I have a short but extremely powerful Light Language Transmission to share with you today. This Light Language Transmission will open and activate your heart chakra. This is the space where the most powerful frequency in the entire universe emanates from: pure, unconditional love. Your heart is so powerful, and unconditional love is a formidable force of nature. It is what you are at the core of your being beautiful soul, so engage with this Light Language Transmission and feel your heart chakra open like a blooming flower, and the love frequency flow through your veins and out into the world. This Light Language transmission will not only fill you with the phenomenal feeling of being pure love, it will also help calm you and bring about a state of both relaxation and joy, in perfect balance. It is only when we channel unconditional love that we can raise our vibration, and by raising our vibration and opening our hearts we are able to be, just be, ourselves living in the present moment. Free of all negative thoughts and fears and conditioning. Free of those daily worries. Join me in this Light Language transmission and experience this freedom for yourself.
Activating the higher heart is mission-critical for ascension into 5d. This light language transmission will activate your higher heart, clear and energy blockages, heal you on a subatomic level and shift your frequency. Are you ready for this Cosmic Energy Upgrade?
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul?
So, how do you relax and come into your heart? How do you enter the present moment? So many people struggle in life because they’re living inside of their head bouncing around all those crazy thoughts and most people have 70 to 80 thousand plus thoughts every single day. These programs are just running in the background and most of those thoughts are the same as the thoughts from the day before and the day before that just constantly repeating over and over taking people in different directions, controlling their emotions, their thought patterns their behaviours, their addiction to the chemicals that are produced by the brain and the body, from traumatic events, from the past. The mind is crazy and goes into all of these things and keeps us locked in a often low vibrational space.
So, entering that present moment is important being inside of your heart is important and it does take practice because without the practice in the dedication you’re going to keep drifting and come in off your path and find yourself inside of your head living in the past and that’s a dangerous place. We want to be here right now in this present moment because this moment is the only moment that you can affect and it’s the only moment that truly exists. Going back into the guilt from the past, anger from the past, rejection from the past, and fear of the future are not conducive to our human evolution. They’re not going to help us raise the vibration of our own personal being and the vibration of the planet in our human family as a collective. So, we have a responsibility to raise our own personal vibration because it’s not just affecting us, it’s affecting everything else.
So, I want to share with you, a short light language transmission that you can listen to for calming yourself down and to bring yourself into this present moment where your heart is open and your just being and feeling in a state of relaxation and joy, a state of balance and harmony. So, what I’d like you to do is just close your eyes and take three nice long deep breaths in through your nose down to the pit of your stomach back out through your mouth. Now I’d like you to continue breathing like this. In through your nose, down to the pit of your stomach, and out through your mouth. Keep your eyes closed and continue to breathe. Now as you’re breathing, I’d like you to bring your awareness into the centre of your chest, your heart chakra, your heart space. This is the space that the most powerful frequency in the entire universe emanates from. Your heart is so powerful. Unconditional love is a formidable force of nature. It’s what you are at the core of your being, beautiful soul.
So, bring your awareness down into your heart and as you’re breathing, I want you to consciously imagine your heart is like a flower and it’s opening and it’s blooming and it just keeps unfolding and unfolding and opening and opening and I want you to say to yourself, “I am ready and willing to open my heart. I am going to open it beyond all measure. I’m going to feel so much love right now and I’m excited about it.” I know your mind can often interfere and tell you that it’s dangerous to feel this love because you might have been burnt in the past but forget about that. The only moment is truly here in this space is the now moment. The only moments that you can affect through the frequency of the heart is this present moment. By opening your heart, you can bend time and space and change reality. So, open it consciously, open it and bring your awareness down into your chest and open it and you can see pink light, violet light, golden light, whatever colours flow out from your heart. Allow them to flow right through the front of your heart right through the back of your heart. This powerful frequency, you’re consciously opening, and allowing it to flow 360 degrees in all directions.
Continue to breathe down into the pit of your stomach and out through your mouth and consciously keep opening your heart. I’m doing it the same and the field of my heart is flowing, it’s rapidly through this empty space 360 degrees, left, right, up, down, in all directions. My heart is merging with your heart right now because there’s no time and space. There’s no distance, there’s no measurement. We’re in this space together so feel my heart connecting to your heart. We are one beautiful song. Keep breathing in through your nose, down to the pit of your stomach and out through your mouth, nice long slow deep breaths and feel yourself getting lighter and lighter and lighter as your heart expands and expands.
I’m going to share this light language transmission with you. Allow these frequencies to flow into your light body, into your physical body, your mental and your emotional body, absorb them into your soul. I love you unconditionally.
Light language transmission
Open your heart wider. Consciously open it. It has an infinite abundance of unconditional love. It’s a labyrinth of wisdom and knowledge deeper than the deepest ocean, taller than the tallest mountain. It’s an infinite storehouse of energy so keep opening your heart.
Light language transmission
Keep opening your heart. Be in this space. I want you to see and become aware of a powerful high vibration violet light that’s moving into your space and surrounding your physical body. This high vibrational 5th and 6th density violet like a cloud of inspiration and magic flows around your physical body. I want you to start breathing this frequency in through your nose. As you’re breathing in through your nose you breathe it down into your stomach, you breathe it up into your mind, you breathe it into your arms, your hands, your fingers, and thumbs. You breathe it into your back, your spinal column, that magic wand. You breathe it into your tummy, your hips, your buttocks, and groin. It flows through your legs. As you breathe it flows into your knees, your calves, your shins, your ankles, your feet, your toes. Breathe this frequency into every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre. Breathe into every cell, breathe deeper and deeper and deeper and feel this healing frequency working through your physical body relaxing, opening your heart even wider connecting you to all things animate and inanimate, every star, every planet, every Sun, every moon, every galaxy, every star system, every universe.
Light language transmission
Breathe these frequencies into your consciousness, beautiful soul. Be in this space and just vibrate. Keep breathing, keep your eyes closed, allow the frequency of unconditional love to pour out from your soul into the space around you as we’re connected, you and I, brother to sister, brother to brother, light to light, soul to soul. We are one divine power source of energy manifested into many different forms. I recommend you do this light language transmission every day for the next 13 days to bring yourself into a real good space of Zen and then you can listen to it whenever you want whenever you feel like you need to be relaxed. Just turn it on and listen. Close your eyes and go through the process. This is a tool for you to use 24/7 as often as you like. Maybe you want to wake up in the morning and listen to this before you start your day to put you into that Zen, that space, that relaxed space where you’re calm and in the present moment just feeling your body.
Right now, just feel it. It’s amazing, this physical vessel that we get to play the game of life in, our space suits our avatar, this vessel that we get to run and jump and play in, climbing, hugging, make loving, eating, all these things we get to do as a human amazing. We should be so grateful. Feel the gratitude in your heart, right in there, beautiful soul. Remember every day for the next 13 days. I highly recommend you stay in this space, don’t go back, or go and do anything else right now just stay in this space for another 5-10 minutes and just be breathing in that high vibration of violet, your heart expanded. I’m going to love you and leave you. Your truly extraordinary and I’m so grateful for having the opportunity to be in this space with you right now and to share with you.
If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our sisters and our brothers. We are a human family. Let’s raise the vibration on the planet together. United we are strong, one force, one. If you want to hear more light language transmissions, then check out our website starmagichealing.org. We’ve got bundles of them, bundles of amazing healing meditations.
Go out into this world and shine your light and shine it so bright that other people need a pair of shades because your light is just blinding them. But keep on shining it anyway and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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