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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right there, beautiful soul?
So, I invite you into this space with me so we can reduce, dissolve, and transmute any pain in your body, any aches in your body, any inflammation in your body. If you’re ready and willing to receive this healing, then simply say ‘I am’ or nod your head. Just be in this space, breathe into your body. You can have your eyes open, your eyes closed. Just be in this space. Breathe deeper and longer and slower and know that you are worthy of receiving this powerful frequency straight from source. Breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out slowly as you’re breathing into your body.
I want you to bring your awareness to wherever there’s pain, wherever there’s aches, wherever there’s inflammation and just rest your awareness, rest your attention there for a moment, and as you’re resting your attention and resting your awareness, I want you to become aware of a beautiful crystal white sphere vibrating around the outside of your body, 3m in diameter. As that crystal sphere vibrates in the space you become aware of a crystal white spiral of light that flows from the top of the sphere down through your crown, down through your body, down through your perineum, down between your legs, and into the bottom of the sphere. That Crystal spiral will keep running. You become aware of a second crystal spiral, a diamond one, flowing from the bottom of the sphere spiraling up between your legs, up through your perineum, up through your body, up through your crown, and into the top of the crystal white sphere.
As these two spirals flow, they communicate with each other and they start to send charges of electromagnetic light into the areas of your body where there’s inflammation, aches, pains, and as these frequencies flow into these areas, these tiny little, microscopic spirals of light flow into these areas of your body, I’m going to open my heart and connect with you as a diamond light spirals out from my heart into yours. It flows up into your pineal gland, down into your genesis cell. Just be in this space for a moment and you’ll notice hands being placed on different parts of your body over your lower back, over your heart, the back of your neck and any parts of your body where there’s aches, pain, inflammation. Just be here for a moment knowing that you are an incredible human and that we are sisters and brothers on this planet. We’re here to help each other support each other, mirror back to each other, help each other grow in the most positive way.
Healing is always a two-way process because we are all connected whilst you’re in this space breathing and being. Say to yourself “I am worthy, I am worthy I am worthy. I am enough, I am enough I am enough” and as your vibrating in being I’m going to bring a grandfather frequency into this space, a powerful nurturing cosmic grandfather frequency which flows into the sphere. It starts to cradle and caress your physical body. Your light body absorbs this frequency and moves it through your physical body. Feel this cosmic grandfather love flowing through your body, healing. Just feel the love that you are, that we are all, that is and all that is not, as above so below as within so without. Just be in this space as the aches and pains start to dissolve as the inflammation transmutes that crystal white spiral, and that crystal diamond spiral they start to increase, they flow faster, and the band width of the light doubles releasing more charge, more energy. As your spinal column starts to vibrate, the codes and the frequencies flow through your central nervous system and from your central nervous system into every cell in your body.
I’m going to open my heart wide. Just be in this space and surrender as these frequencies work. They’re intelligent. All you have to do is to breathe and be open to receive and let the frequencies work their magic for we are love, we are energy. These bodies are musical instruments. Just be here in this space and allow these frequencies and codes, these vibrational harmonics to communicate with the cells in your body.
Light language transmission
The crystal white and the crystal diamond spirals completely alchemize, and they start to expand moving out through your body until that one crystal spiral vibrates and spins and spirals through your body around your body as the pains, as the aches, as the inflammation completely disappears. That crystal white sphere starts to shrink. As it shrinks so does the crystal sphere. The sphere shrinks smaller than the crystal spiral. The crystal spiral stops when the top of it connects to your crown and the bottom connects to your perineum and the sphere continues to shrink until it fits neatly in your own heart. Bring your awareness back to your heart, back to your chest as I close down my heart and you start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle.
We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just be feel your body, feel your energy, feel the space. Just be here for a moment. There’s no rush to get back to your day. The world will always be waiting for you when you decide to return so just be here for a moment. Know that you are powerful beyond measure, a Jedi, a galactic titan from the stars here on this Earth plane figuring it out. Make sure you enjoy the process. Make sure you have fun. Make sure you love, and you laugh, and you don’t take it too seriously like we all do sometimes. Please share in the comments below what your experience was from this video, from this healing session. Please like it and share it, subscribe and share this video with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones, with those that might need some relief from those aches and those pains and that inflammation.
Remember beautiful soul to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth, hundreds of guided meditations, healing transmissions, light codes, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga, high frequency nutrition, mystery school teachings, groups so you can connect with incredibly beautiful souls just like you on this same high frequency ascension mission. Go out to this world, be powerful, be unapologetically authentic, and don’t give a flying **** about what other people think. I’ll see you real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace and love, beautiful soul.
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