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“Dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, tryptamine. You can tap all these chemicals that are naturally available inside of your body just by taking care of yourself. All you’ve got to do is take care of yourself and you can start to tap this.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? How are you feeling? Feel it in here baby, in your heart, in your body. I’m not asking you how you are. I don’t want one of those mundane automatic responses. I want you to go into yourself and feel yourself and see where you’re at right now. Your feelings are a great gauge. Now you know we’re on a crazy planet right now. Everything’s getting chaotic even more so.
You’ve just got to look around this planet. It’s wild, we’re living in a movie baby. It’s a real-life movie and it’s going to get crazier. It’s going to get crazier these next couple of months. There’s some massive energy upgrades happening in October and we’re actually preparing a quantum bridge at the moment through a team that we’ve got working in the background ready for a huge global meditation that’s going to take place on the 24th of this month which is to install a quantum rainbow bridge from 3D to 5D to help more people step across into that higher frequency band easier so we can get into this higher dimensional space and actually live from a higher hertz frequency now.
The darker side they’re throwing all their toys at the pram now, they’re throwing everything at us, laser weaponry causing fires. The world’s gone nuts, baby. There are so many crazy things happening. I mean even people that I know like one of my clients sent me a message a couple of days ago and said Jerry please send me your address. I’d like to send you a mask like this real kind of like crazy strong like high protection mask not those kinds of nappy things that people are wearing but this real kind of like it was like a bulletproof mask man that they’re wearing in Asia, and I started to type the message back. Are you bonkers, are you crazy. You think I’d wear a mask and I was like nah just don’t even respond. Just send us some love baby like these are people that are on their spiritual journey.
There’s some mad stuff happening on this planet now, you know, there’s some mad stuff. I mean there’s all the children stuff and you know the covered stuff and it’s just bonkers, bonkers, and they’ve changed the laws and all that in England again over this last week and they’re changing them again next week. So, this is why you’ve got to use your own physical body to its maximum potential, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin they’re more tryptamine. You can tap all these chemicals that are naturally available inside of your body just by taking care of yourself. All you’ve got to do is take care of yourself and you can start to tap this stuff. Dopamine, it’s the rewards chemical. When we achieve something, we spike our dopamine levels in our brain, and we feel great.
One thing that I always say to people is why don’t you set yourself five small outcomes every day, five small little things. It could be eating a piece of fruit, reading some of your favourite book. It could be going for a walk, it could be helping an old lady across the world, whatever you want. Five little things that you can achieve and accomplish in the day and if you achieve them or when you achieve them and then you go to bed at night-time, you feel like you’ve accomplished, and the dopamine levels spike and you get more confidence and you feel good about yourself. Then you wake up the next morning you do the same thing again and over the course of the week you perform 35 little tasks, 35 little goals, 35 little outcomes. Over a month that’s 140, over the space of a year as 1 680 steps in the direction of your dreams. Releasing all those chemicals you’re going to feel amazing, but you can start that chemical trigger today by going and doing five small things or three small things. Just set three small goals. Make it easy for yourself and then build and build this chemical inside your body waiting to be tapped so tap it.
Oxytocin, the love hormone, the trust hormone. When you hug another human being, oxytocin levels are spiked in your body, and you feel good baby. When you give someone a compliment when, you are kind to someone, oxytocin levels are rising. When you play with your dog and hug your dog or play with your cat or hug your horse whatever it is your oxytocin levels they’re going up. Your heart’s open those chemicals are being released. So go out and start hugging people especially those with masks on. They really need a hug and whatever response you get just love them, but offer them a hug, okay. If they won’t give you a hug stand six feet away and give them a big virtual hug and say I love you sister, I love you brother.
Serotonin, the mood stabilizer. When you meditate, when you swim, when you go out and you connect with the trees, when you go out and get sunlight, you start to release serotonin. When you exercise you release serotonin. All these things are available to you, and they don’t cost you anything. So why beautiful soul would you not do them, why would you not complete a few small little tasks every day and spike the dopamine levels. Get that love hormone, the trust hormone, the oxytocin flowing by a simple hug or playing with a furry little friend or being kind to someone. Go and meditate, get out into nature, get some sunlight exercise, go for a jog, a nice brisk walk. Get those serotonin levels spiked up in your body.
Then you’ve got endorphins, the painkiller, but it can make you feel good baby. Laughter, essential oils, dark chocolate, exercise again. These things ramp up your endorphins and spike that chemical in your body. When you start doing all four of them every single day you activate the most powerful pharmaceutical company in the whole universe, your physical body, and you’re the CEO of this pharmaceutical company. So why don’t you start getting high on your own supply. Seriously beautiful soul these drugs are available to you and remember there’s always a bit of life you know. I’ve got my lines of life in front of me right here racking them up. Life is so powerful; life is in the empty space. Even Alana likes to sniff a little bit of life don’t you Alana? She loves a little bit of life so you should be snorting a little bit of life too, breathing it into your body.
DMT naturally found in your spinal fluid, naturally found in your lungs through deep breathing whether it’s fire breathing, holotropic breathing. There are so many different types of breath work. When you breathe deeply you release that DMT inside your brain, inside your body, and you can have hallucinogenic experiences. You can tap your lymphatic system; you can tap your DNA. You switch on your central nervous system and again spike more chemicals in your body the chemicals in your body that are available. You are amazing. You don’t need cocaine, you don’t need ecstasy, you don’t need alcohol, you don’t need marijuana. You got it all inside of you. It’s all there but you must tap it. I can’t make you tap it; I can’t make you go and do these things but sitting a few outcomes, hugging a couple of people every day, playing with your animals, a bit of exercise, it’s not too much to ask.
Essential oils, someone put me on to young living recently. Those essential oils I’ve never been one for smelly things, but I bought loads of them, a whole selection. I drink them they send your vibration up okay and you can put them on your hands, you can breathe them in. Essential oils are so beautiful. Anyway, you know what you’ve got to do. We’re living in a crazy world, and you have all this stuff accessible right now. You don’t have to wait to tap these chemicals. They’re available right now, beautiful soul. It’s down to you to make the decision whether you’re going to tap them and use them and utilize them and make yourself feel amazing or not. Even if you’re stuck in your home, if you’re bowing down to the rules and the regulations of quarantine and all those mad behaviours, these chemicals are inside of you. No one can take this stuff away from you.
If you need a little bit of guidance on all the different components and how to tap them, you should go to our website We got meditations we’ve got light language, we’ve got yoga, we’ve got high vibrational food recipes, we’ve got all the things inside our website or on our website that can help you do all this stuff. It’s all there laid out for you. So why don’t you go and check it out. Check out our members section, Infinity for seven days free. If you like it, you continue. If you don’t adios and I’ll still love you anyway, beautiful soul.
We’re living in crazy times. I look around this world and think I can’t believe this stuff is going on. I don’t think I’d see this, but I am and I’m loving it because this system this matrix is crumbling and breaking down and we have a magical opportunity to birth the new worlds. So, what right now whilst the chaos is ensuing and unfolding. Do your inner work, do your meditation, do your yoga, do your qigong, do your light language, hug the trees, set yourself a few small goals. Go out and hug your sisters and brothers and let’s make this world a much better place. Teamwork is the key tribe work baby, we are a human family, one love, one heart, one human family, one frequency, one cause connected by an underlying source that can’t separate us.
Black, white, rich, poor, young, old, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Jamaican, Jewish, Australian, Kiwis from New Zealand, French People, Spanish people. They’re just labels, baby. I don’t give a f*** where you’re from. You’re a child of the universe and I love you as my sister or brother. You bleed just like I do. You’ve got a nose, eyes, a tongue tooth hands just like me. With a same we’re the same don’t let anyone tell you any different and don’t let anyone ever tell you that you aren’t the power because that there’s nothing outside of you that can make you any better than you already are. It’s all inside of your cosmic heart. It’s lying inside of your body.
You are the truth, you are the sovereign, you are the free. So, exercise your rights, beautiful soul, and I will see you again very soon. Go out into this world, hug your sisters and brothers tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. Never ever, ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website We’ve got the best ascension tools on the planet.
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