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Hey there, beautiful soul. How are you feeling? So, this is a quick message about the salesman at the front door. Every single day you are going to have the salesman, a world class salesman, knocking on your door. Knocking on the door of your consciousness, knocking on the door of your mind trying to sell you all sorts of wonderful elaborate stories. All sorts of wonderful elaborate gifts trying to take you down this path, trying to take you down that path, and making it all seem like there are staircases of gold in front of you that you should step onto and walk down. But these elaborate gifts and these staircases of gold are illusions.
What you must do is to become a master at saying no to the salesman at your door. You must say yes to what it is that you want in life, your goals, your dreams, your focus, where you are headed towards. Most people in life are like pinballs in a pinball machine. The machine gets pulled back and the pinball gets fired into the pinball machine and people are bouncing off the pinball machine. Then they go down that black hole at the end. You’ve got to master your consciousness, you’ve got to say no to the salesman, that little voice inside of your head that is trying to disrupt you, take you on a different path, take you on a different trajectory.
When you know deep in your heart where you must go, where you’re traveling towards, you see the devil and God both reside inside of you, and what you’ve got to do is to become a master at balancing the two and choosing to overcome every single second of every single day because. The temptation is great, the temptation is massive. The nearer you get towards your goals and your dreams, the bigger that temptation is begging, and the bigger that golden carrot that looks so beautiful and magical, you’ve got to say no to it and stay focused.
Remember the hare and the tortoise. There are no shortcuts to success. You’ve got to go through the daily grind, you’ve got to work, you’ve got to create, you’ve got to stay focused, you’ve got to become a master at saying no. Control your consciousness, beautiful soul. Overcome your temptations.
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