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“Sometimes the universe, it creates pain in your body. Your body itself is a communication device and that is to do with rigidity. Your liver stores anger, guilt. On our tour in the last few months touring America and Canada, we’ve had people get up from wheelchairs that haven’t walked for 12/15 years. Live from here and not here because this is a dangerous place. This will lead you into chaos and destruction, but this is your life compass.”
So, let’s talk about healers or facilitators. A healer or a facilitator of healing is not someone that you go to get healed. You go to a facilitator of healing or a healer so they can trigger within you your own self-healing because no other human being can actually heal another human. We are designed to self-heal. All we can do is trigger the self-healing process or shine light on the situation so that the human being knows what they must do to accomplish their own healing. That could be taking a piece of action on a particular relationship, business venture, whatever it is. It could be that they need to let go of something in their life to be able to flow and move forward and let the energy release. People go to our website and look at me and call me a healer, and I advertise myself as a healer because it’s great for marketing but really and truthfully, I’m not a healer because we can’t help anyone heal. We can only trigger the self-healing within others and that’s why we trained facilitators not healers in Star Magic. We’ve trained thousands of facilitators in more than 55 countries all over the world, all different ages. Everybody can facilitate healing. You just need to know how. Sometimes the universe, it creates pain in your body, and your body itself is a communication device. All the different body parts mean something. The neck is to do with rigidity, liver stores anger, guilt, pancreas stores betrayal energy. Different body parts mean different things.
I always remember a gentleman that had a really bad ankle, foot, that came to me for healing, and I went in to facilitate the healing and I knew straightaway that he wasn’t taking action on some type of business venture and so I said to the guy after the healing session, “what is it you’re not taking action on”, and he told me that he’d had this pilot for this TV show, and I said, “listen the universe wants you to do it. If you don’t do it your foot’s probably going to get worse.” He goes, “I can’t do it.” I said, “why not?”. He goes, “well I’m a massage therapist and if I go down the road of this business venture, I’m going to have to give up my massage business and If I do the pilot for the TV program and it doesn’t go right, I’ve lost my money. On top of that I’ve lost time and I’ve lost all my massage clients because I’ve given up the business.” he said, “and I’ll be screwed.” I said, “okay, well you got to make that decision”, and six months went past. His foot got worse. A year or so went past and he couldn’t even massage his own clients anymore because he couldn’t stand up properly. He came to me for help again. I said, “listen brother, you know what you’ve got to do. I told you a year ago.” This is one of those situations where there is nothing that I can really do for you but point you in the right direction and this is what I mean.
Sometimes people have to take action and take responsibility themselves in the end this guy decided that he was going to do it and as soon as he made that conscious decision within days his foot was better. The body’s a mysterious magical beautiful communication device but we just don’t know how to read it and we don’t know how to work with it, and we don’t talk to it enough and we certainly don’t listen enough. Every human being is designed to self-heal. Our bodies are magnificent, but we think a little bit too much. It’s not that we think constructively. But we think unconstructively. We think negatively and we kind of poison and toxify our own bodies and the mind and the body are intrinsically linked. So, when you have these kinds of repetitive negative thoughts that energy gets blocked in the body, and so we manifest injury illness disease.
What we do in Star Magic is we train people to go into the back end of someone’s biological computer, their body and their brain, and the body and brain. I call it a biological computer because it behaves Just like a computer system. It downloads information. A computer downloads information from the internet or from certain hard drives that it’s plugged into. Our body and brain downloads information from the internet. The Internet’s the quantum field which houses all of our soul experiences, past lives, future lives, present-day life experiences, some of them positive, some of them are negative, and the negative toxic destructive ones create programming in our computer system like a virus. A virus in a computer causes chaos and mayhem. A virus in our physical body creates injury, illness, disease So, what we train people to do is to go into the back end of someone’s biological computer, connect with the soul fragments, change the programming, and what happens you get physical verifiable results on the front end.
On our tour in the last few months touring America and Canada we’ve had people getting up from wheelchairs that haven’t walked for 12/15 years, people that have had multiple sclerosis and the doctor said you’ll never walk again getting up from wheelchairs, people with hearing aids taking them out, people with cancer disappearing, all sorts of what people would call terminally ill diseases or long-term diseases, illnesses, and they’re disappearing because the energetic shift in the mathematics on the back end of someone’s computer is creating a massive reality change on the front end. It’s all mathematics and code and a great facilitator knows how to play with this code We have level one, level two, level three, and level four training. Our level one training is all the basics about how to do what I’m telling you to do and sharing with you right now. If you’re interested, you should go to and join our next level one facilitator training. They’re incredible. You are a powerful, powerful being. You are stardust, you are cosmic, you are galactic in nature and inside your cells. You’ve got DNA. Your DNA is like computer coding. There’s so much wisdom, so much knowledge, so much beauty held in your DNA. When you bring in the right light frequencies, when you breathe deeply, when you’re bringing very specific codes and vibrational energies you can trigger this DNA. You can activate your pineal gland, the pinecone in the centre of your brain and back slightly, full of calcite crystals which starts to read data from the empty space, or the not so empty space. Once your pineal gland switches on you’ll realize that It’s rich and full of information.
We’re so connected and interconnected with everything, planets, stars, suns, moons, other human beings, or sentient life forms. We have the tools to enable you to become the most incredible facilitator that you could possibly become and to help you activate your superhuman potential. All of these gifts are inside every single one of us. You just have to make the choice, do I want to reconnect with these dormant abilities or do I want to just cruise through life enjoying this human experience, playing life by the rules that have been laid down for me, or do I want to step outside of the box and create my own rules and actually fly in this world like a dragon, like a Pegasus, rise like a phoenix and actually, really, truly, fully live this human experience the way that you were supposed to live it and not the way that the system has conditioned you to live. You are truly phenomenal, amazing, incredible beyond measure, and I love you as my sister or my brother, and I just want the very best for you. There’s so much firepower in every cell of your body. Take a deep dive into your heart. All the questions, all the answers to everything lies inside of you. You don’t need a book. You don’t need a mentor. You don’t need me. You just need to take a deep dive into here and I’m reminding you to do that because there is magic in there, I guarantee you.
Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go That’s the golden rule of hugging. When you hug you build trust. When you hug you amplify the love in your heart. When you hug you build trust and release oxytocin, and nitric oxide levels increase. The heart just swells, and love pours into the space. You just love yourself more, you love others more. You’re amazing. Remember to check out our website, We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Meditations, light language transmissions, breathwork routines, qigong routines, nutrition, master classes, so much more. All inside our app and you can get free access right now at Go and check it out. Live your life, smile, be happy. Love everyone Be in acceptance and live from here and not here because this is a dangerous place. This will lead you into chaos and destruction, but this is your life compass. It will lead you in the direction of your dreams. I’ll see you again soon beautiful soul. Remember, you’re not a healer. You’re a facilitator. One love, one heart, one human family.
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