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To be a good healer you got to switch that nervous system on and when you do that to heal someone you do nothing. But so many people are running codes, frequencies through their hands. They’ve been taught Reiki and different modalities. It’s old school baby. True healers don’t try and heal. Why our connection to mother earth and our connection to the stars are so important. Have you ever truly explored the word magic.
I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. So why is meditation so important? Why is it so important, mission critical in fact, beautiful soul, to be connected to planet earth and to be connected to the stars. We have Jacob’s ladder, our spinal column, those 33 steps. When you climb those 33 steps you make your way up into the third ventricle, the third room in Solomon’s temple which is your skull, your mind, your brain, and when you take the door to the right-hand side you open that portal, your pineal gland that transducer of frequency of codes.
When you understand the truth, when you know that you are an extension of the planetary grids, an extension of the stars. When you know that you have that cosmic DNA template inside of your physical body you can change things massively. Our right brain, our female brain is so magical. It’s able to do many things. Our left brain our male brain. It is so limited, and it can’t because you have Cain and Able going all the way back to the bible. They didn’t really exist. Cain was the left brain, able was the right brain. The left brain is electromagnetic, the right brain the female brain that can process a million bits of data plus per second that sees codes frequency lights information is able. The link between the two is the corpus callosum the gateway between the two hemispheres which is calcified in a lot of people’s brains just like they cut the pineal glands there’s been a huge attack on the pineal glands.
Our mission as a human being is to open that portal open, that gateway, the stargates that gives you access to worlds beyond worlds beyond worlds. What you’ve got to do if you truly want to expand. If you truly want to expand is you’ve got to do the inner work. You’ve got to connect to the magic. Why do you think I chose the name star magic, we’re bringing down the electromagnetic frequencies, the information streams from the stars. We’re grounding them down into the planet earth so we can create the magic because the frequencies and the codes up here activate what is going down below and those magnetic energies are infinity, the figure of eight. It’s the way that the energy flows, endless, forever.
it’s repetitive. It doesn’t stop and when we bring those magnetic frequencies from planet earth up through our energy centres up through our heart, up to our crown chakra and we allow them to rise, and then they merge with the frequencies, and the codes from upstairs, and we bring father sky number 11 back down through our body to merge with number 22 the divine mother we create the powerful force of the divine child. You are the divine child so am I. We are earth’s children running around this green and blue ball and those magnetic frequencies are what are going to transform us, the 11 and the 22 the 33 equals the 66, six and six equals twelve, one and two is three, divine creation.
When you bring up the magic the mag the energy, the frequency, you do amazing things to your body. You don’t only activate this target. You start to bring your entire structure into equilibrium, and everything starts to regenerate a lot more efficiently. Everything starts to regenerate a lot more efficiently. Every 11 months your whole body is restructured. Every cell is rejuvenated. You’re a new human being. We are ageless beings but we’re in a society. We’re in an environment, number one where we’ve been taught that we’re going to die at a very young age – 60 70 80 90. That’s like a two-year-old in galactic terms. We can live forever do you know that beautiful soul.
When you do the inner work, you can reverse the aging process. Those little telomeres that often get shorter and shorter, you can extend them and help them grow but you’ve got to commit to it. See everybody wants to do nothing, everybody wants the results. Without the work everybody’s trying different supplements, everybody’s trying this shortcut method to get to this result, but we have all the tools in our environment and all the tools inside of our body, the electromagnetic and the magnetic energies they can sustain us, these galactic light codes that are streaming in from outside of our galaxy, inside of our galaxy. Other celestial beings and stars they can activate that eternal symbiotic beautiful field of energy which will grow us, nurture us, heal us, rejuvenate us, and sustain us for an eternity. This is why meditation is so important.
If you’ve been to star magic training you know we have a beautiful exercise where we take people up into the third house of Solomon’s temple, the right brain, and we do our work from there we show you the difference between the left and right brain in real terms. When you start to play and operate from your right brain everything changes. This is the nurturing feminine motherly aspect, it’s the Magdalen, the Mary, the frequency of the divine feminine. You see Mary Magdalene is a frequency a magnetic frequency and when you bring her up from planet earth through the Mary lines, the Magdalene lines, the frequencies flow from mother earth diamond Merkabah up through your body up into your pineal gland. You start to switch things on.
There’s a magical liquid that comes out of your medulla oblongata which is like a pair of angel wings in the base of your cranium in here it produces milk and honey the milk flows into the pituitary gland, the mother the Magdalene, the masculine energy flows into the pineal gland. That’s the honey. When the milk and honey merge together in the classroom, Santa Claus isn’t real you know that the whole history bible Santa Claus. I mean anywhere you look all these things that we’ve been taught they’re not really things in our external environments. Coming down the chimney is the milk and the honey activating us, switching us on the electromagnetic. We have 45 miles of electrical wiring inside our physical bodies, our nervous system.
To be a good healer you got to switch that nervous system on and when you do that to heal someone you do nothing. But so many people are running codes, frequencies through their hands. They’ve been taught Reiki and different modalities. It’s old school baby. True healers don’t try and heal, true healers just are the frequency that heals and shines light and activates the other human being to switch on their own divine and inherent self-healing abilities because we were all designed to self-heal. This is just a short, sweet message to feed you full of knowledge, to help you realize the truth. You are a sacred being, you came from the stars to earth, and now that you’re here you are the connector between the electromagnetic and the magnetic.
You’re here to switch on the grids, the ley lines, to activate those DNA templates in your own body by activating them in planet earth. First, they’re already switched on up there. Now we’ve got to switch them on down here to go from those two three four strands up to that 12 strand DNA template to activate that diamond matrix. You have the power. My recommendation to you is you meditate. You do light language transmissions. You get out into nature with your shoes and socks off and you connect with Mother Gaia. You connect with the magic; you connect with the star magic.
On our website we have hundreds of meditations that will do this stuff for you. All you’ve got to do is listen. We have the light language transmissions; we have the ascension source. What you’ve got to do is engage 20 30 40 minutes a day. We’ve got people in our tribe that connect for two three hours a day. hey submerge into it. They’re flying, their frequencies are off the cosmic chart. You can be this too, but you’ve got to make that decision. You can’t just sit around and watch. You can’t just sit around and observe. You’ve got to act and engage. I know you want the shortcut. Loads of people want the shortcut but there is no shortcut. You got to do the work and when you do the work everything happens. It just flows baby. Anyway, you are the power, you came to planet earth to shine your light ever so bright so go out into this world beautiful soul and shine your lights, be your power don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Don’t follow the rules and the regulations of society because you are the magic activator, you are the secret source, you are all of it rolled into a nice little ball of nothing which floats around in empty space which is everything.
This world is magical, you are magical, so go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers so tightly. Hug them so tightly and never ever, ever, ever, be the first to let go, beautiful soul. Love fiercely and ferociously, do the inner work shine your light brightly and dampen your sparkle for no one, and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.