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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul?
So, I wanted to share this message and answer a question that a lot of people are asking now just to let you know you’re not going crazy okay. It’s about like dimensional bleeding and what is happening in people’s realities and consciousness and what they’re experiencing. You know a lot of people are writing into star magic now and asking, “I’m seeing this” and “I’m experiencing that”. People are seeing things at the corner of their eye, or they look up and they might see like a glimpse of something like structure, or they feel that there’s a human or some other being walking across the space towards them and they look and then they’re not there. It’s happening a lot to a lot of people and people are wondering like what it is.
It’s simple. Now the frequency on the planet is changing. Your frequency is changing, the frequency of the sun and our celestial sisters and brothers are changing. Everything external from you as a soul, as a human being, reflects your inner workings. Now if you’re in a low vibrational state then the world, the universe, is going to reflect that back to you through other people’s situations, circumstances, and events. If you’re in a situation where you’re on a high vibration then the universe is also going to mirror that back to you through people, situations, circumstances, and events. You know things are getting brighter, they’re also getting dimmer for some people because people’s vibrations are dipping and going down.
We’re all playing out different incarnations. We’re all fragments of the same source ultimately and so we’re all connected but we all branch off and do different things and have different experiences. Frequency and vibration are ultimately the driving force that dictates our realities and what we perceive, and when you’re shining brightly and when you’re really happy and you’re on a great vibration, the universe mirrors that back to you. When you’re angry and you’re annoyed and/or you’re hurt or you’re feeling rejected or jealous or whatever it is, and you’re on a lower vibration, the universe is going to bring more of that stuff to your doorstep. It’s just going to mirror that back to you.
Quite often when we see things in other people, we blame them and judge them. But really, they’re doing us a favour because they’re showing us how we are internally. So, we should be grateful whether they’re showing us positive things or negative things. When people turn up in our lives and they’re full of joy and they’re expressing magic we often say, “oh man your vibration’s great you know it’s awesome to be around you”, but they’re just reflecting to what you are, so you know they feel the same about you. Now there’s other people that might turn up in your life and they’re on a low vibration or you know they’re emanating anger or they’re emanating sadness or whatever. It may be now there’s a twofold thing happening here because it may be that they’re reflecting to you how you truly are, or it may be that you’ve just bumped into someone on a low vibration and if that bothers you then obviously, they’re pushing your triggers and buttons and giving you an opportunity to integrate that piece of you. At the flip side of the coin, they could just be mirroring back to you how you are, so you must be self-aware in every single situation.
Now as we move through life now because our frequencies are elevating, we’re starting to experience so much more stuff like we did a deep in space ayahuasca retreat a couple of weeks. You could smell the aromas of other dimensional spaces, you could smell flowers, you could smell sense, you could smell different things. You could smell other tribes; you could smell all sorts of different things when you’re in like a high vibrational retreat space that we create with star magic. The frequency is so high, and you tap into the multi-dimensional playing fields so simply, and fluently, and effectively. We raise our vibration out of a retreat space. The same thing can happen. you could be walking down the road. Suddenly you smell roses or tulips or perfume or you might smell fire or flames or smoke or whatever it is.
There’s another dimension bleeding through. If you look at the universe, you look at the cosmic fabric. You look at the fabric of all things like these geometrical playing fields. There is no ‘over there’ and ‘back here’, there is no ‘out there’ and ‘in here’. Everything’s just one. Everything’s super interconnected and when you go beyond this physical framework it’s easy to tap into what is beyond the veil of illusion and before it was so cloaked because we were held in this real strong prison, planet matrix. But this this this prison planet matrix is starting to fall apart. It’s starting to shatter or starting to crumble. It was fear that held it in place, it was manipulation that held it in place by keeping us in a state of consciousness where we’re always looking externally and not going in. We’re not feeling and we’re not intuitive and we’re kept away through manipulation from our kind of higher consciousness, faculties things like teleportation and telekinesis and telepathy.
If someone sends me an email, I read the email and I hear their voice even if I’ve never spoken to them before So I know if they’re a man or a woman or where they might be from in the world. It’s strange, it’s happened to me for a long time but since I’ve started my inner journey and really raised my vibration I can be in a supermarket and hear people’s thoughts. You just know these things. You know I flew from home, from the UK to Romania yesterday, and I was still on the plane, and I turned my phone on like you know about 15 minutes out from landing, and I spoke to my girlfriend, and she told me that there was this certain piece of paperwork that i needed to get through and I didn’t have it on me. So, she created it for me and sent it through to my phone and she said to me like when I landed. She was walking out the house this morning and she was told to take her laptop she didn’t need a laptop, but she was told to take it and it was because the universe knew that she was going to have to create this bit of paperwork for me. Like all of these, they seem like subtle little things but we’re getting more and more tapped in and if we can just be in that present state of awareness, we can feel our way through life and we actually get all of the knowledge and the information that we need to carry ourselves through every single day we get information and knowledge about things that are coming up in the next few weeks and months etc. Now that can change because we can make different choices but that ultimately gain is governed by our frequency. Our choices are governed by our frequency.
Regarding seeing things in the empty space that aren’t there it’s not that they aren’t there they are there it’s just that you’ve had a cloak of frequency of energy that has stopped you seeing the truth. There are lots of beings in this space right now in this this this this space behind me there are beings there are buildings there are other realities taking place in the same space in the quantum and from time to time you experience this stuff, and it can be a shock to some people. For those of you that know the game and know how reality works and it’s not a shock but for some people it is a lot of people are asking am I going nuts right now there are a lot of people right now that are forgetting what they forget and why they walked into a room, they’re forgetting they wake up in the morning, and they have a thought let’s go and do this and they walk into the next room and they go somewhere else and they forget it, like two seconds later, five seconds later, 20 seconds later. Those thoughts of this are just disappearing. Why is that? It’s because they’re not really that important. It’s that simple. What is important is right now and what you thought 20 seconds ago may not be relevant right now. Maybe it is and if it is you’ll get the recall to pop back into you into your consciousness.
We’re changing rapidly and you know on that note if you look at the world around us that’s going a bit crazy right now. Is it really going crazy? Maybe consciousness is exploding so fast and this kind of matrix that we’ve been accustomed to for so long it can’t keep up with the frequency. So, it’s crumbling and so the malevolent forces are throwing the whole nine yards and the whole kitchen sink at us as much fear as possible to try and hold this thing in place, but you just can’t stop this explosion of consciousness. It’s flowering like a magical garden and people are waking up and expressing and expanding and realizing the truth. Pineal glands are popping open activating right brains are switching on old neural pathways are reactivating, recalibrating. We’re stepping back into our formidable superhuman power, and this is beautiful, and people are experiencing this in so many ways. As I said like our celestial sisters and brothers up there you know planets moons stars, they’re all expanding too because as consciousness expands within our human family. It expands with us in our galactic family, it expands within our celestial family, and mother earth is also expressing new forms and streams of geometry too.
It’s beautiful, it’s so beautiful and what we’ve got to do is realize that we came here for this. We’ve done this before. So, let’s just go with the flow and run with it and allow ourselves to be the expression of divinity that we are. We’re pure magic, we’re pure magic. We are unfuck-withable beings, we’re geometry, we’re mathematics, we’re light. Okay, within these kind of avatar vessels that we get to interface with other human beings with on planet earth and we’re so lucky and so blessed to be here. It’s been snowing in Romania and it’s so beautiful to go out and witness the trees, the bare trees, with minimal leaves and lots of snow. It’s just so pretty and beautiful. If I wasn’t in this physical avatar self, I wouldn’t be able to feel the cold. I wouldn’t be able to feel the cool breeze against my face. I wouldn’t be able to experience and smell the trees and the magic in this open space right now in the woods. Inside we’ve got a fire burning. When I walked in last night we arrived later about midnight. Smell that fire burning in the room. What a blessing to smell that smoke.
You don’t get to do that when you’re spirit you don’t get to taste amazing foods when you’re light, but in this body we do. So, let’s start enjoying it. Let’s not tip into fear because we see some other kind of being walking through our space you could be out in the woods. You might see some pixies and fairies, that’s okay. They’re there. It’s just you couldn’t see them before. You might look up and you might see a spacecraft. It’s not that spacecraft have just started to appear and show themselves. They’ve always been there you just were on the wrong frequency, and you couldn’t perceive them, but they’ve always been there. It’s that simple. Your frequency is changing so you get into experience reality from a different perspective. So, enjoy the process, beautiful soul. You’re not going mad. You’re not going crazy. You’re just a beautiful bundle of geometry and tetrahedrons so enjoy the process
I love you so much wherever you are on this planet. Right now, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them so tightly, love them, and hug them so tightly and remember never to be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Go on express that divine magic. Remember to check out our website and our new telegram group. Connect with us daily at spiritual gangsta one. You’re amazing. Go and be phenomenal, beautiful soul.
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