The great awakening of humanity.
“There’s darkness inside you, there’s darkness inside me, there’s light inside of you, there’s light inside of me. We’re everything baby.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. This planet is hotting up baby, the world is changing, the world is evolving, consciousness is expanding, and you and me and we are so lucky, so blessed to be here on this green and blue ball right now going through this mind-blowing experience. It’s amazing. So much is changing and it’s changing so fast. You’re changing so fast, I am, we all are. The planet is our global family.
What I want to share with you today is an important message okay because so many of us deny certain aspects of reality and deny certain aspects of who and what we truly are at the core of our being. We’re light, we’re consciousness, we’re energy, we’re information, we’re geometrical code but the thing is right now on this planet we’re like information with energy with geometrical code in a physical human form and we have a mind and there’s polarity, okay, and so there is dark and there is light, there is hot there is cold, there is love and there is fear, and for those people that deny certain aspects of their own inner workings are going to find this whole process even more difficult. The best thing that you can do that we can all do, that I can do is to surrender to our full human experience and the full human spectrum of emotions and accept that inside of us is the potential for all possibilities.
There are many people on this planet that think dark is bad and yes dark isn’t that great sometimes because there’s evil deeds that take place on this planet and I don’t support any of them but what I do know is that if there wasn’t any contrast, we as a human species would be lost. we wouldn’t know which way to turn we’d be floating around in a bubble of love not really knowing that there were other options, that there were contrasts, that there were other potentials and possibilities. Now the Hindus they have this kind of belief system that the universe works in cycles, and they call them yugas. So, they believe that the universe is asleep for billions of years, it’s about 4.2 billion years I think and after those 4.2 billion years the universe gets a little bit bored. So, it starts to wake up and it starts to explore, and it starts to go on little adventures and starts to produce form and then they produce the opposite of just this energy which is polarity which is dark which is evil.
So evil is born into the universe. You’ve got good and evil and then good and evil are in balance, and then the universe gets a little bit more adventurous and starts to explore and push the boundaries a little bit more and then dark and light tip out of balance and it starts to get a little bit crazy and then they go into the last yuga which they call the kali yuga the age of darkness and that’s supposed to be what we’re in right now and then after the kali yuga everything blows up and the universe goes to sleep again for another 4.2 billion years. This is what they believe. Now if you were just in pure bliss, I guarantee you after a certain period you’d forget what it was like to be something else because we do as humans, we forget what it’s like. We always think the grass is greener on the other side and when we get to the other side, we realize we were better off where we are.
We have been out, and we’ve explored, and we thought now let’s go back home or whatever it is. Let’s go back to the old business, let’s go back to the old relationship. I don’t know whatever it is, but we always think the grass is greener and the universe thinks the grass is greener too, so it explores until it gets to that point of the age of darkness, realizes its chaos and mayhem, and blows itself to smithereens. Now we’re in that process now of the age of darkness we’re in this time space. Now things are blowing up, but the universe isn’t going to blow up, but things are being reset. We’re going through some crazy, crazy times but at the same time it’s beautiful. So, my message to you today is this. Take a deep breath, breathe in and out of your body, feel this human part of you and realize that if you want to unleash your full human potential you’ve got to accept that you’re everything.
You are dark and light, fear and love resides inside of you. They’re both choices, the devil and God. One sits on each shoulder. What you’ve got to do is bring them into perfect equilibrium. You’ve got to balance these dark and light aspects. All humans have the capacity to kill, all humans have the capacity to love. It all comes down to how you control your perception, how you control your emotions that you choose to respond instead of reacting, that you live from your heart and not of your head and you bring all these things into balance. When you accept your full nature, you can accept the universe as a whole and you can step outside of that zone of judgment because when you’re in that kind of zone and that mindset of judgment you start to create distortion and ripples in the fabric of the cosmos and then everything gets even crazier and your own energy field becomes distorted and then you’re no good to anyone.
All these things that are happening in the world right now I know some of them are completely and utterly disgusting. Okay, they’re inhumane but at the same time us going through such a massive wake up and seeing the crazy destructive evil things that have been happening, it’s given us a massive kick up the ass and we are realizing where we don’t want to be. It’s like someone who is overweight okay. They’re a little bit overweight and they’re like well you know what I can just squeeze into my jeans so it’s okay, you know keep eating pizzas down my throat, keep drinking pints of lager, McDonald’s at the weekend, don’t go to the gym, don’t exercise, lazy. Okay eating the wrong foods, these people will keep eating that if they can squeeze into their jeans and then they’ll get a little bit fatter and then they might have to go to the next jean size, but they can still get around they can just squeeze into them. So, they’re only experiencing a little bit of torment, a little bit of pain.
Okay, the twin towers blew up or were blown up in 2001, okay in 2001. You know this. New York experienced massive devastation. The world watched on, but the world would never believe that they were blown up by the American government and the people that control the American government that was just too far-fetched so there, was a little bit of pain experienced but not enough pain for people to really wake up and smell the coffee. So, now the pain that is coming out is going to be even more horrific. When everybody wakes up and realizes that all our leaders, all our bankers, all of the CEOs of all of these large companies have been eating little kids, raping little kids, etc. Now when all this stuff comes out, that’s going to be like the person that is getting overweight going up a couple of dress sizes or a couple of jean sizes and then going and getting on there to get on an airplane and they go to sit down in their airplane seat and their big fat ass can’t sit inside the seat and that is when it hits them – oh my god what have I done to myself.
You see they knew what they were doing to themselves because they couldn’t get into that one pair of jeans. So, they went to the next pair of jeans, and they kept squeezing all that excess weight into those jeans, into that dress, into that t-shirt. It wasn’t enough pain for them to wake up and smell the coffee. There wasn’t enough polarity and contrast but when they sat down on the airplane they woke up because they were like this has gone too far and that is the kick in the ass that they needed: to go and start exercising, breathing, eating clean, stopping putting the sugar and all the crap into their bodies and they changed their life. It was like a springboard like a massive trampoline to catapult them in the other way first they were going down and hit the trampoline, flying they spring up into the air and they create a new life for themselves.
What’s going to happen to humanity, a lot of us are red pilled now but there’s going to be a massive red pilling when all this stuff comes out properly and humanity’s going to wake up and so what I’m saying is this. Be grateful for all facets of reality because if it wasn’t for all facets of reality we wouldn’t have a good enough, big enough gigantic kick in the ass to send us in the direction that we needed and that direction is simply back into our hearts where we love each other once again and become a global family where everybody cares and shares and wants to love each other to the maximum where we barter, where we live in communities, where life is just beautiful baby. So, embrace all of what is happening right now with no judgment.
Keep your heart wide open and go through this process. Meditate, qigong, get into nature, take your shoes, and socks off, consume the high vibrational foods that are drenched in photons from the sun and the galactic core, sun gaze, deep breath work. Do you do the inner stuff? Go into your heart and realize your own power. You are the power, beautiful soul. No one can control you. It’s down to you this is your life, it’s your reality. So, let’s create it together in the most harmonious way.
I love you so much wherever you are on this planet. Go out into the world and hug your sisters and brothers so tightly. Take off those masks if you’re wearing them. Forget about the two-meter rule because viruses can’t jump through the air, and they can’t even jump from body to body. So, go and hug your sisters and brothers. Be an awesome human, be an extraordinary human, be the gigantic titan, the colossal titan that you came from the stars to planet earth to be. Go out and laugh, jump, run, have tons of fun, and enjoy this human experience. It’s why you came here. You saw the timeline; you knew this crazy ride so don’t resist it. Get amongst it, enjoy the flavours of this beautiful reality, beautiful soul.
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