In this video, I share a powerful exercise for activating DMT and your pineal gland. Activate your third eye fast. Activate the stargate inside of your head and your life will never be the same again. This simple breathing technique will transform your world in 10 minutes. Its time to expand your consciousness and see into the spirit world.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right in there, beautiful soul?
Okay, so I want to share with you a technique today and this is a very short, sweet, simple but powerful technique to activate your third eye, your pineal gland. The reason I want to share with you this exercise to activate what some people call the seat of the soul which is really a transducer. It is an antenna that receives information from the quantum fields and helps you dissect this information from the geometrical nature of the universe and make it more understandable by the human brain. We pick up geometrical code, colours, fractals, and they quite often seem just like a whole heap of nonsense to most people or to the left brain which most of us predominantly use.
When you activate your pineal gland, these tiny little crystals inside that pinecone in the centre of your brain and back slightly, it gives you access to a whole different way, a whole different perspective, of observing the universal fields, the quantum space. Now so many people in this world judge, so many people see themselves as separate from everybody else. Once your pineal gland is activated and you start to see the beauty in the magic, you become in awe of what this world is really like and what this universe has to offer. I remember about three years ago when I got a phone call from my wife at the time, my ex-wife now, and she told me that she’d met another guy on her travels, and it blew me to pieces. This whole story is a long story but to cut the story short, when she told me this information, I was Avebury in England at the stone circles meditating and I went down there on this day because I was guided to. I had no plans to go there.
When I got there, I met these two girls, one of them had been on facilitator training and she told me she had some DMT. Now it’s quite interesting that I met this girl. She was there with some DMT at the stone circles the same day that I went there and the same day my life my wife ex-wife was going to break the news to me that it was over. So, I hear this news. I cry my heart out. I’m doing my meditation and I’m connecting and I’m doing what I’m doing on the stones, and I don’t make this girl a friend afterwards, and I smoked DMT for the first time in my life. I’ve just had this experience where I’ve been dropped on my head from a great height, I’m judging her, my ex-wife, all this sort of stuff you know. This hatred coming out there’s anger coming at all this stuff. I feel rejected. Then I smoked DMT.
Now what this DMT did is it opened me up, it opened my brain. Now I’ve had many psychedelic experiences, I’ve taken all the drugs under this sun in my past, and I’ve had these kinds of euphoric experiences before, but DMT shot me through into a space where I died. Terence Mckenna called DMT ‘death by astonishment’ when you smoke DMT, and you take a powerful hit of it, it sends you through to the other side and you become that space of nothing, nothing. Now I’ve experienced this on meditation myself but when you smoke DMT it fires you through so quickly the experience that you have when you’re in those fractals, when you’re bouncing on those waves of geometry, of colour, you realize that everything in this world is the same, and when I was lying there on the grass by these stones looking up at the sky I saw the most amazing spectacle of geometrical code and I could see that there was no separation between anything in the universe and at that time I thought how could I possibly be upset with my ex-wife. How could that, how could I possibly be angry at her, because it was just, I was in bliss and having this experience straight after she told me that it was over was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because I went from this one extreme of anger and rejection and all these low vibrational frequencies you know.
I was purging these deep emotions into a state of completing that bliss where I just loved everything including her because I didn’t see her as someone that had just cheated on me. I just sort of saw her as light, as frequency, as data, as information, the same as everything else in this world. Now I’ve had these experiences before this but having this experience just after being told that your wife has slept with another man, and it’s over 16 years of marriage, it was a crazy experience to be in both of those polar opposites at the same time within the space of 20 minutes, 30 minutes. It really was magical.
No, the reason I’m sharing this with you is because you can tap into these DMT experiences by activating the natural DMT in your body. You don’t need to smoke it although smoking it is something that I recommend everyone should try once, the same as ayahuasca, the same as mushrooms, okay. These things aren’t bad, these things aren’t poisonous, these things aren’t destructive. They can be if you use them in the wrong way but if you use them sensibly in the right environments, they can open you up to new depths of consciousness and that’s what it’s about, expanding and experiencing more of who you are, more of what the universe has to offer. Really and truthfully, that is what you have to offer because you are the universe. So, when you follow a certain process, you can stimulate your pineal gland in the right way. You can create the right amount of pressure using the right breathing techniques bringing in the right light frequencies and what you can do is have a full DMT experience. I’ve taken people into meditation experiences many times and taken them into the jungle where they’ve drunk ayahuasca only in their meditation and people that have taken ayahuasca 30 times, 40 times, 50 times, have the better ayahuasca experiences in my meditations than taking the real thing.
You’ve just got to follow the right formula in the right process. Now I haven’t got time right now to take you through a full ayahuasca DMT meditation experience but what I am going to do is share you share with you a very simple fast quick and easy technique that will help you if you practice this daily. When you practice this daily activate the di-methyl-tryptamine in your brain as well as activate other things like benzodiazepine to make you calmer. There are various agents that you can put to work when you focus your energy in your attention on your pineal gland, anti-cancer, anti-aging, you can stimulate stem cell growth. The list is endless. What I want you to do is this, and I want you to practice this every day just for 10 minutes.
I want you to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart slight bent in your knees just to take the pressure out of your lower back and I want you to squeeze your genitals, your buttocks, your perineum, and your stomach. Squeeze all this area and I want you to focus on Mother Earth’s Merkabah down in the centre of the planet and I want you to see a platinum light flow from her bottom tetrahedron up into your perineum, the space between your vagina and your anus, or your penis and your anus. See that frequency flow up into that space and then what I want you to do is to take a nice long slow deep breath with all of this squeezed and draw that platinum light up through your spinal column to the base of your brain where this frequency is going to connect with your cranial nerves. your 12 cranial nerves, and they’re going to send electromagnetic frequencies pulses into your pineal gland. Now with all of this squeezed you’re also going to push cerebral spinal fluid up through your central nervous system, up through your spinal column into the same space.
Now as you pour this light up with all of this squeezed, I want you to follow this light with your attention up into the centre of your brain and back slightly. Once your attention gets up here, I want you to hold your breath for 13 seconds. Once you’ve held your breath for 13 seconds, I want you to let the breath out slowly, release all this count to 3 and then squeeze and go again. You’re going to do this for 10 minutes non-stop, so it goes like this. You focus on Mother Earth’s Merkabah. You pull draw that light up into your perineum down in here. All of this is squeezed. Now we’re going to breathe and as I breathe my attention is going to be on my breath and the lights coming up into my pioneer gland. Hold for 13 seconds at the top, let it out slowly, release the squeeze. One, two, three, squeeze again. Pull it up for 13 seconds. Let it out slow. You’re going to repeat that for ten minutes.
Now what is happening is you’re resurrecting yourself. People talk about the resurrection in the Bible. Now this is nothing to do with anything religious, but these are just metaphors. Your spinal column has 33 vertebrae, Jacob’s Ladder, your 12 cranial nerves are the 12 disciples. So, this fluid, this cerebral spinal fluid along with the lights has been pulled up through your central nervous system connecting to the 12 disciples which then resurrect you which is the trigger in the awakening of your pineal gland. Now as you do this regularly, you can move into a full Kundalini experience where this energy is shooting from your perineum up into your brain and the DMT is spiked and you can have the most amazing fractal experiences, geometrical experiences. Do this for 10 minutes every day the first thing you do every single morning and I guarantee things are going to change. You’re going to be so much more calmer, you’re going to be so much more alert, aware in a conscious state of awareness and you’re going to be tapped in because as you’re pulling the lights up and as you’re pulling the breath up and as you’re pulling the cerebral spinal fluid up and then you focus all of your attention in the centre of your brain and back slightly where your pineal gland is you create pressure, a pressure around your pineal gland.
You squeeze it, you’re pressurizing the crystals. These crystals that have eight sides, these octahedrons, okay, inside that tiny little pinecone in the centre of your brain and back slightly. It squeezes them. Then as you release it, the field expands. Then you go again, and you squeeze it in. The field expands, you’re activating, this antenna that goes out and starts to read the quantum fields, the information, the data, then flows back in and your pineal gland starts to read this information and then you start to understand it and the more you practice this the better you become at it. If you will have your own resurrection, resurrect yourself from this sleeping-waking dead state of a 3D reality and move into the quantum field and become your own quantum architect so you can create the reality that you want in the present moment. Right now, you need to activate this amazing stargate in the centre of your head. It will give you access to layers upon layers upon layers of frequency, information, and data, and your life will never be the same again. So, you’re connecting with Mother Earth’s Merkabah, you’re drawing that platinum light from the bottom tetrahedron into your perineum, you’re squeezing your genitals, your perineum, your buttocks, your stomach. You’re then pulling in that light following the breath and the light up in here. Hold in for 13 seconds, let it out, rest for 3 seconds, and squeeze and go again.
Ten minutes, beautiful soul, every day. People want change without work. That isn’t possible. If you want to self-heal you’ve got to put in a little bit of effort, maintenance, and expansion, not achieve some, think, rest on your laurels, and then start to slide backwards. None of that. This is star magic baby. It’s more than just a healing modality. It’s a lifestyle. We live it, we breathe it, we eat it, we sleep it. Star magic is what we are. It’s what you are, and I love you unconditionally. This is one powerful technique to stimulate this incredible stargate. do you want to do the work, or do you want to sit on your ass praying to Jesus that one day he will be resurrected and come back and save you. That isn’t happening beautiful soul. You’re the resurrection, you’re the power is to all about you it’s not about me. We can only resurrect ourselves from the beds, from that sleeping, waking, mundane state which a lot of the sheeple on this planet are in. But that’s not you. Lead by example, be the inspiration that this world needs. Get off your butt, do the work, do this every single morning, and I guarantee you miracles are going to start to flow through your reality.
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. If you’re watching this on YouTube please subscribe, if you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our sisters and our brothers and let’s transform humanity. Together we can make a real difference. We can have a massive impact with sisters and brothers. Let’s work together. Check out our website We’ve got some amazing tools for you to engage with. One love, one heart, one human family. I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul. Peace out.
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