If you have already attended this workshop, please contact admin@starmagichealing.org for the access.
At a DNA level our potential is always unfolding, unravelling and unleashing new information.
The new age of humanity is a diamond age. A level of frequency that only those with activated Star Gate Templates can access.
Our bodily organs and our spinal column holds the genetic angelic human keys to access the correct Star Gate networks and also connect us physically and multidimensionally to the new 6D Star Gate Systems and grid networks.
At the start of this workshop, we will be opening and coding the new 6D Star Gate Structure, which is like no other current system. It’s constantly in flux and coded mathematically to stop all cross dimensional infiltration.
We are honoured to be working with a large team of higher dimensional councils to execute this work.
During this workshop, we will work with the Lyran Unicorn and Anu-Hazi Councils. They will assist us and hold space whilst Daeron, Jerry’s Higher Dimensional Lyran Self, transmits Krystalline Gold and Diamond Light Encoded Keys to activate new diamond consciousness coding and connect each soul to the 6th Dimensional Star Gate Structure.
A multifaceted space-bridge between worlds and dimensions will open and switch on in each Soul that attends.
We are in the year of 8 and the 8 code will be fully activated during this transmission.
The alchemical code that will flow through you after this transmission will open you to effortless abundance, manifestation and sovereignty as well as clear and concise decision-making processes on your soul mission.
You feel the vibration of freedom like never before.
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