosum, the bridge between the two. You vibrate faster and faster in this space and your heart continues to expand out past the boundaries of your physical body into the empty space.
The frequency of your heart expands and expands 360 degrees in all directions. The love spilling out from your own soul is extraordinary. As you vibrate faster and faster and faster your heart expands and expands. The apex of the pyramid opens a little bit wider, and that light flows fast and ferocious into your third eye, your pineal gland. It expands and vibrates glowing brighter and brighter. You feel it pulsating and then you become aware of Mother Earth. Right down deep in her centre there’s a diamond crystal skull just below her Merkabah. This diamond crystal skull starts to vibrate, and frequency starts to flow from it, from its pineal gland up through its crown, up through the rocks and the minerals.
This powerful diamond lights from this ancient crystal skull flows up through the rocks and the minerals up through the surface of the planet, up through your root, sacral, solar plexus, up into your heart your higher heart and then boom that frequency explodes in your heart. Your higher heart starts to expand, and you become aware of a sacred blue rose vibrating in your heart space. In the centre of that sacred blue rose is a diamond Merkabah, the top tetrahedron spinning clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise. Your vibration goes through the roof. You start to upload light codes from this crystal skull. They flow up through your physical body and into your higher heart space. Your higher heart starts to communicate with your pineal gland. Your pineal gland starts to communicate with your root chakra and energy shuttles up and down your central column.
You become aware of your spinal column glowing and vibrating, those 33 vertebrae start to download codes from the crystal skull switching it on to a new vibrational harmonic. As your heart continually expands your pineal gland vibrates faster, the pyramid up above you start to spin faster and faster drawing in more emerald, ruby, and electric blue codes. These codes pour into this pyramid flowing, racing down through the electromagnetic stream and into your pineal gland, flowing into your left and right brain, flowing into your pituitary gland. Your whole body vibrates like crazy.
You then become aware of something swimming around in your space. You feel, you see two electric pink and turquoise dolphins swimming around in your space. The vibration of these beings is incredible, Sirian light workers in their dolphin form swimming around in your space, the love you feel is incredible. One dolphin swim behind you, the other one swims around in front of you. Both move into a vertical position with their bellies, their hearts, facing your physical body. The one behind you opens its hands and a magical multi-coloured frequency flow out from the back of its heart through the empty space. It moves towards the back of your heart chakra, one meter half a meter and boom it penetrates the back of your heart. You start to download these dolphin codes. These dolphins are here to trigger your DNA on a super conscious level to unlock that knowledge and wisdom that you’re carrying on a subatomic level deep in your cells. Feel this.
The dolphin behind you opens its heart wide, the love that pours into your body is phenomenal. The dolphin in front of you then opens its hands. A powerful multi-coloured stream spirals through the empty space. Within that spiralling stream you see platinum diamonds and chromium DNA spirals flow through this electromagnetic stream towards your heart. They get within a meter, 75 centimetres, 50, 25. Boom, this dolphin connects with your heart. The frequencies of both of the dolphins merges into your heart space. The Merkabah in the dolphin’s heart starts to spin even faster. As you download these dolphin frequencies, the love, you feel from these magical beings there are no words. Just be in this space and vibrate be in this space and feel surrender, let go.
The energy moves up and down your body through your arms your legs your hands your feet your fingers your toes your thumbs. This energy pours through your physical body. Every single cell, all 75 to 100 trillion of them, vibrate like crazy. As these multi-coloured DNA spirals drill into your cells communicating with those double helixes unlocking more of that knowledge like sacred keys, they start to activate you from the inside out. Just be in this space and allow these frequencies to work their magic lights, information, intelligence straight from source. You are plugged in. You are connected. You are not separate. You are your environment, and your environment is you. The dolphins love you.
As you download these codes, your heart expands and expands flowing through the bodies of the dolphins. You start to send healing frequencies towards them as they heal you. Healing is always a two-way process. As you vibrate in this space feeling, expanding, healing, you become aware of a gigantic diamond orca whale that starts to swim slowly around the outside of you. It’s huge, 27 meters long. It swims around your physical body. You feel it you see it you know it’s there the energy is crazy powerful, a strong motherly presence. This gigantic orca swims around behind the dolphin in front of you and moves into a vertical position. It’s barely facing you and this orca opens her heart, and a powerful crystal white frequency flows out from her heart through the empty space flowing towards you. It moves straight through the dolphin.
The dolphin vibrates faster and that changes the frequency flowing into your heart as the energy from this powerful orca whale flows towards your physical body. It’s headed straight towards your heart chakra half a meter, 25 centimetres. It flows inside of you. Your whole vibration changes. This energy moves up through your body, down through your body, and then the orca opens her heart wider. She starts to fire multi-coloured light codes into your consciousness. They hit you fast and furious boom, boom, they explode in your consciousness. You feel yourself expanding and expanding. This download is incredible.
The crystal skull down in the planet, it amplifies its own frequency and the stream of data flowing up through the rocks and the minerals gets stronger racing up through your body into your higher heart centre. That sacred blue rose vibrates like crazy. It glows even brighter. The Merkabah spins even faster, the light flowing down from the pyramid above and gets stronger. As you download, as you upgrade, as you heal and transform, just be in this space. The dolphins love you; the orca whale loves you. You are loved beyond measure by your sisters and brothers beyond the veil. Just be in this space, beautiful soul, surrender, let go. Allow these frequencies to work their magic.
Your pineal gland glows brighter, it expands. The frequency in the field of your pineal gland starts to flow out through the boundaries of your mind, your brain, your body into the empty space. It starts to decode information, light streams flowing through the ether. Your awareness heightens as your consciousness expands. As you tap into the universal fabric to greater depths you become one with the entire universe. As you vibrate in this space, the pyramid above you starts to descend and it moves down towards your crown chakra. Your crown chakra opens like a thousand petals platinum lotus flower and that inverted pyramid descends through. It fits neatly around your pineal gland and stops, and then your crown closes.
The dolphin in front of you and the dolphin behind you, they vibrate faster and faster and their bodies blend into geometrical codes, into source energy, into pure love. Those geometries spiral forwards towards you, they start to flow in through the front of your heart in through the back of your heart. The dolphins flow into your physical body. They download themselves into you that love, that energy. Those healing codes they become you, you become them. You wonder to yourself did they ever really exist.
As you vibrate in this space faster and faster your heart expanding and expanding the orca whale she moves from a vertical to a horizontal position and stares into your face into your eyes reading your soul. She moves closer towards you and then opens her third eye. A crystal white stream of light with gold and light codes flows out from her third eye through the empty space in through your forehead. Boom it penetrates your pineal gland. You start to download stream after stream of data. Boom. The inside of your body lights up. Your pineal gland explodes. The orca retracts the laser beam of electromagnetic light from her third eye and starts to retract through the empty space. She stares at you and then smiles. She winks and then explodes into geometrical gold.
As you vibrate in this sea of bliss, as you vibrate in ecstasy, you start to become aware of your breath, the in-breath and the out-breath and the space in between. You realize it’s the space in between the inn and the acreage that keeps you alive like the space between the notes creates the music. You start to become aware of your body. You feel the vibration in your bones, the tingling your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time, there’s no hurry, five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time, there’s no hurry. Feel your body, feel your energy, feel your space. There’s no hurry, there’s no need to go and do anything. Just be here, in these frequencies for a while.
i recommend you come back and do this meditation for another five days in a row. I challenge you every day is going to be a different experience and your vibration is going to go through the roof, your heart is going to expand to even greater depths and your frequency will be at one with all things, no separation, pure magic. You are an extension of the universe or maybe the universe is an extension of you. Either way it doesn’t matter. You’re a multi-dimensional being having this human experience and you are loved. I love you as my sister or brother. I love you as one of my star family.
Come back and engage in this meditation for another five days. Challenge yourself and don’t miss a day. If you miss a day you’ve got to start again, six days in total, and you watch what happens. You feel what happens. It’s very important that you stay hydrated through this process, at least three to four litres of water a day. Make sure you get some mother nature time, shoes, and socks, hugging those trees, eat clean, eat mother nature, fruits, vegetables, a predominantly plant-based diet, or maybe a hundred percent plant-based diets but listen to your body. If your body feels like it needs some organic eggs, or some organic fish then give it to it don’t be rigid in your approach.
Listen to your body, get out and stare at the sun. If you live in a warm climate, first hour of the day, last hour of the day. Build it up slowly. Start with five seconds. Sun gazing, eat those photons. They’re great for your pineal gland. This meditation will turbocharge you, activating your DNA and your pineal gland. At the same time, you are going to heal. So, over these next days and weeks be very patient with yourself. if you feel emotional honour those emotions. If you feel angry shout and scream if you feel sad, cry. If you feel happy, dance on the table, beautiful soul. Express your emotions, let them go, and then return straight back to your heart. it’s all love.
You are amazing. You came to planet earth to be great. All of you came here to live large to play extraordinary not small. So go out into this world, shine your light bright, and never dampen your sparkle for anyone. Stand in your power, live in your power, be your power, speak your truth, live your truth, be your truth. You’re a beacon of light and the world needs you to shine so you can wake up and activate those divine sparks of joy in your fellow human family. It’s all love baby.
Remember to check out our website We’ve got hundreds of guided meditations just like this, light language transmissions, yoga routines, ascension recipes, light codes to trigger and activate your right brain, your third eye. We’ve got the best ascension tools on the planet. So, go and check it out and please share this video with your friends and your family. Share it with your loved ones. The world needs to heal, we all need a little bit of healing.
Wherever you are on this planet go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. I love you; I respect you; I honour you. Thank you for choosing to be on earth in this time. I’ll see you again real soon.
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