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“The people around you, the ones that are so-called closest to you, you should never believe anything they say.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul?
Co-dependency is dangerous when you are trying to elevate and expand and raise your vibration and move on in your life evolving as a human being in this reality. People that are close to you, family, friends, loved ones, they often try and pull you back into the bucket if you’re living in a household that is codependent. Everybody is feeding off each other’s toxic energy. It’s dangerous. The people around you, the ones that are so-called closest to you, you should never believe anything they say. When you are on a mission, when you’re trying to evolve, when you’re trying to expand, when you’re trying to grow, when you’re trying to go out and create new pathways, blaze new trails, get involved in new businesses, start new relationships, you should never believe those that are close to you. You should question everything.
The only human being that you can truly trust is you. You’ve got to go into your heart and feel your way forwards because those people that are close to you most of the time they will be in fear. Their identity is being crushed, rearranged, twisted, and bent, shattered, by you raising your energy levels, by you raising your vibration and going on your own mission. They’re like crabs in the bucket trying to pull you back in. They’re scared because their identity is going to change because you’re shifting and you’re a part of their identity in your current format, in your current frequency, the way that you’re acting and operating in the world as a human being. As that changes it obviously changes their reality too and that scares the s*** out of most people. So, what you’ve got to do is be focused. You got to stay present. You’ve got to live from your heart, and you’ve got to ask what is best for me right now because all of these other people that are telling you ‘I don’t think that business idea is a good idea’, ‘I don’t think that relationship is the best thing for you’, what they want to do is stunt your growth so they can stay the same. That is a reality check.
So, you’ve got to decide are you going to take the advice from people living in fear that you’ve probably listened to for a very long time and that you love, and you respect. Your mom, your dad, your sister, your brother, your best mates, your business partners, your sons, your daughters, are you going to listen to them and let them keep you small and confined and caged or are you going to make your own decision, grow your wings and saw like a phoenix rising from the ashes. It’s your choice beautiful soul. But only you can make the choices for you, or you can let other people make your choices, your friends and your family, the loved ones, the ones that you think are there to help you and love you and support you. Now, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes we have supportive friends, supportive loved ones, and they’re like you know, what that’s a great idea, go for it, give it everything, go in all gun’s blazing, and hammer that idea home go into that relationship, explore that new country. If that’s what your heart is telling you to do go for it, beautiful soul.
Sometimes we have friends, family, loved ones, business partners like this but a lot of the time we don’t so you’ve got to use discernment. You’ve got to decide who’s on my side. Well, I know I’m on my side so I’m going to listen to me. I’m going to listen to my heart because my heart is my life compass. It’s always going to lead me in the direction of my dreams. It might not always be easy but it’s a path that’s worth walking because as you walk that that path you gain more skills, you get new knowledge, you gain more wisdom and the wisdom, the knowledge, and the new skills that you unlock from deep with inside you, they’re absolutely mission critical as you get further down the road on your journey. So, listen to your heart, follow your heart. Don’t judge the process, enjoy the process and as you’re marching forwards don’t listen to the nays. Take it with a pinch of Salt, tell them you love them and just keep moving. That’s the best way if you are in a codependent relationship. Then snap out of it, be the brave one that makes the choice to change.
You are amazing, you are a supersonic superhuman and you came to planet Earth to shine, to grow, to love, to expand, to truly live this human experience, not to stay caged and small. So, don’t allow others to keep you in that cage, don’t allow others to keep you small. Break free, be sovereign, express your divinity, your truth, your wisdom. The world is ready for it. It’s craving it, beautiful soul. It wants you to shine but those closest to you they’ll keep you in the small pond because they don’t want you to grow into a big fish and swimming out into the ocean with the sharks scares the out of them.
Wherever you are on this planet go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fearlessly and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Shine your light, express your magic, wave your magic wand with every thought, with every emotion, with every piece of action and cast those positive spells, put out the right frequencies and currents out into the universal fabric. Change the mathematics coherently, fluidly, positively, and magic will unfold in your reality. You are the spellcaster, you are the alchemist, you are the lion, the lioness, the god, the goddess. It’s on you, beautiful Soul. Take responsibility, move forwards, and make the most of this time on planet Earth.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet right now. You can get free access to meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition master classes, a whole heap of tools that will raise your vibration and help you step into your superhuman potential. I’ll see you again very, very, soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.