Discover the darker side of energy healing; in a safe space!
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Share this with everybody because people need to know. There are so many healers that try and brush this topic under the carpet. Why? It’s one of the biggest topics that healers should be focusing on because it’s rife, it’s global, it’s universal. This stuff is being brought to the surface right now in this human space and the best thing that everyone can do is be aware of it. Otherwise, the shock to the system is going to send people in saying “I love you” with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
Yeah, baby we are back for another transmission and today I want to share with you the darker side of healing. What you need to know and really what everyone needs to know, it’s coming out into the public eye right now, about the horrific atrocities that have taken place to do with trafficking children, adrenochrome, all that sort of stuff. People are becoming more and more aware of it. There’s still a massive piece of the human pie, the human puzzle that will deny this stuff and are denying it right now and just won’t face the facts. But as a high vibrational being that’s expanding their consciousness and elevating their vibration you know, beautiful soul, you know if you go in here, you know this is true.
Now I’ve been really concerned recently because more and more of these interesting cases are coming out and I’ve dealt with some horrific satanic ritual abuse cases over the years and are still dealing with some today and they’re going to be coming out more and more as people’s programming breaks down and they start to get the recall, they start to get the remembrance, and they start to go through and relive what they went through as a child. We’ve all experienced this on some level and even if you’ve never been in any kind of situations, any ritual situations. Every human being on this planet is affected in some way because energy travels. It’s all frequency baby and the ley lines and the grids underneath our planet have been structured so carefully that you’ve got all the cinemas, all the schools, all the churches, all of the places where they can collect lower vibrational energy and collect it and send it into their batteries, to use for their manipulation and darker means.
It’s rife, it’s everywhere. Now when you speak to women that have been buried at two years old in a coffin with spiders and snakes and left there for 48 hours in fear you think to yourself boy who could really do something like that. That’s terrible, it’s disgusting. I’ve got two kids; I mean I just can’t imagine it. You think how it could get worse than that and then you speak to women that explain they’ve been hung up with butcher’s hooks in their back, their buttocks, and their legs suspended, and cut into their skin like pigs and cows, hung up in torture chambers, bleeding, being raped. You think how it could get any sicker and twist more twisted than that and then you start to meet women, men, that have been stabbed in their lungs and then a penis inserted into their mouth and their nose blocked up and then a tube stuck in through the knife wound into the lung. It’s the only way they can breathe whilst they’re giving the man a horrific f***, then that.
Then you get women telling you about this but a lot of men too telling you about situations where they’ve been in rituals and they’ve watched a baby be skinned alive screaming, had its pineal gland cut off there you think how could it get any worse and then you meet someone that has had eight, nine, babies before they’re you know 14, 15 years old. Sounds crazy, I know. I thought to myself how they could have this many babies. They have these babies, and the babies are removed from their wombs before the term is up, six months, seven months. They cut the babies out and then they roast the babies on a barbecue and then they make the mother eat it along with her own faeces, urine, blood, menstrual blood. They get to eat it and drink it it’s like a sauce for the babies. How ******up is that? There are some crazy things that you experience when you go into the darker side of healing.
Now something’s been troubling me a little bit recently and I want to share this because i want to make everyone aware of this. Everybody knows music is a weapon of mass destruction and most music takes you out of your heart unless you’re listening to Bob Marley, you know you’re screwed. Good old bob. There was a reason they took Bob out, there was a reason they assassinated Bob because he was bringing people together. What a legend, what a starseed, baby. I love Bob Marley, still do. Blast his tracks but there isn’t much other music that keeps you in that vibration of love, the lyrics in music tap your consciousness, program you. If you’re a parent with a teenager, a younger child, be aware of what they’re listening to.
Now what I’m concerned about is not that and everything that I’ve shared with you so far. I’m not actually concerned about it because there are millions of women and children going through this daily. This is huge, it’s massive. This is normal everyday work for me. Something that’s been coming up a lot more recently is something different, porn sites okay. A lot of people are addicted to pornography. I used to be addicted to pornography in a different life, in this life. I know how addictive it can be. As humans we shouldn’t really ejaculate unless we want to procreate. We should be holding all of that life force, all of that energy, and even when we want to procreate there are other ways of doing that, and as we expand our consciousness and remember more of who we are at a deep level by journeying into here and remembering all of these multi-dimensional abilities.
I feel in the next five to ten years we’re going to be able to procreate energetically but for now this is how we do it but for those people that masturbate, have sex every day, or even three four times a week, you’re depleting your energy sources, your life force, so much. Hold on to it baby and there are methods for doing that too. You can stimulate yourself and stimulate your partner and they can stimulate you. It doesn’t mean you have to ejaculate and waste all that energy, but this is a whole other story and not for this video.
I have come across several people recently that have got in contact with me, that they watched porn sites and they’ve been watching, could be gay porn, it could be straight porn. They’re just watching what I would say is more normal pornography and there’ll be little chat rooms on the sides of the site and people are going into these side rooms and then they’re seeing 70-year-old men having sex with one-year-old girls or one-year-old boys. This is on the internet baby. What is happening is this. It is activating certain programs and trauma fields within the consciousness of the people that are watching it.
I’ve had people, clients of mine that have seen these things and then been in a chat room with a girl and said you know I went into this side room and saw this sick stuff you know. It really kind of freaked me out and they’ve complained a bit and then they’ve been attacked psychically and had programs switched on in their brain. I’ve got someone that I’m working with now that went through this experience and a device was switched on in the back of their heads. Now they can hear this device click, click, click. It doesn’t stop. At night-time when this person switches from their sleep cycles, when they switch their brainwave patterns, when they go drop into theta, into delta, the program switches on in their mind and it’s like being in the matrix inside, of their heads, just like the film the matrix. They’ll be taken into a room. They’ll be fighting some evil beings. There’ll be people coming into their space locking them in a room that they can’t get out of and telling them the things that they really don’t want to hear. Programming and reprogramming and destroying them psychologically.
There are things embedded within porn sites that are so dangerous. Now this is where it gets a little bit worse and this is why I want you if you watch porn or share this with everybody because people need to know there are people that are having these programs switched on scouring the internet for help and what is happening is they’re coming across people that say they can help these people, invite them into a Facebook messenger chat or they get their ‘what’s up’ and they communicate with them and clients of mine have been saying ‘listen this has happened to me’. I feel like i want to commit suicide and these people are saying ‘listen we can help you’. Once they get them in the private chat they turn around and say this is your fault you made this mistake. I suggest you go and get a gun and blow your own head off. This is what people are telling people that are suffering from this stuff.
Again, when people commit suicide there’s a big energy siphon, okay, it’s a big spiritual war we’re fighting right now, and this is just another piece of that war that I’m explaining to you. Stay away from pornography, stay away from low vibrational music. you don’t realize what psychological effect is having on you and the damage is immense. My clients have given me access to their Facebook messengers to show me these messages. I saw a message from a doctor saying you should go and get a gun and end your life. This is how they’re helping people. There are people especially in countries where it’s easy to have your own firearm that are committing suicide because they’re tapping into these programs through pornography, through music, and it is sending them crazy. They can’t control it and they’re being advised to commit suicide. This is some crazy stuff.
I wanted to share this with you and get this out there so you can hopefully use this knowledge to help yourself or other people. Shadow parasites, demons, implants, alien technology, military technology, we deal with all this stuff in Star Magic. Satanic ritual abuse, torture, all that stuff is terrible but it’s a walk in the park to what happens when you switch one of these programs on in the base of your cranium in the base of your skull. When these programs are switched on it’s deadly. I don’t expect you to believe what I’ve just shared with you but what you should do is do a little bit of research and just keep an open mind over the next three four five months. This stuff is going to come out more and more. They’re rescuing hundreds of thousands of children from the tunnels underneath the ground that have been trafficked globally through an underground network.
I’ve spoken about this in many videos. it’s not something that i push a lot but I do mention it now and again because the truth must come out. Sometimes it’s better to drip feed people. Those that are ready they will latch on to it and research, those that aren’t will probably poo-poo the idea and come back when they’re ready but at least I’m planting the seeds. January, February, March next year I foresee a huge need for healing these kinds of traumas because as this stuff comes up and becomes public knowledge it’s going to trigger the programming in people that have been asleep. What I would call a sleeper they’ve been MK Ultra monarchs which are a mind control program and it’s been locked away deep in their consciousness but as the program breaks down because the dark side are losing their power, because their batteries are being dismantled, the grid networks that are transporting their energy are being dismantled. The farms for children where they they’re taking the adrenochrome, the satanic ritual abuse, the fear they’re collecting from these scenarios and rituals and satanic situations is being dismantled.
What is going to happen as it becomes dismantled, the programming through human consciousness will start to break down for those that have been affected and let me tell you it’s a vast amount of people. When this happens, there’s going to be people needing help urgently. We have a specialized team for this, a specialized team. There aren’t hundreds of healers all over the planet that can deal with this stuff. There are lots of healers that are amazing but when it comes to this stuff, through lack of knowledge, lack of training, lack of awareness, they don’t know how to deal with this stuff. Some people are just scared and turn away from it and I understand why because when you go down this rabbit hole it’s deep and it’s evil and you need a really good mindset and heart set to be able to deal with this because it’s tough when you bear witness to the stories that people tell you when you tap their consciousness and you see what happened, when they were children raped, Kundalini’s triggered at a few months old big, black eyes like pandas where the capillaries have bust in their face, where they’ve had something stuck up their rectum whether it’s a penis or an object.
My main message is this. Stay away from pornography, stay away from low vibrational music because it is programming you and reprogramming you and once that program is triggered it’s very difficult to stop it, very difficult, but it can be stopped. Anyway, I want you to know that you’re amazing. We live in a world of polarity. There are high and low vibrational forces, good and evil, whatever you want to call it, dark and light it doesn’t matter. But we all came from the same source and everybody in this situation has been given an opportunity to grow, to heal to expand, and to merge these separated pieces of consciousness back together again so the whole energetic field can become one once more.
Love becomes the driving force that controls and rules this world, this planet, this galaxy, this universe. Open your heart, beautiful soul, dive into it and explore because there is so much to explore. Remember to meditate, do your light language, get out into nature with your shoes and socks off, bare feet on the earth and hug those trees, drink lots of water, stay away from alcohol and sugar, any man-made processed foods. Eat the photons from the sun, high vibrational fruits, and vegetables. Go out and sungaze, turn yourself into a high vibrational being. When your vibration is high enough these things struggle to be in your space. So, work on yourself and be your own power. Start breaking the rules and making up your own ones, rules that serve yourself and humanity in a positive way, love compassion joy bliss caring and sharing the planet’s resources between all men women and children.
Life is beautiful and these things that I’ve shared with you, I know they’re hard and tough to take onboard, but this is going to come out. So, brace yourself for the riots, don’t bury it anymore, don’t push it to the side or sweep it under the carpet. You’ve watched this video today and listened to me because you were guided to. Don’t be scared to share this video, don’t be in fear of judgment of what other people might think about you. Subscribe to this channel. Hit the notifications tab and share the out of this video because people are being affected brutally as I’m sharing and speaking right now. All over the planet there are billions of us, hundreds of thousands if not millions, are being affected. So do your part and share the love okay and walk around with your heart wide.
Open and allow that magnetic frequency, the magnetism, the divine feminine to flow out into your local environment and change the frequency of everything around you. You are a master architect, beautiful soul. You’re so powerful man but you got to know this. There’s no point me telling you. You got to realize man you’re your own power. I can’t bring this out of you. You’ve got to decide to go in and pull it out of yourself to connect with it and let it rise from within you.
Go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly, beautiful soul, and never ever, ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and remember check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planets. Go and check them out. Go and join our inner circle, our private telegram group, mix and connect with like-hearted souls just like you who want to raise the vibration and change this planet in a positive way. I will see you again very, very soon. I love you so much beautiful soul.
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