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I’ve just had the most phenomenal week with the star magic team. I only came here out of curiosity after going to the Deep in Space retreat with Jerry about four or five months ago. I had the most phenomenal experience there and I just couldn’t ignore it. It was such a powerful experience that I had to follow up on what star magic is all about. So, I came here with no expectations, no intentions of following through with healing as a business or anything like that.
My background is 20 years in the construction industry, and this is all completely new to me but following on from this week I will most certainly be happy to be going down to the healing group and I would be taking what I’ve learned with me here and I’ll be starting my own business to become a healing facilitator. It is so powerful, the stuff we’ve experienced this week.
So, I had a big experience here a couple of days ago with Jerry. I’ll just go back a couple of weeks before I come onto this course. There were voices in my head or whatever it was really putting up a fight and I was making up all these excuses why I shouldn’t come to the facilitator training. You know this is my kind of thing. There was another battle going on inside my head. You know I just really was trying to talk myself out. I’ve come into this, but I knew following from the experience I had done on the Deep in Space Retreat that I would be definitely coming.
So, I just battled through it to make sure I got here on Monday. Then on the Wednesday Jerry performed the hearing of me and he managed to call out some parasite/entity/demon like that had been within me for years and years and years. It was something that I said today, “look there’s something holding me back in life I know I’m not reaching my full potential and so if you’re going to do any work with me can you work on that” and he did. He found there was a being that was inside of me, and he pulled it out and it was a magical experience. At the time it was very intense. It was a lot of energy running through my body and this thing was putting up a fight didn’t want to come out, but Jerry pulled it out and as soon it was out,
It’s such a cliche but I felt like I’ve been born again. It was just like I had my own life back, and I was in charge of myself again and whatever this thing that had been inhabiting me for many years wasn’t going to keep me from achieving my full potential anymore. So, to have that happen was yeah it was just absolutely amazing and going forward now I’m just so excited to get on with whatever’s next, whatever it may be, because I know that there’s nothing to hold me back anymore.
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