Ascension, freedom and deprogramming your soul is a must right now. Right now, on planet Earth, there is an opportunity to be free. When you know how to decode the truth that is staring you straight in the face, offered by the queen, the unicorn and the code for ascension, you can take action, expand your consciousness and embrace the true essence of COVID 19. Decoding the high vibrational code is a mystery in itself and freedom is your birthright. Are you ready for the true ascension process and the connection to cosmic energy?
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul.
So, today I want to share a message about deciphering the codes about the Queen, the coat of arms, freedom, the truth, unicorns that were enslaved and they are free and the opportunity that we have as a human species right now to take our power back and take back control of our planet. Right now we are in the midst of a Great Awakening and right now we have dark and light, neck-and-neck racing for the finishing line and everything is just a mirror of each other and everything that is coming out at the moment reflects back to each other, and everything that is coming out at the moment is reflecting back to its polar opposite, a true mirror and reflection of dark and evil.
Now let me explain this. You’ve got the Coronavirus, you’ve got Covid 19c. It is 3 in numerology; it means the angel of the abyss in Greek. You’ve got over it which means sheep in Latin and 19 in Hebrew is slaughter or the slaughterhouse. So, you’ve got the angel of the abyss leading the sheep to the slaughterhouse. You’ve also got Covid19 now in ancient Chinese tradition or ancient Chinese acupuncture, cv19 is the thymus gland or the higher heart and it’s the higher heart activation which allows us to connect to the cosmic frequencies that are coming down from the stars to planet Earth right now, the new ascension frequencies. So, you’ve got Covid-19 as this jewel thing this these two runners. They’re in the same race back and evil Covid-19 is dark and light. You’ve got the coronavirus the corona which is the crown and what is happening right now on planet Earth is human beings have an opportunity to choose their path forwards in a major way.
Now in the last month there was a bulletin or information lag from 10 Downing Street in the UK and they showed the cult of arms the emblem now on the coat of arms you’ve got a unicorn this in shackles and chains and you’ve got a lion and then you’ve got some wording the wording is in French. But I will translate it into the English terminology one of the phrases reads the vine right to rule and the other one is shining lights on him who does evil things, and that shining lights on him who does evil things is basically forgiveness. Can the unicorn forgive the lion can the unicorn this free spirit this divine after essence has been shackled and chained by the crown, by all the beings that control the crown forgive the crown. Now all that writing is disappeared from the coat of arms and the unicorn is no longer in shackles by James what does that mean? You’ve also got a look at the fact that the Queen is no longer in Buckingham Palace, she’s in the House of Windsor.
Some people say she’s under house arrest. You’ve also got to take into consideration, the fact that she’s appeared in public they say that when that happens is because the Queen is no longer the Queen she’s in the process of step in there and all being forced to step down there’s also the potential possibility that she’s waiting for faced execution for crimes against humanity now whilst all of that can be taken into consideration. It’s kind of irrelevant for the topic of this discussion because this is about you, and this is about freedom. What is important is that the unicorn on the royal coat of arms is out of shackles and now the unicorn resembles freedom, a free spirit, a divine essence, something mystical and magical which a lot of people say never existed. Unicorns are just something mythical and magical yet in other densities frequency bands, on other timelines, unicorns do exist.
In this case the unicorn is you, the unicorn was the slave inside the human body, the soul inside of the human body that had its shackles and chains taken off but the human species or humanity, you in your case, me in my case, doesn’t know they’ve had their shackles and chains taken off. I’ve seen this but there’s many other people that don’t and it’s our job to help point this information out to others so they can wake up too. But we are in limbo right now, we are in limbo, and we have a choice. The old paradigm, the beings that were controlling this planet are stepping away and a new breed of beings are coming in to take over where the Queen left off, to enforce this new world order. But we are in a state of limbo and what this means for you, for me, for the entire human race, is we got a strike. We’ve got to reclaim our divine sovereignty right now. We’ve got a rise in numbers stand together, come into our hearts. Activate and cleanse that higher heart and let those cosmic frequencies flow down from the stars so we can step into the new world frequency, not the new world order, but the new world frequency, this divine cosmic essence, our inherent nature because we are stardust.
We are extraterrestrial beings having a human experience we are positive beings having a human experience and as we open up thymus glands and we connect to these higher cosmic frequencies we are actually connecting back to our roots lying way back, way back millions and millions and millions of years ago, way back, a divine galactic heritage before source energy birthed itself into some kind of form within the star system of Lyra. Know that you are a unicorn. You are free but do you know that and are you ready to reclaim your divine sovereignty? Or am I still going to bow down to the rules, the regulations of the so-called powers that be. We have two choices. We can get stamps and chips, and microchipped by Lucifer raised by Bill Gates and his Merry Men, or we can accept that we are divine sovereign beings, and we can step forwards in colossal numbers and say no.
We can pick up our sword, we can pick up our shield, and we can fight with unconditional love in numbers because we are an unstoppable impenetrable force. But you’ve got to know this, I’ve got to know this. We must know this as a collective, we need a mass collective in every single country and a mass collective worldwide to tip the consciousness, to elevate it into a high vibrational frequency band where the perspectives and the paradigms change, where we realize that we’re free and we honour that freedom, and we stand in that freedom, and we say no.
The unicorn is free the shackles are off the unicorn. The unicorn is not controlled by the crown anymore. You, the unicorn, me the unicorn, we the unicorns are not controlled by the crown anymore. But you must reclaim your divine sovereignty and accept this and know this and take the necessary steps to be a divine sovereign being and that doesn’t mean follow the rules and the regulations that the government, the mind control from the word mentis which is mind control. Are you going to let the mind control machine tell you the vision, tell you the lies, or are you going to realize the real lies and stop playing this game. You got all these people running around this planet dressed up in costumes with guns and badges trying to enforce the statutes and the rules and regulations of this new world order, trying to pump Lucifer into your body. You’ve got people or you’ve got the government in the UK sending out letters to mums and dads saying send this a blood sample of your kids and we’ll give you a twenty-pound shopping voucher. That is just crazy. Give us your kids bloods and you know we will give you a twenty pounds contract.
It’s all about contracts. We got to break those contracts, step into a divine sovereignty, the jail keeper, the slave master has already opened the door to the cage, to the prison cell. Now if you’re going to sit in that prison cell knowing that the doors open you are more bonkers than ever. Me, I’ve already walked the **** out of that prison cell and I aren’t going back. If you want to stay there, I’m going to walk past and I’m going to say hey brother, hey sister, how you are doing. I’m not going to come in and drag you out. If you’re too dumb to get off your ass and walk out of that prison cell then you deserve to stay in that prison cell, but this is the great paradox, this is the great illusion, the spell has been weaved and cast over the people of the world. People are so s*** scared to take responsibility for their own actions.
They’ve become dependent on the slave master, they’ve become dependent on the government, they’ve become dependent on those that crush them and siphon their energy and it’s more comfortable to stay in that prison cell with the door open, to have that needle stuck in your arm. Rise up and be part of the revolution with honour, for the evolution of humanity. It’s your call beautiful soul. your heart is the key, and strength in numbers. You are amazing and I love you unconditionally. Your free so walk out that prison cell and I’ll see you again real soon.
Wherever you are on the planet, go out and hug your sisters and brothers so flipping tightly and don’t let them go and say ‘up yours’ to the government. We don’t give a **** about this at all because that virus can’t travel through the air. We’re not buying into your lies anymore because we realize, because we’ve opened our real eyes, and we are not putting up with this stuff anymore. You’re amazing, you’re powerful, and I love you with all of me, with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being.
Wherever you are on this planet go and love fiercely and ferociously, share this message with your sisters and brothers. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place. Remember to check out our website I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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