As modern science probes deeper into human DNA and the emerging science of epigenetics, it is becoming clearer that there is more to you than the sum of your physical parts. Your priorities in life change as you develop a spiritual outlook on life.
You can upgrade your DNA and access your true potential so that you can embody your higher self in your day-to-day life. Would you like to tap into your DNA and become superhuman? Continue reading to discover how to activate your DNA and unlock your hidden potential.
DNA is activated when your body, mind and soul are aligned, and you are open to becoming who you were designed to be. This is your birth right, to awaken from society’s false programming and social conditioning and be unstoppable in life, becoming a beacon of light as you speak your truth to all those around you.
Your DNA is the blueprint for your physical characteristics, and for your physical and mental functioning through life. When you clear the things that are blocking you or stopping you being you in life, you will start to access the potential which lies within your spiritual DNA. Your spiritual DNA remains dormant until it is activated through spiritual practice or triggered by events in your life. You then awaken to being a human being who is a spiritual being, a soul, having a human experience in a physical body.
DNA activation switches on your light body and accelerates your awakening and ascension. Light codes and light language emanating from source and from highly advanced intelligent beings will activate your dormant DNA and accelerate your spiritual progress on Earth.
Your human brain is unique, and it is one of the fastest processors of information in the universe. Your brain calculates around 38 quadrillion calculations per second. This is a hell of a lot more than your personal computer which runs at between one and five billion calculations each second.
According to geneticists, you only use about 3% of your DNA with the remaining 97% of DNA considered as junk DNA which they consider the remnants or remains of evolutionary dead alleys. In fact, vast quantities of information are stored in the double helix of the DNA molecule. Much of the data in ‘junk DNA’ is encoded with information and light codes and is not junk at all. In fact, your DNA is embedded with distinct information and activation codes for your ascension.
When your DNA is activated, you can access an additional DNA template that is contained within you. This is the 12-strand ascension DNA which can be activated via the so-called ‘junk DNA’ acting like keys which allow high frequency light codes, light language, and divine activation energy to accelerate your ascension process. Multi-strand DNA does exist in nature, and recently, a team of molecular biologists have discovered 3 and 4 stranded G-quadruplex DNA structures in telomeric regions which may hold the key to new treatments for cancer.
The new science of epigenetics is the study of your behaviour and your interaction with the environment which can alter the way that your genes work. Epigenetics looks at the physical changes which are related to gene expression such as when a certain gene is active or whether certain proteins are created. Epigenetic changes do not change the sequence of genes in your underlying DNA.
Whilst genetic changes cannot normally be reversed, epigenetic changes are reversible. Also, they will not alter your DNA sequence. Instead, they alter the way that your body reads a sequence of DNA, such as when your DNA is activated by biophotons and light language activations for DNA repair and energy healing.
You can improve the functioning of your body and your genes by eating healthy food, exercising, and meditating regularly and engaging in energy healing. Living a healthy life allows your body to regenerate, heal, and repair, so it can let in a greater amount or percentage of high frequency light and information in the form of light codes and light language, and facilitate major activations and upgrades for your body, light body, and your mind too.
You can activate your dormant genes by using DNA healing frequencies with musical frequencies and energy healing. Some sound frequencies have profound effects on the health of your cells and on your brain function. Specific solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats can help your body to heal itself and regenerate as well as activating dormant DNA. The healing and rejuvenation effect that you experience can be enhanced when you combine healing music with energy healing, such as Reiki. Singing or listening to light code activations also work for activating your DNA and speeding up your ascension journey.
Binaural beats use the theta wavelength of sound. This is an energy healing frequency which is very beneficial for your body and mind. The frequency ranges from 4 to 8 Hertz (Hz) which is the frequency that your brain uses for deep relaxation and spiritual meditation. The 528Hz Solfeggio frequency is frequently used for tuning musical instruments because it has many benefits for your body and mind. These sound waves have a significant impact on your cells at the molecular level. For example, it has been shown that combinations of sound waves, when played or sung, when finely tuned to specific frequencies can destroy cancer cells. Also, chrysanthemums were used by another research group show showed that RNA synthesis can be speeded up with a specific blends of sound frequencies.
Gregorian chants use the 528Hz frequency. Researchers used DNA samples that they exposed to Gregorian chants at 528Hz and Solfeggio harmonics. An increased absorption of UV light was observed when compared to DNA samples that were exposed to other sound frequencies and music. This increase in light absorption is known as hyperchromicity. This is when DNA strands separate and unravel to allow new bonds to form in DNA chains and crystal structures. Hyperchromicity also allows your cells can absorb more biophotons.
Your human potential for love, creativity, mathematics, and self-expression is limitless. It far exceeds your daily output at work, home, and play. There are over 8 billion people living on this world and some are born with natural talents including autistic savants, prodigies, and virtuosos. Your innate potential lies inside the cells of your body, and your creative mind is capable of processing far more than you can imagine.
You and everyone else living on Earth can work miracles on this world once you are free of the controlling and conditioning of others. You will have time to expand and evolve by freeing your mind from these constraints and living a life that is based on authenticity and love. Then you can elevate your frequency further by engaging in regular daily spiritual practice and focusing on your own ascension and the ascension of planet Earth.
Our pioneering knowledge of genetics and epigenetics expands as our knowledge and technology advances. We are discovering more about human genetic sequencing and DNA structure and content. Whilst genetic science is still in its infancy it is apparent that there are many more secrets hiding in your DNA. Unlock more of your DNA’s potential and raise your vibration through meditation, energy healing, and receiving light language transmissions. So, open you heart and allow the light codes and healing to work their magic.
Discover DNA activation technology and accelerate your spiritual growth and ascension by trying out Star Magic healing at Here you can further explore energy healing with many powerful ascension tools that will increase your vibration, expand your consciousness, and reunite you with your soul.
Take advantage of our free 7-day trial of Infinity where you can test drive our suite of amazing ascension tools for free right now. We also run four levels of energy healing training called facilitator training which will transform your world in the most magical way.
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