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“I want to share with you a very simple exercise and this is something that I recommend you do daily, always because by connecting on this level you are going to open yourself up in the most magical way. It’s the holy grail. The search for the holy grail is not what you think.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? Feeling how are you feeling not how are you not how are you doing but how are you feeling. Let’s bring ourselves down into our bodies. We’re bouncing around up here far too much. It’s such a beautiful day to be alive on planet earth. Like all the other days every day is magical and this one is just as spectacular as all the others. Whatever is going on in your external reality it’s just a distraction from stopping you realizing the truth. This journey that we’re on we’re so blessed to be on it, to be here right now on this green and blue ball going through what we’re going through.
You are a multi-dimensional being and you are a mirror image of the earth. You are a mirror image of the stars, the ley lines, the grids, the networks, down in mother earth are inside your DNA template matrix, the stars, the celestial beings up there in space which aren’t really in space. They’re inside of you but the DNA grid, the DNA template matrix of the star systems of our galaxy, of our universe, and the universes beyond this universe all lie within you. You are a mirror image of father sky and a mirror image of mother earth. You are the divine child bringing the masculine and the feminine into equilibrium, the magnetic and the electromagnetic into harmony inside of your own body through your cosmic heart, this magical gateway that gives you access to all things. There is nothing that you can’t access through your heart, nothing. You are a wizard, a master alchemist, and your mission are the sacred union.
Your mission is to be the connector to activate yourself by being the connections between two focal points, two aspects to polaristic points of view, up, down, electromagnetic, magnetic, father, mother. You’re the ether, you’re the spirit, you’re the connection in the middle. Without you being here on planet earth things would be different. I don’t know whether you realize how important your role is here on planet earth. We are giving birth to light codes down into the planetary grids. At the same time, we’re being activated. I am you, and all are the frequencies that are coming into our local environment from off planet. They are activating us, they’re switching on our DNA matrix which contains multiverses, harmonic universes that are activated by light and vibration, by codes and the sacred union between the divine mother and the divine father through the divine child which is you father sky, mother earth, and the ether, the spirit, the source point, the centre point, the zero point is your heart space. The sacred union between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland is the sacred union of the masculine and the feminine. Those energies help you tap the infinite potential beyond the veil of illusion.
You are a multi-dimensional being playing here on this earthly playground and you did not come here to play small. Oh no beautiful soul you came here to play gigantic beyond your wildest dreams baby oh yeah. You came here to live at large in every capacity and to experience what it’s like to be human to experience what it’s like to be human and then remember you’re a multi-dimensional being and blend the two together in perfect equilibrium. Again, the centre point, the zero point, the masculine, the feminine, the father, the mother, the earth, the stars, the sky, and the ground. Without you none of this would be possible. It’s your trials and tribulations, it’s the challenges you face as a spirit in human body that make all this possible and at the same time, they’re the Achilles heel because it’s the trials and tribulations in the outside world in your external reality that keep you from finding your centre point. But once you see them as challenges, as points of growth as crossroads to higher realms, everything starts to work in your favour.
When you’re engrossed in your external reality and you’re using it to feed your ego, to get more money to become healthier, to have better relationships because all those things can make you happy, you’re in dangerous territory, beautiful soul. But when you see all these things as opportunities for your own human growth, for your own spiritual growth in a human body then things start to work in your favour. The universe comes and gives you a massive high ten and boy everything starts to open. Your heart expands, your pineal gland shoots open because those codes flowing in from our galactic souls, your friends, they trigger you and open you and expand you and give you the opportunity to raise your vibration and allow those frequencies and codes contained in the light and the vibration to expand you in multiple ways, and life is awesome.
The exercise that I want to share with you is so simple but so profound because you’re here to exercise and amplify and activate and remember that divine DNA template matrix, that tree of life matrix when Atlantis and Lemuria fell. Negative beings they came in and they infiltrated. They put programs in place, frequency fences, mind control systems, to take away your connection to that inner voice, your higher self, inner self whatever you want to call it. I prefer to use the inner voice the inner self not the higher because nothing’s higher than you but there are higher frequency bands but maybe they’re not higher. Maybe they’re inner, maybe they’re deeper. It’s so beautiful to think about it, to try and understand it, to try and understand it. There’s no point because the point is the point, the zero point the meeting point, the point of equilibrium, no question, no answer. Just being observing, feeling, allowing, and knowing beyond those belief systems where you know who you are, beautiful soul.
So, we’re here to activate the tree of life. I want you to do this exercise every day for 10 to 15 minutes. You can just close your eyes and I want you to connect to mother earth. Down in the centre of mother earth she has a Merkabah, a diamond core. She has a variety of Merkabah systems but what I want you to do is to connect to her diamond Merkabah. It’s held inside a diamond sphere right down in the earth’s core. I want you to connect with that and I want you to see a diamond light flow from the centre of mother earth’s core from her Merkabah up through the top tetrahedron, up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet, up through your root chakra, through your sacral, your solar plexus, and into your cosmic heart. I want you to invite her into you I then want you to connect to the Ophiuchus star constellation, 13th zodiac sign.
We’re supposed to have 28 days across 13 months which equals 364. The 365th day is the day out of time on the Mayan calendar. When you’ve got the 13 moons ,the 13 menstrual cycles for our divine feminine female goddess on this planet, the day out of time is the time to relax. But the old Gregorian calendar was brought in to take away that divine feminine essence and bring through the ego. But we’re here to reconnect to it, Ophiuchus number 13, the divine feminine, the divine goddess. I want you to connect to Ophiuchus. It links into your central nervous system, the electromagnetic frequencies that charge you because you are an electromagnetic being, a multi-dimensional being in a human body connecting. For you to bring it down through your crown and into your hearts once for Ophiuchus, meets mother earth’s diamond frequency.
I want you to bring your awareness into your heart and consciously allow it to flower to bloom and to expand out past the boundaries of your physical body so you’re sitting inside a diamond sphere. I want you to hold that space breathing through your nose down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth, long and slow, 10 to 15 minutes longer if you wish. Every day make it a must and you’re going to watch and feel and observe your physical body changing. Your light body’s going to change, you are going to change on so many levels. You’re going to feel this, you’re going to know this, you’re going to be activated. All you’ve got to do is tune in and simply known that you did not come to planet earth to play small, beautiful soul. You came here to be a gigantic, colossal superhuman. So, it’s time to activate the superhuman-ness that lies in your DNA.
I love you with all of me to all of you. You are incredible and I’m giving you a supersonic brotherly hug. Wherever you are on planet earth right now, I’m hugging you so tightly. My heart is open, my sister or brother. You are phenomenal. Feel this and go out into this world and play extraordinary. Dampen your sparkle for no one. There are no words to describe what you are. I just love you and I’m so grateful to be in this space sharing with you. Go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never ever, ever, ever, be the first to let go, beautiful soul. Never be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. Okay never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and remember to subscribe to this YouTube channel.
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