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I love you with my heart, with my soul with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I want to invite you into this space with me for a breath work and Diamond Flame upgrade. This will be healing, expansive, activating on a physical level, on a soul level. So just be in this space with me and just breathe some long slow deep breaths in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out slow. Feel your body, feel the space around your body as you breathe deeper and longer and slower knowing that your body and the space are one of the same. There is no separation. The field around you is an extension of you and you are an extension of the field. You can close your eyes or have your eyes open. It’s entirely up to you.
As you’re breathing into your body, your powerful magical body, I want you to become aware of a high frequency electromagnetic crystalline Blue Sapphire light flowing in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor. This powerful high frequency electromagnetic crystalline Blue Sapphire light flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of you in a clockwise direction over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling, getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of your physical body like a powerful high frequency electromagnetic crystalline blue sapphire tornado. You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column, those 33 vertebrae, through your middle back, lower back, into your buttocks, through your heart, your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ, through your hips, your groin.
It swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings, down through your knees, your calves, past your shins into your ankles, through your feet, all the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing as the light flows through every cell, every atom every molecule, every fibre of your entire being. Your cells. they dance and smile communicating with each other like one big happy family. Your heart expands and expands and expands filling up your chest expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the space as the light from your own soul illuminates your environment and the love from your own magical mystical heart flows and dances freely with courage, confidence, unity, compassion, strength, freedom 360° in all directions.
As you vibrate in this space breathing in this blue sapphire frequency, I want you to place the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth. Close your eyes, bring all your awareness up into the centre of your brain and back slightly where your pineal gland is and you’re going to breathe in through your nose down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your nose for 60 seconds in 3, 2, 1, let’s go. Keep breathing. In five seconds, you’re going to take a deep breath in and you’re going to hold your breath in 4, 3, 2, 1 breathe in, and hold. Keep your eyes closed, tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, all your awareness up in the centre of your brain and back slightly drawing that energy up through your body and into your brain. Keep holding your breath. Another 20 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7, when we get to zero just regulate your breathing and keep your eyes closed. 3, 2, 1, zero. Now regulate your breathing in through your nose down to the pit of your stomach and back out slow. Just be in this space continuing to breathe in that blue sapphire light.
As you breathe in that blue sapphire light, you become aware of a diamond light in the centre of your chest, in the centre of your heart, and as you breathe deeper and longer and slower that diamond light starts to expand. It grows brighter and stronger with every breath. It fills up your chest turning into a bright diamond flame burning up through your throat, up through your mind, through your crown. This diamond light goes down through your stomach, your hips, your buttocks, out through your waist, your rib cage, out past your arms, down through your knees. It grows and grows until it’s 3 m tall and 2 m wide, until this large diamond flame is burning around your physical body and as it burns around your physical body you become aware of electrical energy flowing from your heart into every cell of your body. As this electrical energy flows into every cell of your body, microscopic diamond flames light up inside every cell, 75 to 100 trillion of them and each diamond flame communicates with every other flame trillions of streams of electrical energy, the most intricate communication network flowing, moving inside your body, energizing you, activating you, switching you on as that diamond flame around your body burns brighter.
We’re going to start breathing in through our nose down to the pit of our stomach and back out through our nose once again, tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, awareness up in the centre of your brain and back slightly. This time you’re going to squeeze your buttocks, your perineum, and genitals, and pull your abdominals back towards your spine for 10 in and out breaths, and then let go of the squeeze for 10 in and out breaths. You’re going to maintain this for 2 minutes, starting in 10 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let’s go.
60 seconds left. Keep going. 20 seconds left. Keep going. When we get to the end, the last breath is going to be a big breath in and you’re going to hold it this time for a minute, in 3, 2, 1. Breathe in and hold. Whilst you’re holding, I want you to squeeze your perineum and pump it. Tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, all your awareness up in the centre of your brain whilst you’re pumping your perineum, squeezing those sexual organs, driving that energy up through your body. Keep holding. 15 seconds left. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let go of the squeeze, breathe out. Keep your eyes closed and start to regulate your breathing.
Breathe in once again in through your nose, down to your belly, out slow, as that diamond light burns around your body. Those diamond flames burning in every cell and as you vibrate you become aware of a beautiful platinum, diamond, emerald, and electric gold light flowing up from Mother Earth’s heart up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet, up through your body and into your heart. Boom! There’s a small explosion of light as your Celestial mother plugs into your heart space, that magnetic energy grounding you into the multi-dimensional grid. Just be in this space. Breathe with Mother Earth, feel Mother Earth. You are an extension of her. She is an extension of you. We are one.
As you breathe deeper and longer and slower activating your body vibrating, your heart expanding, love pouring out from you, love pouring into you knowing this diamond flame will support you, nurture you, hold space for you communicate with you, and guide you as long as you’re present and still. Listen and you will be able to hear the subtle guidance which will steer you on your soul purpose here on this magical planet Earth.
Breathe into your body as you start to become aware of your body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. Once we get to zero open your eyes come back into this space and just be. Take your time, there’s no hurry. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Feel your body, feel your energy, feel the space know that you are amazing. I recommend you come back and do this every day for 21 days. In fact, I challenge you to do this every day for 21 days. Each time it will be a new and more empowering experience building on the day before, amplifying your energy field with levels of love, joy, and ecstasy, the levels of unity, passion, commitment, strength, self-respect. You are amazing, truly phenomenal and I love you with all my heart to the next universe and back and beyond.
If you want to experience more activations like this then go to our website Get free access right there to Infinity for 7 days where you’ve got hundreds of transmissions, meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, master classes, private telegram groups to connect with the community, frequency spas, weekly meditations, Fearless Focus sessions and so much more. You are amazing, beautiful soul. We all are, and we really are a family. We’re sisters and brothers on this magical planet. Let’s be together, work together, create together, and co-create the world that we know we can create. One full of love, care, respect, honour, where the masculine and The Feminine come together and co-create merging our human race into wholeness. We can be sovereign beings on this green and blue ball hovering in infinite space.
Let’s love fiercely and ferociously, let’s hug each other tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul is never the first to let go. Go out into this world and Shine Your light be all that. You can be everything and activate your superhuman potential by taking that deep dive into your heart and realizing you are powerful beyond measure. Love is your greatest weapon. Utilize it. It’s an infinite supply, it’s never going to run out. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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