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“Once this little pinecone is functioning properly boy you can’t kid yourself anymore because you’re exposed to a whole new level of frequency, a whole new level of lights, a whole new world of information.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
What a beautiful existence, what a beautiful green and blue ball we live on. Everybody wants to unlock the magic and the mystery from within that little pinecone lodged in the centre of our brain and back a little bit. That pineal gland gives us access to so much knowledge. A lot of people think the pineal gland is just for seeing but it isn’t just for seeing. When your pineal gland is functioning properly you know more, you feel more. It amplifies everything. As well as getting deeper insights and glimpses into the world of energy, light, information, frequency beyond the veil, when your pineal gland is functioning properly you get to see through the bs. You get to see through the lies, the corruption, the manipulation.
You also get to see through your own bs, your own lies, corruption, and manipulation because we always try and corrupt ourselves on some level or a part of us tries to corrupt another part of us like that left brain, like that ego. There are components of our human makeup that really do disrupt us if we allow them to but once this little pinecone is functioning properly boy you can’t kid yourself anymore because you’re exposed to a whole new level of frequency, a whole new level of light, a whole new world of information.
So, I want to share with you today seven foods or supplements that you can use to decalcify this magical little pinecone full of calcite crystals in your brain. It’s amazing. The first one is oregano oil and neem extract. These two magical little potions are phenomenal. They purify your system your body’s bodily system as well as decalcify your pineal gland they’re amazing for immune system support. Oregano oil is also amazing for cleaning your teeth. If you get a couple of drops of oregano oil, put them on your toothbrush with your toothpaste and make sure the toothpaste is healthy and you don’t even really need the toothpaste. The oregano oil boy it’s minty, it’s fresh. It does wonders for your teeth. It does so much for your body, but it decalcifies your pineal gland. The neem extract has been used in the Indian culture for centuries. Neem and oregano oil are a must in your ‘decalcify your pineal gland’ arsenal.
Okay, the second thing that I want to share with you is raw cacao, ceremonial grade cacao. I have 42 and a half grams of cacao every day. I buy it in kilo blocks, two kilo blocks, sometimes five kilo blocks, and chop a piece off, blend it up with my protein shake or blend it up and stick it into some hot water to make a hot cup of raw cacao with a little bit of honey, a little bit of coconut oil, Himalayan salt, a few other ingredients. Drink it down. It not only decalcifies your pineal gland, but it also activates your pineal gland. It also opens your hands, it’s great for meditation, it’s great for journey work, breath work. Raw cacao is a must, beautiful soul. It has natural antibiotics that fight against new calcium shells that are created by nano bacteria so by drinking or eating or consuming raw cacao however you want to strip away the crap and allow you to function at a higher capacity by activating this thing as well as decalcifying it.
The next thing I want to share with you is chlorophyll rich superfoods like chlorella, spirulina, blue and green algae. These things are amazing, amazing. They have crazy decalcification and detoxification properties within these ingredients so go and eat the greens. Go and drink those powders in water, in your shakes, however you want to take them. Sprinkle them on your salads. These things are amazing.
The next thing I want to share with you is apple cider vinegar. It’s amazing, I mean apple cider vinegar you can put some in hot water and just drink it down. You can just drink it straight; you can sprinkle it on salads. It’s amazing. Apple cider vinegar has malic acid properties within it and it’s the organic compound that gives sour fruits the sourness. Apple cider vinegar it supports your digestion, it detoxes your body as well as decalcify your pineal gland. It’s an amazing little supplement so go and buy some and start drinking it daily. You can put it in your hot water in the morning and in the evening. I normally have two cups a day like five meals in a cup of hot water twice a day, amazing.
The next supplement I want to share with you is iodine. Okay a lot of us have been exposed in our time to sodium fluoride which you get in a lot of the mainstream water supplies. Okay, fluoride in its natural state burns through concrete. Imagine what it does to your pineal gland when you take iodine supplements which naturally occur in seaweed, for example, or you can buy the supplements. They decalcify the pineal gland.
An amazing supplement is blue skate oil with activator x which has k1 and k2 inside of it. The amazing thing about activator x and organic blue skate is that the activator x takes the calcification from around the pineal gland and other parts of the body where it’s not needed or where it’s blocked you up and it redistributes it to the parts of your body that need the calcium. How incredible is that beautiful soul. Blue skate oil with activator x. Google it, go and buy some today. It’s amazing and I normally have between four and six capsules every single day. I’ll have like three with a shake in the morning or at sort of 12 when I start eating because I fast in in the mornings. Then I’ll have like one or two more maybe three more at some other time during the day. There are some days I’ll only have three. Some days I have six. It just depends. They help you with your dreams, your dreams start to go amazing once you start to take this supplement.
Another thing that you combine it with is red pine needle oil. You put the drops under your tongue two or three drops a day or you put the drops in water. Those two combined together are phenomenal, red pine needle oil and blue skate oil with activator x. These are absolutely mind-blowing supplements, if you want to decalcify your pineal gland.
The last one I want to share with you is Boron or Borux, both massively amazing supplements. They’re found in beetroot, they’re found in dried plums, so you can get a natural hit of them from those supplements, but you can also go and buy the boron, or the borax supplements yourself and consume them. Now these phenomenal power supplements will completely change you as a human being, not only is your immune system, and your gut brain is also going to function better, your pineal gland becomes decalcified and activated.
You’re going to start to see the truth and when you see the truth and you know the truth and you experience the truth beyond the illusion because nothing can trick you anymore because this thing can’t be tricked when your pineal gland is activated, and your right brain is switched on your female hemisphere. You get to experience a whole different reality 24/7. you see the energy in the trees, you see the energy in the leaves, you see the energy in the flowers, in people. You see the energy traveling through the empty space. It makes it much easier to see the geometrical fabric of the world and the universe that we live and play this game of life in.
Why would you not want to open it? I know some people that don’t want to open their pineal glands and they think that it’s scary and dangerous and all this sort of stuff and they might communicate with entities or whatever it is and some of them might be malevolent. Yeah those things are possible but you are an intelligent human being and like anything in life when you try something new and you keep trying and you keep practicing you start to use discernment, you start to work out what is right and what is not so right, what serves you and what doesn’t serve you, what is best for you and what isn’t. So go and try these supplements and I guarantee you things will shift, big, expanded heart switched on third eye. You will start to become a multi-dimensional being that knows they’re a multi-dimensional being because until you have these multi-dimensional experiences it’s hard to fathom that you’re a multi-dimensional being.
Many years ago, I didn’t believe in all this stuff. Now I travel the world healing people with star magic, running meditation groups for people all over the planet and I used to think that this stuff was bs baby. I used to think it was but once you’re exposed to it and you start dancing in this new reality you draw a line you cross it there’s no going back. So, use these supplements to expand your world, use them in conjunction with meditation, deep breath work, qigong, light language, getting out into nature hugging those trees, walking in the forest naked. Maybe you don’t want to walk naked but I’m telling you, walking naked in the forest is a great experience with your shades on of course because you got to look cool.
Anyway, you are amazing. Go out into this world, hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them ever so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging is never ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet beautiful soul. Remember to subscribe to this YouTube channel. If you haven’t already done so hit the notifications tab and underneath this video, you will find a link to our meditation channel and our brand-new YouTube channel. We’ve already uploaded 70, 80 plus videos. They are uncensored channels. We’re going to be uploading all our content to these two channels and some more which we’re putting into action now.
So go and check us out at brand YouTube and MeWe, okay. These other two social platforms because on here we’re being a little bit censored but that’s okay because it’s just part of our game it’s all part of this game so share these videos with your friends and your family. Let’s get the word out there these tools are for everyone.
I love you, beautiful soul. You’re amazing, phenomenal, incredible. Go out into this world, shine your powerful beautiful, extraordinary cosmic light, and dampen that sparkle for no one, and I’ll see you again real soon.
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