Star Magic Healing Blog

Free articles, videos, meditations, light language transmissions and more

Sound and Light Healing

Light and sound heal you. Many popular types of vibrational medicine use light and sound frequencies to awaken your soul […]

Quantum Timeline Healing

Have you ever wondered what happens to you and your memories after you died? Every moment that is lived or […]

Arcturian Healing Technology

The Arcturians are very advanced healers who have created many healing technologies for energy healing. They use cosmic light codes […]

Meditation Heals Your Soul

The true healing power of meditation was known since ancient times. Meditation was known and practiced millennia ago at the […]

Energy Healing for the World

You are connected to the world and each and every human being is precious. Your future is shaped by your […]

Exercising Your Third Eye

Your third eye is your sixth chakra and also the doorway for your clairvoyance and psychic sensing. Your third eye […]

The Power & Magic of Sacred Geometry

Have you ever wondered why we are so fascinated by sacred geometry? Sacred geometry is used in sacred spaces and […]

Don’t Panic, ET is Here!

It was only decades ago when a belief in intelligent life from the stars would be laughed at or even […]

Capitalism is a Ticking Time Bomb

Capitalism is a ticking time bomb. It may suddenly collapse like a house of cards if things continue going as […]

Spiritual Keys to Life Success

You may have felt that there is more to the meaning of life beyond the daily grind of life on […]

The Magic of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was one of the great geniuses of our industrial revolution. Tesla was born during the night of 1856 […]

The Fibonacci Series

Fibonacci numbers have piqued the interest of many people across the world. The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers […]

Do We Live in a Computer Game?

It is unlikely that your reality is real. It may be a simulation, hologram, or computer game. It is tricky […]

Are You A Starseed?

When you look up at the night sky and connect with the cosmos you know you are not alone. You […]

How To Become A Sovereign Citizen

A sovereign citizen, or freeman of the land, is someone who believes they are above all laws. Freemen believe that […]