Is ascension happening? What is the biggest lie your spiritual teacher ever told you? This spiritual community is heavily infiltrated and is full of BS. Many say that you can create your reality and it can be done by sitting and meditating. Others say that we are ascending somewhere, but where? From 3d to 5d. Is this true? There is so much distortion on this planet and many people who think their story is the story with the one true ending. Consciousness is forever expanding and evolving and timelines are changing.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
Oh, it’s good to be alive, it’s good to be here on planet Earth. Listen, I want to share something with you that’s just been bugging the ‘crap’ out of me recently, okay, and it’s about the information that’s being fenced. First, I’m no spiritual teacher, I’m no guru. I just want to make that real clear and if anyone ever says to you that they’re your spiritual teacher or your spiritual guru you need to look at them and have a real long stare and then go into your heart and say do I need a teacher, do I need a guru? No, you don’t. You don’t need anyone. You need yourself. Yes, you can have friends and people in your life that can guide you and positively influence you if you decide that their influence is positive not only because they tell you that is positive but because you know that is positive and it shifts your perception.
What I want to share with you today is this the biggest lie that there is any spiritual teacher or spiritual guru for you, and that you can create your own reality. You can live in a bubble of bliss, you can go into your heart, you can go into your mind, and you can create your external reality. Go into your heart, raise your vibration, and you’re going to ascend, you’re going to ascend somewhere. Â Where, I haven’t got a clue, but this is what people are feeding other people. First, if you want to create your reality you’ve got to integrate the physical with the multi-dimensional because we’re physical beings in this 3D reality on planet earth right now. I mean look at them. You see you’re here. Your physical man so you’ve got to integrate the multi-dimensional with the physical. Yes, you can go in and you can start to create but there are other things you’ve got to bring into the equation so don’t think that you can just sit there in a bubble of bliss and everything’s going to be okay. No, quite the opposite.
If you sit there in a bubble of bliss, things are going to unfold, potentially in the negative capacity around you and then before you know it, the noose is tight, and you’ve been hung, drawn, and quartered because you’re in your bubble of bliss praying to God hoping that life is going to change because you’re certainly a tree meditating with an open heart and you know you’re a cosmic being from the stars that can just change and manifest things in the quantum field in the physical right there. There are some people that can do that but very few. Most people need to act in this physical reality to bring into fruition all the opportunities that are brought through the quantum space through physical interactions. They must act upon them. You can’t just go there’s a million dollars you can’t just go there’s, a new home, there’s a ‘shitload’ of gold, whatever it is. There are some people that can do that there are some people that can manifest out of the quantum into the physical but they’re very few and far between. Most of us must take some action.
Next up, ascension, the thing about ascension, raising your frequency and going to 5D. Where is it you think you’re going? Ascension isn’t an outside job. Ascension is an inside job. Ascension is a would job, it’s an inside job, it’s inward business. You’ve got to be still man, you’ve got to go into your heart, you’ve got to dive deep. You’ve got to go through the layers you see in here. It’s like a labyrinth, it’s like a maze of beauty. You’re going to come up against challenges and tests and shadow aspects of yourself but that is what you chose to come here to face. Your external reality is a mirror of your inner reality so the external gives you sign posts, but they always point you back into your heart. You’re never going to solve anything in the external world so whilst there’s people all over this planet right now that are losing their jobs but haven’t got foods to put on the table. There’s anxiety and depression rates going up. There are people in food queues, there are people homeless, shops are being bust.
Be in zen but it’s okay because your teacher says just be in zen and everything’s going to be okay no it isn’t going to be okay. Yes, your frequency and your heart which is powerful, constructive, shifts things in the quantum fields but unless you get off your butt and you say no, I’m not consenting to this, I’m not consenting to that, I’m turning my attention and I’m going to create a new world positively with focus, with action in this physical reality. I’m going to band together with my sisters and brothers and we’re going to take massive action as a unified force, as one frequency, as one code, together right now. Things aren’t going to change baby. It doesn’t matter how much you pray it doesn’t matter how much you meditate unless you get off your butt. Be ready to create and work and come together and stand up and rise.
Otherwise, you’re just digging your own grave, digging it deeper and deeper and if you just keep staying in that bubble of bliss you won’t be buried six feet under. You’ll have been dumped in your grave so deep you know that needs some kind of specialist machinery to lower your coffin down into that big dark deep hole that you’ve dug for yourself because you’re in your bubble of zen, everything’s going to be okay. No, you’re just digging a deeper hole. People that have this kind of mental attitude and this philosophy they’re even more dangerous than the people that are out there eating at McDonald’s ,watching television that haven’t got a clue that any of this higher dimensional stuff exists. Being in that state of zen hoping that everything’s going to be okay without taking positive action and making moves in this physical reality you are dangerous. You’re like a ticking time bomb and you’re not going to explode. You’re just going to be like a deadweight that just force mom into that big chasm at the end of the game.
The spiritual community is infiltrated big time. There are so many healers, so many psychic mediums out there on the planet. They are messed up. You’ve only got to look into their eyes and into their heart to see, you can see their energy fields, they’re carrying so much stuff. If you don’t believe me because I don’t expect you to believe anything that I’m sharing with you, go into your own heart and see for yourself. Ask yourself if the spiritual community is infiltrated? Go into your own heart the question because your heart is not going to lie to you. Be brave, dive in here. I know it’s a little bit scary but it’s going to give you the right information. Ok, go into your heart and ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answers. Listen, beautiful soul, let me tell you this. Let me share this with you. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’ll tell you something I want to share this with you. It’s time to pick up your cosmic ‘crap’ pack and smoke some meditation, go into the stillness, and shine some light on the **** that is unfolding in humanity right now.
You’ve got the answers, but you’ve got to go into meditation and into the stillness to do it. So, I’m not telling you that meditation is the wrong thing to do. It is a powerful tool, it has many benefits, and yes you can create your reality, but you’ve got to infuse and integrate the metaphysical, what is going on in the quantum inside of your mind, with the frequency of the heart, and then you’ve got to take physical action in this physical body because you’re a 3D being in this 3D reality. Can you walk on water? No, neither can I so go in here and start doing the inner work because if you are going through this ascension process and if you think you’re going to go somewhere that’s another huge great big lie because you aren’t going anywhere. The only place that you’re going to go is in here. This is where the answers lie, this is where the work is done this is where you discover the truth, that inner magic. This is where you realize that we must come together as sisters and brothers on planet earth right now to create a better world.
But we’ve got to start creating communities, we’ve got to come up with plans, we’ve got to start saying no to the current system and create a new one because the new one isn’t going to create itself. No, it doesn’t matter how much meditation and prayer you do. The new system will not just get off its own ass and be there. You’ve got to put in a little bit of effort. So why we got to come together, create new ways of being in this world with sovereign beings. Let’s be sovereign beings. Go into your heart, beautiful soul.
I love you so much as my sister or my brother. You are amazing, you are beautiful, you are beyond extraordinary, and I love you so, so, so much. We must rise as lions and lionesses together on planet earth right now. Unity is the key, unification, no black, no white, no rich, nor poor, no countries, no division, no faith. Just oneness baby. We’re human beings here on earth. We are also spirits, souls, and energy fields.  We’re the same. We have light and information with geometrical codes bouncing around inside some flesh and muscles, bones, and organs, wrapped up in some skin but that skin does not separate us from anyone else. There are no boundaries, they’re illusory.
We can hug each other we can love each other; we can stare into each other’s eyes when we’re going to know this. Â wherever you are on this planet go out hug tightly and ever be the first to let go. Squeeze that person tightly, love fiercely, and ferociously, and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Â If you’re watching this on Facebook like it and share it, if you’re watching on YouTube, subscribe and share. If you watching my Instagram share the **** out of it. Let’s share these positive messages. We got to stick together, support each other, let each other know that the power lies in the hearts of every single woman, man, and child on planet Earth. Remember to check out our website We’ve got some amazing ascension sources. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. One human family, peace out.
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There are complementary healing sessions uploaded regularly. As a valued member you can access them 24/7 to heal. There are private healings geared towards different mental, physical, and emotional issues. Any deep pain will be brought to the surface and healed so you can live a happy life. There are also monthly interactive master classes where you’ll discover the latest information on healing and transformation and top tips for the month. New codes and frequencies are shared that you can apply in your life to go deeper on your journey. This is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. If you want to be a highly vibrational human and happy, full of joy, totally healthy, full of vibrancy and vitality, then infinity is a must. You get seven days free with unlimited access. See you on the inside, beautiful soul.
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