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Star Magic Healing Blog

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Energy Healing and Meditation for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that appear on your legs and can cause you physical discomfort and they also […]

Healing Your Energy Through Compassion

Compassion is a great healer and when you develop authentic compassion with true love in your heart, you will heal […]

Mapacho for Your Health and Healing

For millennia, ancient and modern native peoples have used mapacho for a range of purposes including shamanic healing, meditation, energy […]

Becoming Superhuman by Letting Go

You are superhuman and you have unlimited potential. To fully awaken, heal, and shine brightly like the brightest star, let […]

Roar Like a Lion with Spiritual Courage

If you really want to transform yourself and change the world, then cultivate boldness to roar like a lion and […]

How To Channel Information from Anywhere

When you relax and tune into your heart, you open the door for information to flow from your spiritual guides […]

Navigating The Modern World: A Starseed’s Perspective

Humanity is creating more and more advanced science and technology at breakneck speed. Yet our modern world is in chaos […]

Energy Healing in the 21st Century

Everything is energy in this reality. Matter is energy. Thoughts are energy. Information is energy. Our bodies are energy. So, […]

Five Ways to Attract Abundance in 2023

In this blog you will learn how to invite abundance in all aspects of your life and treat yourself to […]

DNA Healing and Activation Technology

As modern science probes deeper into human DNA and the emerging science of epigenetics, it is becoming clearer that there […]

The Power of Love

Love is a feeling, an emotion, which is displayed my everyone in a variety of ways. You cannot make love […]

Create Your Own Spiritual Toolkit and Unveil Reality

Have you ever wondered why the world feels fake, or know that the universe is much greater than you can […]

Eleven Popular Techniques for Energy Healing

Like everything else in physical reality, you are composed of pure energy. Your body is a collection of cells and […]

Energy Healing with the Constellations

Medical astrology looks at the astrological signs and planets and connects their energies to parts of the human body and […]

Optimum Output: Time and Flow

Have you wondered how you can master your time and find your flow for optimum output and performance in your […]