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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, a quick message today about your gut. You know people say ‘listen to your gut’ instinct. Why do they say that? Because your gut is like another brain. It has intelligence. Some people say that your gut is your second brain. Some people say it’s your third brain. I mean our heart for me carries a much greater intelligence than this brain. I’d rather listen to this (heart) than this (brain). This is great for certain things. It’s powerful but for the kind of intelligence that we need to utilize to navigate our way through life and be intuitive and follow that sixth sense, our heart is much better.
We have our mesentery which is like a battery where you can store chi down in here behind your small intestine. You’ve got your gut; you’ve got all these different components of your physical anatomy that carry an intelligence and the gut is so important. You know you feel it down here when something’s wrong or when something’s right and you know which direction to take and what choices to make. If you listen to your gut or your heart. Now our gut is under attack not just our gut but our whole physical body, our emotional body, our mental, and our spiritual bodies. It’s all under attack and those attacks are becoming more constant and consistent and rife and they’re attacking us from many different angles. Weather, foods, mind control technologies, frequency technologies. There’s stuff that they’re dropping in the atmosphere, nanoparticles.
Our gut is under massive attack from parasitic forces, physical and spiritual, so my message today is to look after your body and work on your gut. Keep cleansing it, keep detoxifying. Get yourself a one litre bottle of water, empty it, put a quarter of Himalayan salt in, fill it back up with water, leave it for 24 hours and then have one to two tablespoons daily. Then keep topping the water back up. That’s great for your mineral uptake. Get Himalayan salt, lemon and water. It is great for the colon. A great colon cleanse is wormwoods black walnut, great for helping remove parasites from inside your gut.
There are so many different things that you can utilize to cleanse yourself. Apple cider vinegar is another one. Cloves and pumpkin seeds are amazing. Ginger, apples, lemon juice, are great for your gut, a great detoxifier, a great cleanser. Mother nature has everything that you need to detoxify your system, to carry out those toxins and heavy metals, parasites. You should be looking after your body. Keep your body in an alkaline state. Lots of light-based foods, plants, fruits, vegetables, are important. I’m not saying to go vegan because we’re not all built like that. You have to follow your own way of being in this world and listen to your body, but predominantly everyone should be on a plant-based nutritional program. You’ve got to look after yourself. The more you detoxify, the easier it’s going to be for you to tap into those intuitive abilities.
Make sure that you are using fluoride free toothpaste. make sure that there’s no chemicals in your deodorants, in your body wash, in your shampoo. Fluoride attacks the pineal gland. The pineal gland is so important, the pituitary gland so important. We need to keep our body clear on so many levels. Get out and sun gaze. Breathe deeply into your belly, exercise, meditate, qigong, cold showers. Drink your own urine. There are so many different things. Some of these things that I mentioned, you need to do your own research. You need to go and investigate exactly what you’ve got to do with these different components because I mean each one of them is a whole big, long video on its own. Do your research.
Fasting, intermittent fasting, every day. Minimum 18 hours. The benefits are amazing, so much more clarity, so much more energy, much better vibrancy, health. There are so many tools at your disposal, and you know the beautiful thing about these tools. They don’t cost you, either nothing or minimal amounts of money, and maybe nothing at all if you can exchange some lemons or maybe some kind of service that you’ve got for some lemons and ginger and pumpkin seeds. maybe you can give the shop owner a massage, maybe you can exchange some electrical work for some fruits and vegetables from a local farmer.
You do know what skills and tools and assets you’ve got, so use them to barter and exchange. Remember the way that we bring down their system is by not participating in it. So, make different choices, empower yourself. You are the one that must take responsibility for your life, beautiful soul, and once you make that decision to take full responsibility, to connect with that vulnerable part of yourself which is the foundation to build massive firepower. Stop hiding behind the facades.
Be who you are. Be free, be sovereign. Be authentic and from there you can build and look after this physical vessel that is the home of your soul. This reality that your soul resides and plays the game of life, look after it because no one else is going to. It’s on you, beautiful soul.
Wherever you are on this planet go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Remember, beautiful soul, to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet that will upgrade your frequency, expand your consciousness, and allow you to dive deeper into your own heart where all the answers lie, in the best way possible, and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one, and gangsta is spelt g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one.
I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Go and shine that light. Be your power. Be strong, be fierce, be love, bounce around and laugh, because laughter and high humour is the best medicine for all situations and to dismantle and transmute those parasitic shadow forces that play around in the invisible space. I’ll see you real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
Facilitator training offers freedom, possibility, expansion, wonderment. It’s magical, it’s like finding a secret garden that has always existed within you, within the world, within the universe, that we all get to connect to, and everyone is blessed to connect to anyone can do this and everyone should. It doesn’t matter who you are or what background you are.
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