The UK’s most senior police officer apologises and recognises sovereignty.
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Hey beautiful soul, listen, I’ve got a quick message and I wanted just to kind of get this out there because this is cool. This was in the Sunday times this morning. Someone sent me a link to it. Britain’s most senior police officer has apologized after it emerged that everyone prosecuted under the coronavirus act had been unlawfully charged. This is massive, okay. Think about this sentence: under the coronavirus act had been unlawfully charged.
Now acts are for slaves, acts are for citizens, acts for corporations, for the birth certificate. You know we’ve talked about this. When you’re born you become property of the United Kingdom corporation, the corporation of the United States of America, wherever it is that you’re from, and acts only apply to corporations. You, your name, mister whoever you are, me Mr Jerry Sargeant is a corporation okay. They can only apply acts to corporations.
Now this copper is saying they were unlawfully charged. What he’s saying is that under common law for as long as you don’t kill someone, harm someone, encroach on their property, steal from them, cause them duress, you’ve not committed a crime. He’s come out and said that what they’ve been doing is completely criminal. It’s completely unlawful. They’re not allowed to do what they’ve been doing, and this is Britain’s most senior police officer who has apologized. The cases of 44 individuals have all been withdrawn or set aside because they were wrong. The crown prosecution services revealed a further 12 people who were charged under coronavirus legislation for slaves. The health protection coronavirus regulations have also had cases abandoned due to errors that usually involve Welsh regulations being applied in England or vice versa, the CPS said, and the CPS is the crown prosecution service.
So, what they’re saying it is okay that for as long as we don’t break the law, we’ve not committed a crime and breaking the law means you can’t kill, you can’t harm, you can’t steal, etc, you can’t cause duress. Now this is beautiful because it shows that the police are turning the state officials that have been trained by the government. They’ve been trained by the powers that be and are starting to turn on their own people. They’re starting to turn on their own bosses. They’re starting to say this is enough is enough, they’re starting to realize that we are divine sovereigns and that they can’t enforce these statutory rules and regulations on us. They can’t pull us over; they can’t say that we’re committing a crime because we’re out in the streets because of this virus.
It’s completely wrong and now they’re coming out and this is in the Sunday times. So, this is beautiful. Remember you are the power and when you stay in your heart, and you be in love and when you decide to act knowing that you’re a sovereign being and that you’re not doing anything wrong by traveling the lands that are owned by universal intelligence and not by the Queen of England or whoever else it is. They’re our lands, they’re the children of Mother Earth’s lands and Mother Earth herself. It’s for all of us to share so when you drive your car, and you walk around you know this two-meter rule. It’s all bull**** and they can’t fine you for this stuff.
So, just know this, and for all those people that are out there like sheep thinking that people should be arrested for breaking the two-meter rule, let’s send them a bit of love, let’s send some love to those sheep. We love you sheep, okay, and we do respect you. But it’s very important that you realize that you’re following a protocol okay. Please know this. No disrespect to you because I was brainwashed at one point. I woke up okay like many others and if you’re still a little bit brainwashed it’s important for me to put you in that category of being a sheep so hopefully it will make you investigate your own consciousness and think hmm why do people keep calling me a sheep let me investigate this a little bit deeper. It’s no disrespect.
I love you as my sister or brother but please wake the f*** up and smell the coffee because we got to change. This copper he’s changed. Britain’s most senior police officer has apologized after it emerged that everyone prosecuted under the coronavirus act had been unlawfully charged. Things are starting to tip; things are starting to change. So, let’s ride this wave, let’s open our hearts even wider, let’s speak our truths even clearer and let’s take this across the line wherever that line is. Freedom baby, you know the line is freedom but how we cross it and when we cross it starts with you. It starts with you waking up and realizing that when we band together as men and women, as sisters and brothers, as a global family, we can crush these statutory rules and regulations and we’re going to ignite the spark, that divine spark, in the agents of the state and then they’re going to turn around, they’re going to be on our side and then our side is just going to grow and grow.
Those few men and women at the top of the tree, at the top of the pyramid, the all-seeing eye, they’re going to come tumbling down. It’s magical. This is just such a beautiful message I wanted to share that with you. You rock, you’re amazing. I love you unconditionally. Get out into this world and do what you want because you’re a divine sovereign being and no one can tell you what to do for as long as you don’t kill anyone, harm anyone, steal from anyone, encroach anyone’s property, or cause any duress, you are not committing a crime. Understand that there’s legal and there’s law and you’re a divine sovereign so you come under the common law.
Slaves, citizens, they can stay in the statutory rules and regulations if they like but you know better than that okay. You’re woke, you’ve been welcome, you’ve awakened. You know what is going on so let’s open our hearts even wider beautiful soul. I’ll see you again soon.
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