Cleaning Business Premises to Enhance Abundance
This online teaching will provide you with the codes Jerry has used with his personal clients for more than 5 years. These codes have brought huge amounts of abundance into the lives of many. Millions of dollars, pounds, euros have been made. Souls whose businesses were in the red and who are now making millions, have done so with these codes. Now you have the opportunity to access them.
You will be taken though a very specific process where you will be shown the strategy and structure for clearing the building housing your business and then the land the business is on. You will then be shown how to install the correct coding to amplify the abundance frequency inside your business, and then connect to people in your local town or city and all over the world, if you have an international business, to your services.
You will be given several sets of codes for the different processes. This is a short training and a training that is jam-packed with gold. You are being given access to the crown jewels. It’s important you execute the strategy exactly as Jerry shares it with you. Please bring a note pad and pen to the training. This is going to change your life, forever. This structure can also be used for virtual/ online businesses.