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I love you with my, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul?
I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you your family your loved one’s friends a beautiful Christmas an amazing festive period and an incredible New Year and thank you from all my heart for being in this tribe and
week in week out showing your dedication and your commitment to hold in the frequency, being the frequency, doing the work, showing up weekly meditation after weekly meditation, frequency Spa, doing the work in Fearless Focus, being there and supporting your fellow sisters and brothers in the tribe.
Some of you have been with us for several years, some of you have been with us for several weeks, some of you literally have just joined the trial and just got involved in Star Magic. Wherever You are is totally perfect and you know every single tribe member wherever they are on that path, there’s playing an integral and a mission-critical role in growing the star magic frequency because it is a frequency that spreads like wildfire. Once you tap into it and tune into it and do the work on a consistent regular basis you shift and then your family members start to shift and so on. We’ve been noticing it with the online trainings.
Those Souls that have done facilitator training with us online, their families are changing. There is huge energetic shifts rippling throughout the whole household and it’s amazing to witness but if it’s happening in the households it’s happening in the business it’s happening with strangers in the street even though we’re strangers in the street you may not get to experience those shifts because they’re kind of quick and rapid sort of interchanges whether in a coffee shop whether you’re in a restaurant or maybe you’re just walking down the street. But the frequency that you’re carrying after doing the work was Star Magic. It is a higher frequency and the more work you do the higher that frequency is going to go and I’m just so grateful for every single one of you wherever you are on this journey with us that you’re showing up and you’re doing the work.
Whether you’re doing a little bit of work or a lot of work you’re still doing some work and you’re having a beautiful effect. Something that came up on Fearless focus last week will celebrate progression and I feel this is so important because a lot of people they look at others and they think well they’re doing so much; I can’t really do that. Well, that’s okay you celebrate your progression in your own way if you’re doing one meditation every three days that’s better than no meditations every three days and then if you move to one meditation four times a week then five times a week and eventually one meditation a day you’re progressing and that should be celebrated and you should be giving yourself a big pat on the shoulder and then you might want to chuck in a cold shower. You’re progressing. Then you chuck in some deep breathing and eventually you start really living this star magic lifestyle and that’s when the magic changes. I mean the amount of people this year that have had amazing relationships unfold. Other people have had broken relationships that have completely turned around with Star Magic.
There are people that have manifested huge amounts of money just because they’re doing the work and elevating their frequency and they’re living from the heart. When you go beyond the body beyond the mind, you become the frequency, and everything shifts. Watching so many people in the tribe do the work, change their frequency, and start to live incredible lives is amazing. The amount of healing that’s taken place this year is wild. I mean it blows me away every single time we’ve had people you know with eyesight or hearing loss, people that had limbs out of action come back, people with twisted bent spines straightened, people with all sorts of different diseases – mental issues, physical issues, emotional issues, and healing.
It’s just amazing to bear witness to the other thing that’s been beautiful this year which blows me away every time. It’s how every single one of you in the tribe is showing up for your sisters and brothers. I see it in the infinity telegram group. I see it on the weekly meditations, on the master classes, on The Fearless Focus sessions, how you’re supporting each other and inspiring each other and motivating each other and having each other’s back and it’s absolutely amazing.
Some souls that have been with us for a couple of years they’re now actually moving into part-time and full-time positions within star Magic because within the social groups that we’ve got they’re showing beautiful leadership skills and so some of those people are working on a front end, some of those people are working in the back end, some for example you’ve got souls that are have now got jobs in Star magic where they answering emails from tribe members. You’ve got people that are working in the telegram group supporting day in Day Out 24/7 365. You’ve got some souls that are now traveling with me that are working their way through star magic, coming on groups, helping at facilitator trainings.
People are progressing through star magic and everyone that we’re taking on is a soul that has been on the journey and to see it actually materialize now after a few years of doing star magic it’s been this is our seventh year now so people actually coming through the ranks, and you know making it something that they can be a part of, earn money from and help so many others. It’s beautiful to see it expanding our teams growing massively on a global scale and it’s going to continue to grow in 2023. So, you know if you like what we do with star Magic and put yourself into that position be proactive start showing those leadership skills those communication skills start voicing your opinion inside the telegram groups and on weekly meditations and show us that you can be an inspiration that you can motivate other people and I’m sure there’ll be a role for you somewhere down the line.
The last thing that I kind of really want to share is this our inner core frequency has changed within our team those that are working on the front ends and the back ends behind the scenes. The core frequency is changed, and I know that people in the tribe are feeling it because of the emails that are coming in and I see the frequency in the tribe changing because our core in the nucleus the frequency at the core of the mission star magic the business has changed. Seeing it kind of ripple out is amazing and people that kind of were with star magic you know six seven years ago they’re kind of veered off and went and did their own thing which is completely cool and now knocking on the door and saying listen we can feel the shift that we want back in and that’s beautiful.
The frequency within the team and within the tribe is going to continue to grow and it’s being felt throughout the planet so moving into 2023 let’s just really knuckle down. Let’s really be the frequency. Let’s live from our hearts, let’s follow our hearts. Our heart is our life compass, and it will always lead us in the direction of our dreams, and we’ve all congregated on this planet because we have a mission to fulfil together. it’s by no accident that I’m here, you’re here listening to this right there. We all play an integral mission critical role on this in this mission that we call star magic so do the work beautiful soul.
Whether you are going to join the core team, whether you’re just going to be one of those pillars of light that’s that shines so strong within the framework of star magic that’s just as important as those souls that come and help me on group healings. It’s just as important as those souls that help in answering emails in the back end. We all play our role and it’s like a great big, gigantic jigsaw puzzle and I’m so grateful there we are here together, that we’re in this together over the Christmas period.
Have a beautiful relaxing time with your friends and your family. Have some fun let your hair down and get recharged because 2023 is going to be massive. We must activate your living legends masterclass on the 29th of December that’s going to be beautiful for setting you up for 2023 and then on the 3rd of January we have this massive free Global Group healing. Go to the events section, register, check your emails. The email links were sent out. They’ll be sent out again but register those two things – activate your Living Legends and Dissolve Old Wound Consciousness, 29th of December 3rd of January. Those two online events are going to set you up for a magical mystical full-blown supersonic 2023.
From all my heart to all of your hearts, I love you so much and I’m so grateful to be here with you. Have a beautiful Christmas, a beautiful new year, and I’ll see you very soon.
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