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“Everything around you is simply mirroring back to you, how you are internally. It’s all a reflection of what’s happening inside of you. You can’t change the mirror. The mirror is you; the mirror is me; the mirror is every other human being on this planet.”
So, let’s talk about the mirror. You know, the unconscious human being attacks the mirror, and the conscious human being loves the mirror, because they realize that the mirror can help them better understand themselves. What is the mirror? The mirror is you; the mirror is me; the mirror is every other human being on this planet. When you encounter other human beings, and you’re living from that state of flow and presence, you start to see and feel and realize that everything around you is simply mirroring back to you, how you are internally and it’s not always human beings. It’s sometimes the space around us, it’s certain events that unfold, certain things that other groups of people are doing. It’s all a reflection of what’s happening inside of you.
When someone acts in a certain way, you might not like it, but I guarantee you they’re showing you something about yourself, or maybe they’re showing you a part of you that you used to be like, and now you can see how much you’ve grown. But these mirrors, they reveal so much truth, but quite often the truth is hard to see, the truth is hard to accept, the truth is hard to feel. We’ve all been there, myself included. I know you have too. Most unconscious human beings attack the mirror because they can’t take self-responsibility, they can’t accept responsibility, they can’t accept the fact that they’re the fact that it’s up to them to change, to change everything else. When you change, the mirror changes because the mirror is only a reflection. You can’t change the mirror. It’s impossible because the mirror doesn’t actually exist.
It is a reflection, and so when you change, anything that you reflect off of will change. Nothing is stuck, nothing is stagnant. Energy is always on the move, always on the flow, moving into form and out of form. You can’t kill or destroy energy, just like you can’t create more energy. You can only utilize the energy that’s there, and it’s everywhere. If you’re an angry human being, other human beings are going to show anger. They’ll be angry towards you; they’ll be angry towards other situations that you’re observing. You might be in a queue in the bank or a shop or a store somewhere, and you see there’s another queue with another human being and they get frustrated, a bit jittery, a bit irate, because the queue’s taken so long. If you notice that, they’re just demonstrating to you the patience that you don’t have either. If they start to get angry, they’re showing you the anger that’s in yourself.
Quite often when you speak to other people and you’re giving other people advice, it’s advice that you need to listen to too. And that human being has come into your life to allow you to give them that piece of advice, so it can reverberate off of the mirror and back into your space, so you can hear it yourself and you can self-reflect upon that. These mirrors work in so many mysterious and wonderful ways, but the thing is, unless you’re present, which is the best present you can give yourself, these mirrors are just going to be painful. Like when you get a fork, or a knife and you scrape the plate, or you scrape the blackboard. Those sounds, they cut through you. It’s not nice. It’s unpleasant and when most people look into the mirrors of life, it feels unpleasant. They don’t like it.
Or if they see people acting in a certain manner, within a certain way, quite often what people do is they judge and they blame and say, “Look, that human being’s this, look, that human being’s that”, instead of saying, “Oh my gosh, thank you so much. You are showing me exactly how I am right now. Thank you, give me a big hug. I love you so much. I’m in love with you. I love you so much. I’m in deep awe and deep gratitude of this experience because you are helping me mould myself into a better human being so I can be of service to humanity, so I can transmute these trimmers, so I can shift this toxicity, so I can eradicate and heal this pain because right now I’m looking through rose-tinted glasses and observing the world through the lens of my own pain, and this is causing me trouble and pain and strife.” Most people, it takes a long time and difficult situations and trials and tribulations and a lot of beating down and getting back up to get to this point where people can see from this level of consciousness. It took me years, a long time.
It takes a lot of people a long time. Some people catch on a lot quicker, and they realize, and they take that deep dive into their cosmic heart faster. They change their code. They shift their frequency. They raise their vibration. Their levels of consciousness expand at a greater rate, and they start to see the world for what it is. Magic. I’m a sucker for magic. I love magic and I search for magic. I seek out magic, but I know that the only way I’m going to hunt down and seek out and search out this magic is by being still enough to experience it because by hunting it down and seeking out and searching out, you’re never going to find it because it isn’t something you can seek. It isn’t something you can search. It isn’t something you can find. It’s something that you experience 24-7-365. When you are cool, calm, and collected, present and living life and being in an observational state of consciousness where everything is completely and utterly still and you’re moving within the is-ness of no time, experiencing space without distance, being in acceptance with no judgment.
That’s when the mirrors come alive, and you get to welcome them with a great big open heart and see and feel everything they’re offering to you. The more you’re grateful for those mirrors, the more those mirrors will offer you. But when you want to get a hammer and smash that mirror, those mirrors are going to become even more potent in a way that pokes and prods your consciousness and really annoys you. Yep. You choose how the mirrors work. You choose how the mirrors reflect. You choose how the knowledge flows because you are the co-creator of your own universe. You’re magical and there are magical moments everywhere, waiting for you to see them, feel them, and experience them.
So, get present, breathe deeply, meditate, do your qigong, exercise, eat clean, sleep earlier, get up earlier, recalibrate your body, recode your DNA, activate your pineal gland. Do everything necessary to become the very best version of you and day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, you will blow your own mind. You will blow it to smithereens. You will be in awe of who and what you truly are at the core of your being.
I love you, beautiful soul. Welcome the mirrors. Be grateful to them. Be loved. Be joy. Be kindness. Be truth. Be wisdom. Be playful like a little child because little kids, they love looking in the mirror, pulling funny faces, making themselves love. You can have that kind of fun in the mirror too. So, wherever you are on planet earth, go out and live. Go out and thrive. Go out and experience everything there is to experience and let that magic rise from within your own heart, that Stargate in your chest that gives you access to everything, 24-7-365. Freedom baby.
Remember to check out our website. We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet that will help you raise your vibration, expand your consciousness and be the very best version of you that you can possibly muster, create, bring to the surface from the depths of your consciousness from your own DNA code. You’re an alchemist, you’re an architect, powerful beyond measure. Go and check out the tools at You can get access right now for seven days free. All of the meditations, light language transmissions, yoga videos, master classes on many different topics.
There are private telegram groups who can connect with souls who are on the same mission as you, who think like you do, feel like you do, have the same life purpose and soul purpose as you do – to be of service to humanity. Go out and shine your light, speak your truth, and remember, don’t ‘give a fuck’ because when you don’t ‘give a fuck,’ you’re going to set yourself free in ways that you never thought possible.
I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul, and remember if you want to train in the most powerful energy healing modality on earth, go and take Facilitator Training. The info is on the website, Go and check it out. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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