This playlist will bring you into a state of equilibrium. You will experience clarity and balance at new levels. The mind chatter will dissolve as your energy levels rise, due to the constant barrage of useless thoughts that once drained your energy, disappear. You will find yourself choosing response over reaction as you stay in the zero point in all situations.

1. Morning Calm

2. The Diamond Spark

3. 21 Days of Zen

4. Be Love

5. Brilliant Brain

6. Stay in the Flow


8.Temple of Tranquility


{"playlist":[{"title":"1. Temple Of Tranquillity","artist_name":"The Temple Of Tranquillity is available to each of us. It's an inner sanctum of peace and calmness that can be accessed to rejuvenate and cleanse the mind, body and soul. An electric gold pyramid lies within this inner sanctum of calmness and during this meditation you will be guided to open and bathe in this powerful and tranquil light. You will feel peace, zen, light and free, and totally rejuvenated. Stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/01\/Jan2023_temple-of-tranquility.jpg","duration":"30:33","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":150582},{"title":"2. Neutrality","artist_name":"This short meditation will bring into a space of presence and neutrality, and you will start to hold your energy. when we react or judge we lose power, and our energy dwindles. When we stay present, calmness expands, truth unfolds, love flows, energy levels rise, and we stay empowered. When we react and judge and move out from acceptance, we de-stabilise ourselves. This meditation will realign you and allow you to be fiercely present and exceptionally powerful. From here your levels of wholeness will accelerate, abundance will flow, relationships will blossom, Stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/04\/Meditation-neutrality_21stApril2023.jpg","duration":"13:13","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":170507},{"title":"3. Stay In The Flow","artist_name":"Being in the flow, living from the zero point, unflustered, unshakeable is something a lot of people struggle with, especially when life challenges them through other people, events or circumstances. It is possible however, to be a Jedi knight and never get rocked from your centre. This meditation is the perfect tool to arm you with the necessary tools and lock you into that zero point, never to be f**cked with again. A great meditation to listen to sitting or lying but also whilst walking or on the move. Staying in the flow will help your relationships, elevate your health and vitality and keep you in the abundance flow. Stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/06\/Meditation_stay-in-the-flow-16thJune2023.png","duration":"26:26","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":186561},{"title":"4. Brilliant Brain","artist_name":"","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Meditation-brilliant-brain-piano_silence-2023.jpg","duration":"11:33","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":210618},{"title":"5. Be Love \u2013 5 Minutes","artist_name":"Kick back for 5 minutes, enjoy your space and lets the divinity from within elevate your levels of love. In this space you will be pure love and then you can move through your day being this love always. Taking 5 minutes out from your daily routine is all you sometimes need to reboot and refresh. Stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Meditation-5-min_Be-Love.jpg","duration":"5:39","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":213169},{"title":"6. 21 Days Of Zen","artist_name":"This short, powerful meditation will take you into a state of zen, where you can simply be, offering you the opportunity to step out from the world, into peace and tranquility, harmonising and balancing your energies. Doing this daily for 21 days will remind you of that inner state of calmness. One that you can access always. Stay hydrated.\r\n","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/11\/Meditation-21-days-of-zen.jpg","duration":"14:14","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":217561},{"title":"7. The Diamond Spark","artist_name":"Inside every human being is a divine spark that gives you access to a whole universe of raw potential. Connect and activate the spark and it will set you on a beautiful path of wonder, excitement, joy, fulfilment, connection, love and magic as you feel nurtured and supported by this ever-evolving guiding light. Stay hydrated. \r\n\r\n","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/10\/diamond.jpg","duration":"26:26","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":213737},{"title":"8. Morning Calm","artist_name":"This short meditation will bring you into a state of peace and calm, so you feel the immense gratitude you have for all things and this immense feeling of gratitude will be like magnet, bring more experiences into your life for you to be grateful for. Stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/11\/Meditation-morning-calm.jpg","duration":"5:55","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":218609}]}