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Cosmic Chakras

Chakra Energy Portals

Chakras are energy portals, or star gates. The seven main chakras run through the central channel. Chakras are not within your physical body but are a part of your etheric body which includes your aura, toroidal field, and merkaba. You also have a complex network of energy channels, meridians and nadis. In meditation, or Kundalini yoga, you can influence the flow of energy winds and drops of prana up and down the left, right and central channels. This is like blood flowing through your arteries and veins. Below is a description of each of the 13 (14 including energy crystal) chakras and how they function.

Personal Energy Crystal

Whilst living on Earth you have your own energy crystal which is your link to the living Earth, or Gaia. This is located at the crystalline core of the higher dimensional earth. It emanates an energy that is an Earth Kundalini which ascends from the core of the Earth, through the Earth and up into your earth star and root chakras. From there it ignites your own Kundalini which is like a fiery serpent, rocket ship, or erupting volcano. When fully activated your kundalini ascends all the way up your central channel, which runs up your spine, and erupts like a volcano, over your crown chakra. The kundalini energy showers like rain through and around your body and into the Earth. This repeats again and again in a ‘never-ending’ cycle.

Earth Star Chakra

The earth star chakra is located 12 – 18 inches below the soles of your feet. This chakra aligns you with the magnetic core of the earth and connects you with Gaia, the mother of the earth. Grounding is where you connect your energy to Gaia to replenish and reground your body. Regularly connect to the earth using your earth star and root chakras. When connected to earth and fully grounded, you may feel calm and supported like a baby in the womb. Also, you draw from the earth her grounding energy, and discharge your excess energy into her.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the pelvic area in the centre of the body. Here you are connected to the earth and it is here where your Kundalini sits, coiled at the base of your spine. If this chakra is unaligned it can create a lack of energy and depression which are due to its imbalance. The base chakra helps you to be active, balanced and centred. Its element is earth.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is linked to your sexual organs and working with this chakra helps you with resolving issues relating to sex and relationships including a low sex drive, sexual abuse and overactive sex drive. The sacral chakra controls your sexual needs, passions, lower sexual organs, bladder, bowel and lower intestine. Its element is water.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Energy is stored at your solar plexus chakra. This often includes pain, fear and stress in this area. When working properly the energy stored is positive and promotes growth and healing. If it is not working, shut down or blocked, disease can get in and slowly cause decay and destruction. This chakra controls your upper intestines, upper back and spine. It also influences your ambition to succeed and any past issues, pains and fears you may experience.  Its element is fire.

Your earth, sacral and solar plexus chakras are your mental and physical Chakras for grounding and belonging to earth. They are essential to your survival and growth in the material and physical world. When they are unbalanced or blocked, you have problems working, living, and adjusting in the often superficial and hectic human world. If you experience problems with daily living then working on these three chakras helps to heal daily issues with love, work and health.

Heart Chakra

Your heart chakra is the emotional centre of your body, mind, and soul. It is positioned in the heart region of your body. You feel happiness, sadness, pleasure and pain. It is entangled with the heart, lungs and surrounding organs. When it is blocked and unbalanced you may feel irrational, sad, depressed and incapable of being yourself. The heart chakra controls the heart, chest, thymus, ribcage and arteries. It also controls your love for yourself and others, your appreciation of beauty, and your compassion. On some chakra systems there is a second heart chakra, or higher heart chakra, located at your thymus. Working with your heart chakra(s) helps you to feel and express your emotions and facilitates more harmonious relationships. Its element is air.

Throat Chakra

This Chakra influences your voice, communication and performance including singing, acting, and comedy. When blocked you may feel afraid to voice their own opinions, or become overly vocal about your beliefs. The throat chakra controls your voice, lungs, mouth, teeth, and thyroid which influence many other glands in the endocrine system. A healthy throat chakra provides focus and clarity with your artistic and creative desires, speaking, communicating and expressing your ideas and emotions. Its element is ether.

Third Eye Chakra

Your third eye chakra is positioned in the centre of your forehead just above the eyes. It deals with thinking and decision making, sight, sound and psychic development. This chakra connects you with the spiritual and higher levels beyond our earthly plane. The third eye controls your mind, ears, subconscious, and dream states as well as your learning and memory. It also controls your openness to psychic senses, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, astral travel, and aura sensing. Mental problems, headaches, stress, sleep loss and memory lapses may occur when this chakra is under or over functioning. Its element is light.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra controls your eyes and the top of the brain. It connects you to the higher planes of the spiritual world. Beliefs, dreams, visions, hopes and realisations take place through this chakra. This chakra is important if you are truly dedicated to the goals in your life and when blocked or closed you can become racist and judgemental of people, lack artistic abilities, and you may be too caught up in the material world. Your dreams and goals take seed and this chakra opens you up to the excitement of a wonderful and imaginary world. You can become artistic, creative, open, and loving to all around you. You have a higher purpose and are not afraid to venture forth and discover that anything is possible.

There are many chakras all over your body, including the hands and feet, but the seven main chakras (root to crown) are the main ones that can bring about healing for your physical body, emotions, mind and soul. Below are some of the higher portals which act as gateways to specific dimensional levels and unlock higher levels of communication and journeying, or teleportation.

Causal Cosmic Portal/Transmisison Centre

When activated, your consciousness is able to pass through the cosmic portal to access your higher consciousness (higher selves). It is there that divine love is felt and understood and through the cosmic portal that your higher transpersonal awareness can be recognised. As this energy portal is unlocked, your Kundalini fire rises further up and through the cosmic portal. It enters into your higher consciousness and flows down again as a fountain over your body to continue the whole cycle again.

Soul Star Portal/Transmission Centre

This portal links you to the realisation of the expanse of creation, a place where you reside with the creator and remember your seamless connection to source. By activating codes of consciousness, this portal opens up like a flower. Trust the universe and you will spontaneously speak with light beings from other races around the galaxy in your soul’s light language. You also know all languages that are stored and now released from cellular memory. It is here that you question and experience memories from the Akashic records. Also, you decide what life you shall choose, what work you shall do, or how you can improve your endeavours. It is here that you surrender to spirit and enjoy your union with all energies of the cosmos.

Stellar Gateway Teleport/Transmission Centre

This is also known as the ‘first contact’ portal. When this portal is activated, the path is cleared to connect with all human-like beings of light within the galaxy. Once this chakra is unlocked and activated, your light body or Merkaba space-time vehicle is also activated and built up. This enables you to teleport to Arcturus where you will receive your scan and healing by the Arcturian technicians. Trust this process and the universe. You will always be guided by your guides and angels for help and support.

Then your 5th dimensional consciousness portal is activated and you are able to reach Arcturus and feel at home in their presence. It is here that you are able to light speak with the Arcturians who will be performing your healing. There is a ‘second contact’ portal also which gives access to a healing clinic on Arcturus, and for receiving your DNA (re) activations. You are then able to connect with the Arcturians and other higher level beings helping ascension, and the ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood.

Christ Consciousness Unity

This is the gateway to increasingly subtler and more sublime experience of oneness or unity with Christ Consciousness and it strengthens your connection with source energy. You also feel one with everything and are aware of being in multiple places, or everywhere, at once. When this portal is activated you receive light directly into your body and also feel love from the divine at all times as long as you set your intent to be connected and meditate regularly.

Super Galactic Centre

When activated this allows you to enter the Great Galactic Core that is the womb of creation of the whole universe. This is the Goddess who is Mother resides, and the associated Great Galactic Kachina energy. Through activating this Chakra and connecting with the Divine Goddess energies you become one with the Divine Mother. You become a unified portal or star-gate enabling peace and balance to manifest through you, and all that you do, for the greater good of humanity and the ascension. You are fully illuminated and connected with the earth, all on her surface, the planets, stars, galaxies and all of creation.

Chakras Are Stargates

You can use meditation, visualisation and journeying based on each chakra or a combination of two or three (or more). When focusing on a particular chakra, empty your mind, experience what arises in your perception, and allow yourself to journey there. You may see a colour like a part of your aura, a tunnel or geometry, or experience a feeling without seeing anything internally. Let this flow and become more aware, watching, observing in meditation. Insight arises by being relaxed and accepting anything that arises. This is why chakras are also known as inner portals, doors of perception, or star-gates to other worlds and dimensions.  There are also many other portals to explore that connect us to the planets, stars, galaxies, universes, and higher dimensional realms. This may be visualised as a vast star-gate network.

Star Magic for Chakra Healing

Star Magic helps to cleanse, purify, and strengthen your whole energy body. This includes the removal of blockages and stuck energies in your chakras to assist with healing of your energy body and hence improve your emotional, mental, and physical health. Star Magic will also align your chakras and open up dormant chakras for you to grow and expand as a spiritual beings living on earth. When all chakras are completely aligned and fully activated they may merge together into one heart chakra of light. Star Magic provides some very powerful techniques to catalyse this process.

Star Magic is very effective for creating rapid results in any facet of life which requires healing. We live in a ‘quantum’ reality where we can affect change with the power of our will. Star Magic is intuitive and a correct intention powered by unconditional love and compassion at the heart centre will result in positive change.

I tune in to the frequency of a client, and feel and see the energy patterns, chords, and ties attached between things and people. Together with my guides, angels and cosmic beings, I will connect with your higher self with heart centred energy. Surrender and allow the healing to filter through all energies. Star magic helps tremendously as it allows the pure cosmic codes of consciousness to enter your body and alchemise change.

If you would like to elevate your life, to a level beyond extraordinary and experience Star Magic energy healing click here