You cannot change people in your life, but you change the people in your life. Let’s raise our vibration, expand our consciousness and make the best choices for us as divine humans on this planet.
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“This is the only way you’re going to change the people around you, the only way.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, today I’ve got an important message – how can you change the people around you? Well first you can’t change the people around you but what you can do is change the people around you. You can’t change the people around you, I’ll say it again, but you can change the people around you. So, you can’t change them because they’re their own human beings. You’re your own being and we can’t change anyone around us because everybody has the right to be who they are.
So, we’ve got to accept everybody for who they are and love them for who they are and be kind to them for who they are. But we can change the people around us by deciding to move on and leave them because your life is short. You’re on this planet for a short period of time and you want to be hanging around with those people that love you, those people that care for you, those people that want to see you do the very best in your life, those people that are on the same vibration as you, those people that support you and nurture you and are so happy that you’ve got these dreams and these crazy ideas. They kick you up the ass and say go for it. They’re the kind of people that you want in your life.
You don’t want people that are talking about other people, you don’t want people in your life that bring you down or try and bring you down, you don’t want people that discourage you, you don’t want people that don’t share in your vision and in your dreams. You’re a unique kind of human. The reason I know that is because you’re watching this video, you’re listening to me right now. Your frequency is high. All my videos are for high frequency beings. That’s why you’re watching this, that’s why you’re listening to this. So, I know that you’re on a journey. You’re on the most magical journey that you can possibly go on in this human reality and that my friend is the journey of the heart. It’s the most treacherous, rewarding, interesting, enlightening, challenging journey that you could ever go on.
When you decide to put one foot in front of the other and go on this wild ride into your cosmic heart you want people around you that are steadfast. You got to get the naysayers out of your life, and you’ve got to raise your vibration and move into a different sphere of comrades, of friends, of sisters and brothers. Find your tribe and maybe when you find your tribe, you’ll raise your vibration again and you’ll move on from that tribe. Your circle of associates and friends and loved ones can keep changing and don’t think just because someone’s in your family, your mom, your dad, your sister, your brother, your auntie, your uncle, if they don’t want to do the work and raise their vibration it doesn’t mean they’ve got to be in your tribe.
Sometimes this journey into the heart can be a lonely journey and you’ve got to get used to enjoying your own company because you climb a mountain and as you climb that mountain it can be quite lonely because the mountains are tough to climb and not everybody wants to climb it. When you get to the top on the plateau you’ve got people that are there resting, acclimatizing, recalibrating, so you start to meet a few people and then you decide that enough is enough. It’s time to climb again to the next peak, to the next mountain top. Again, it can be a lonely journey in between but then you get to the next peak and you meet more people that have gone to that next peak and raised their vibration and so it goes. You recalibrate, you climb, you recalibrate, you climb, and each time you’re climbing, doing that shadow work, doing that inner work, it can be a lonely journey. So, you’ve got to get used to being alone.
When you love yourself fully, wholly, and unconditionally, you don’t mind being alone because you don’t need anything else to fulfil you. You don’t need another human being to make you whole, you don’t need any friends and family and conversations to enlighten you because you’ve got all the tools and everything necessary to be completely happy and full yourself and then when you do engage with each other when you meet new friends and you reconnect with old, loved ones from past lives and parallel realities on this interesting spiritual journey.
At the next peak you just have fun with them because you’re all whole. You’re on this journey and you love yourself and when you start to connect with these people the connections are just beautiful because nobody wants anything from anyone else, nobody feels like they’ve got to do anything for anyone else. Everyone’s just kind and compassionate, loving their selves fully, wholly, and unconditionally, and then you just connect in perfect equilibrium, and you decide to do real cool things together like building communities and creating change. You create change by being an inspiration and many of you get together and form these powerful communities. When we form these powerful communities, we’re unstoppable.
So, if you want to create change in this world don’t do it by trying to change other people. Do it by trying to change yourself by not trying to change yourself but by changing yourself. Go and change yourself, go and be yourself, go and know yourself. Raise your vibration and then you’ll naturally change the people around you because they won’t be in your life anymore and those that raise their vibration, you’ll naturally inspire them so they’re going to change anyway. It’s a beautiful ride and you’re a beautiful soul and life should be fun. Life should be a joke, it should be a game, it should be enjoyable. So, get out into nature, exercise, meditate, start climbing that great big hill which isn’t a great big hill. It’s the stargate inside to your inner workings, to your inner being where the magic happens, where the knowledge is, where the wisdom is. So, take this journey, beautiful soul. Be dangerous, be brave, be wild, be love, and go for it because magic is waiting for you in here.
Wherever you are on this planet go out and hug tightly. Hug so tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously because the world needs it right now. The world needs you to love fiercely and ferociously because there’s so much craziness going on and that fierce and ferocious love will burst through the seams, burst through the illusion, and unlock the goodness, the greatness, the magic. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website