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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, my message today is about being relentless. This message is about staying on point 24/7 365. If we keep banging on the door, if we keep opening our hearts and shining that powerful light, we will start to break down and transmute those frequencies from demonic entities, lower vibrational beings. We will start to split and penetrate the minds and hearts and souls of those human beings that are still asleep on this planet trying to convince people, trying to get people to see a certain way when they’ve been programmed since birth, when they’ve been programmed as a soul incarnation after incarnation, trauma locked inside their cells on a DNA level manifesting lifetime after lifetime. The program runs deep.
So, to open your mouth and to try and convince people and change people and get them to see your way it’s a real tall order but what we can do is use frequency, light, love, intention. Our energy, our heart, this world, the physical world is based on the building blocks of the quantum field. So, when we open our heart and we shine light into the world relentlessly, we start to chip away at the armour, we start to take chunks out of these impenetrable walls that are blanketing people’s minds and stopping them seeing the truth, that are locking them into this illusory world. Our lights can penetrate all things including matter because matter is 99.99999 space anyway. Geometry, code, frequency, it’s all energy.
Now the other side, they don’t take a holiday. Every day they’re relentless putting chemicals into the atmosphere, radio frequencies, radio waves, 5G, EMFs are being constantly sent out into the world. There’s crap in our foods, there’s toxicity in our water, fluoride, there is toxicity coming out of the TV, out of the radio, everywhere you look they are bombarding our consciousness, our physical fields. Also, with whatever poisons they can stream into our lives, they are relentless, they don’t stop. Demons don’t sleep. They keep going. Now, we must plug ourselves into that formidable essence, that universal fabric, that source energy frequency. When we plug into it, it will fuel us in the most remarkable way 24/7 365. It’s an infinite supply of energy. When we’re plugged in, we need less sleep, we need less rest, and we can be relentless just like them. For us to open our hearts and just to beam energy and light and love and pure divinity out into the world, it doesn’t take us any energy whatsoever. It doesn’t take us any effort because this stream is constantly flowing through us.
We are this energy. It’s what we’re made of. It doesn’t run out. It doesn’t dry up it’s just what it is that is it just is its source frequency, is energy, and we can turn on that tap and keep that tap running, and we can increase the flow by simply deciding to be connected and allow it to pump out through us. When you’re on this mission as a light worker they’ll try and take you out they try and rub you they’ll try and tell the world that you’re crazy. They’ll try and do anything to make you give up making you think is this the right thing to be doing because it’s a little bit tough. It’s not easy opening your heart and being a light worker and sharing truth and information all the time. You become a walking talking living target but that’s great. That’s just part of the game and when you know that it just deflects off you, but when you’re new to the game and you’re opening your heart and you’re coming onto this wavelength and into this paradigm and on this frequency and you’re starting to tell the truth and share, they try and knock you down and so many incredible warriors fall by the wayside at the start.
I remember when I came out and started sharing star magic there were lots of doctors that created websites about me and put there was energy coming out of my hand, they were calling me Harry Potter and a quack and all this sort of thing. There are loads of websites like that, loads of little articles about me, the cancer charities came after me. I got arrested, went through a two-year court battle, and ended up with a big fine. They let the judge said to me there’s nothing more that I’d love Mr Sergeant to lock you away and throw away the key but you’re a single father with two children who are under 16 and they need you to look after them. So, my hands are tied. they’ve been after me. I keep smiling, I keep laughing, I keep going. It doesn’t bother me. The way I look at it is if they’re coming after you, you must be doing a good job. So, if they’re not coming after you, you need to work a little bit harder and shine your light a bit brighter and make a stamp on this world.
Every single one of us carries that divine spark to instigate massive change and massive transformation within ourselves and our fellow human beings. We must be relentless with what we’re doing when we set out on this pursuit. We’re on this mission. Our mission is to elevate the vibration to go through this ascension process so we can bring our planet back into a state of equilibrium, a euphoric planet where we’re living in joy where joy is our natural default state. Every single morning when we rise out from our beds, out from our bed off from our pillow we should be like rocket ships, so excited and pumped about life. Rocket ships waiting to leave a NASA space station for the moon because we’re pumped but most people aren’t like that. When we can flip the switch, we can flick the switch and we can change in the heartbeats by making a simple choice in a simple decision to feel joy, to be joy, to be like a child running around this planet having fun, climbing trees, dancing, and jumping, and playing this game and treating it as a great big joke.
We must be relentless. We must keep our hearts open and stay on that love vibration, that heart frequency, connected. Love is the greatest weapon that we own, that we possess, that we are. It’s powerful, beautiful soul. You must open your heart and connect and allow this light to pour out into the world through the universal fabric, through the geometry, through the cold, through the earth’s grids. Be at one with the trees, the animals, the fish, the stars, the planet, the rocks, the mountains, the insects, and with every man woman and child. There’s no time to rest. Not for one second can you allow yourself to tip into a downward spiral of despair, frustration, anger. No, you have the power to control yourself always and if you do find yourself having a little bit of an angry moment or a jealous moment or a guilt moment or whatever it is, recognize it, bring awareness into the situation, shine light on it, get back in your heart, and open it and make that choice not to wallow in pity and misery and despair, but to change your frequency and rise like the lion or lioness that you are.
Take responsibility and be in control. We don’t need to fight; we need to love. Love is our weapon, and it will crush, transmute, shift universes of darkness very quickly, and the more of us to open our hearts and shine those beacons of light and allow them to join and connect. We’re an unstoppable force so get into your heart beautiful soul. Know that the path isn’t easy but know that you chose it it’s why you came to this planet to rise to walk in love and to choose love over fear every single time regardless of what you’re faced with in the external environment. You choose your paradigm; you choose your perception. You’re a galactic titan and you signed up for this so get your head in the game. Get your head in the game, get your heart in the game. Forget about your head. Get your heart in the game and sync these two things because when they’re in sync you’re powerful switching on that biological computer the interface for your soul.
Let’s switch it on to full capacity. let’s get those Merkabas fired up, those pineal glands activated and shine the diamond light wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul. Go out into the world and hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and walk tall and proud like the lion or lioness that you are. Go and connect with your pride with your Tribe and let’s take back control of our planet. It’s on us let’s do this, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website where we’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one and connect with us daily. Gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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