We are consciousness with a DNA Template. This DNA template is geometrical and beyond time and space. The problem is we are locked into our external reality and the illusion of time and this stunts our growth and soul’s evolution in this human vessel. We can step out of the matrix and be our divine inheritance which is that of immortality and choose to leave this body at will. In other words, we could stay here on Earth, in this body for thousands of years or we could leave. For this to happen we must transcend time and space in this reality. Once you expand within you have an opportunity to realize your multidimensional capacity.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right there, beautiful soul? So, I want to discuss consciousness, our consciousness template, and our divine inheritance and the inheritance that we are on a quest through this human experience, but we get the choice, and that choice is when we decide to leave this human vessel, we are divine geometrical templates and immortality is our creative right. It’s our distinctive code, it’s our code of distinction. The issue is most human beings are locked into this time-based reality, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, etc, all the way up to our planetary time-based reality cycles. Now all this stuff is not what it seems. There are 12 months in a year.
Everybody understands or inner stands the distortion and if you don’t, I’m sharing it with you right now. We can opt out of a time-based reality, and we can live as freedom seekers, as truth speakers, as noise in this present moment, and when we decide to harness the full energy, the capacity, in the potential that is available to us right now miracles can happen. I mean look at these trees. These trees have been around for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They’re rooted firmly into the ground. The wind comes along, and they sway from side to side, but nothing keeps them, nothing unbalances them, they stay firmly rooted into the earth. Trees don’t give a hoot about time, they don’t care about anything apart from this moment right now connecting to the cosmos, connected to the earth, they are transmitters of energy, transducers of frequency. Their consciousness accelerators consciousness enhancers.
What’s the difference between the trees and us? There’s nothing. The only difference between the trees and us is your perception of the difference between the trees and us. We’re all the same. We’re all mother nature baby. We can live and be immortal beings and choose what we want to do, to transition out from these physical vessels and go back to the Stars or wherever it is that we’re going to go to next. We are magicians, we are alchemists, we are amazing beings. We are divine but the problem is this, beautiful soul, most people have forgotten their original geometrical template, most people have forgotten that Christ-us, that Christos, that Christ energy, that flows through the bloodlines, that flows through the templates of every being on earth, and we’ve got caught up in the illusion. We’ve got lost in the chaos and the mayhem and it’s screwed a lot of people up.
There are billions of people on this planet right now that don’t know whether they’re coming or going. They’re lost in the mayhem, they’re lost in the chaos, but I know that you know different, and I know that you don’t believe. I know that you love because when you know it comes from your heart and your heart is the stargate into multiple worlds of complexity, beauty, and magic. But the trick is that Stargate is not an outward journey. That stargate isn’t going to take you out into the cosmos. It’s going to take you into the cosmos, the inner workings of the labyrinth of the cosmic heart, the greatest journey that any human being can undertake and it’s not a journey for the weak. It’s a journey for the brave, it’s a journey for those that want to ride the magic carpet, journey as they dive deep into the cosmic heart where all of the answers lie, where you go beyond the matrix, where you crush and dissolve this system, when you say I do not consent to all of this madness that is unfolding around me in this physical 3D space.
I’m going to go into my hearts I’m going to unleash the truth and I’m going to stand in my own sovereign rights as a sovereign being, as an extraterrestrial being that came from the stars to planet Earth to have a magical experience and not get caught up in all this madness, all this stuff this unfolding around us. You’ve got a choice, beautiful soul. You’ve got a choice. Activate your core frequency matrix, activate the DNA codes that were put into your DNA by some incredible ETs. Yes, we’ve been spliced in clones and manipulated and messed around with for many, many, years, thousands, millions, but there were some positive ETs that did some stuff, will weave some magic and we have dormant genetic DNA code locked inside of ourselves and when certain light frequencies hit them, when certain harmonics hit them, we start to wake up. But you must decide to have an inward journey.
Am I going to stay locked into the madness or am I going to take an inward journey and allow myself to be played, not played in a negative capacity but played in a positive way by the harmonics and the frequency, the light encoded divine messages that are coming down from our sisters and brothers from the stars, that plasma energy that is creating change on a cellular level, that is opening up to our full human potential. We are super humans, Â but you got to know this. There’s no point me telling you unless you’re willing to dive into this magical cosmic infinite space of beauty you’re just going to stay locked into this paradigm and nothing’s ever going to change in here. There is awesomeness okay, but you got to know this. You got to discover this. You got to go within and realize your multi-dimensional capacity, your gold.
Meditation, silence, contemplation, hug in the trees, take your shoes and socks off and connect with the earth and let her replenish your bloods with the codes, yes with the gold. You heard that right, the white gold, and the yellow gold that flows and courses through the earth and your physical vessel. There is magic inside of you that you’re probably not aware of but are you willing and prepared to be disciplined enough to take that inward step and then keep stepping and keep stepping and keep stepping because once you start the ride back train, it’s a never-ending journey into the cosmos and not the cosmos out there but the cosmos in here. Anyway, that’s enough for me today. You’re a magical beautiful powerful being, beautiful soul and I love you with all of me, with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being.
You are my sister, or my brother and I respect you. We’re a human family here on this planet. Let’s support each other, let’s love each other, let’s hug each other. Let’s hug tightly and never be the first to let go ever, ever, ever. Hug tightly those billion cosmic souls on Earth. Release that oxytocin, switch on that trust hormone, and bring us together as a human species but you’ve got to take off your mask and realize that’s a waste of time and start hugging your fellow humans again. Are you brave enough to do that? Are you going in here, in your heart, and ask yourself. You’ll soon get the answer. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website starmagichealing.org. Â
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