Right now, on planet earth, we experiencing ascension symptoms as our biological bodies move into higher states of consciousness and the vibration rises on the planet. In this video, I share come of the more prominent ascension symptoms to give you some reassurance that things are as they should be.
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“Dimensional bleeding, we’re seeing beyond the veil of illusion. Shooting sharp pains in the body, nausea, the pineal gland is activating. There are stabbing pains in the mind. There are so many ascension symptoms taking place right now and they’re amplifying because of these photonic upgrades.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? Wow this planet is amazing baby, it really is a blessing to be here on this green and blue ball right now. I hope you feel the same. I trust you feel the same, and I wanted to talk to you about this today and share a little bit because we’re going through a little bit of a process as a species. We are waking up big time and we’re remembering so much but we’re going through a metamorphosis in the process like caterpillars going into a chrysalis and those caterpillars that go into the chrysalises they’re in there for a period in the darkness, cocoons stuck. They can’t move in the darkness. They’ve just got to kick back ride the wave and they’re going to come out the other side as these beautiful magnificent colourful geometrical butterflies. The same thing is happening to you and I and every other one of our beautiful sisters and brothers on this planet.
Whilst we’re going through this process there are some symptoms from these upgrades, these photonic plasma waves of light that contain information. Light is information as you know, beautiful soul and these information streams that are coming from the constellation of Sagittarius, from our grand central sun are coming into our planetary environment hitting our DNA and we are going through a process. It’s not easy for some people I know. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs over the last few years on this crazy, crazy journey, and I’m sure you have too, and you may be going through some right now and that’s what I wanted to share.
What I’m going to share in this video I want to share a list of things that are really happening to people now and maybe you’re experiencing some of this stuff, maybe you’ve already been through some of this stuff. It doesn’t matter but whilst we are going through this as a species. Let’s be a little bit more lenient, let’s be a little bit more understanding, let’s be a little bit more compassionate, even more so than we normally are because people are going through their s*** and it’s not easy. These upgrades are powerful. You know why they’re powerful? Because we’re powerful, we’re so powerful, and that’s why the mind control machine does everything in their power to keep us small because they don’t want us to experience these upgrades. They want to keep us in fear, they want to keep us locked into the matrix, but the matrix is glitching big time. You can see it all around you. We’re realizing this this big show, this stage that we’re on. It is just so flipping fake baby and it is so unbelievably fake and everyone’s seeing this.
It’s so fake that is what makes some people believe that it’s real because they’re like nah couldn’t possibly be but that is the solution in the problem or the problem in the solution, they both go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. We’re seeing the glitch in the matrix but many people think that it couldn’t possibly be a glitch because nothing could ever be that fake because they seriously surely as the beautiful governments that they are would never pull the wool over our eyes that badly but they are they have, they will try and continue to for as long as they can, but the game’s up because the glitches are becoming more regular. The mind control is breaking down, the MK ultra, the monarch programming is rising to the surface and that is one of the symptoms of these upgrades that are taking place.
These photonic plasma waves that are hitting our planet are even hitting everyone and everything but they’re hitting the ones that are seriously MK ultra to the max and even breaking down their programming because this light is so intelligent and we as humans are not supposed to be MK ultra mind controlled. We’re supposed to be free divine sovereign beings and the huge glitches in the matrix that we’re seeing are a big part of this. People are experiencing nausea feeling a bit sick you know. The rotation of the planets and the stars and the suns our celestial beings, the spin rate is changing. We’re feeling this, we’re rotating faster. Everything is speeding up and some people are experiencing the nauseousness of this if nauseousness is even a word. I don’t know. I don’t care, but it sounds okay if people are feeling more nauseous. This is what’s happening. People are getting headaches that you can’t get rid of with some paracetamol or some painkillers and why would you want too anyway.
You should kick back and enjoy the upgrades. Kick back and enjoy the process just like the caterpillar in the chrysalis. It just kicks back, and it goes through the process because it’s nature. We’re nature too we’re supposed to kick back and say let’s ride this beautiful wave man, let’s go with the flow. It’s all going to be over soon. Nothing lasts forever. All things pass but sometimes we get a little bit too human and a little bit too left brain, a little bit too male brain, and you know we can’t see the wood through the trees but I’m just here to reassure you that everything’s okay. Kick back and enjoy the ride. A lot of people are experiencing old injuries coming up, pains in shoulders, rashes coming up, pains in the liver, kidneys, broken bones that you had when you were five or six years old. Okay, these kinds of symptoms are rising to the surface and people are reliving the pain and not just from this reality but from other realities too.
I remember when I was five years old, I chopped the end of my finger off in a deck chair and over the last few weeks I’ve really been feeling it. It’s been so strange. It’s like the end of my finger that got chopped off is back again. It’s a weird, weird feeling but anyway I don’t need to go into that too much. People are feeling tiredness you know a lot more tired people are needing to sleep more because what’s happening in dream time a lot of us are working, a lot of us are fighting these six seventh dimensional battles, sixth density. I don’t like to work use that word dimension, but density is much more accurate. We’re talking about frequency, we’re talking about levels here and dimension, we’re talking about space even though they’re kind of one of the same. They’re kind of slightly different so we’re talking about frequency bands, moving up these frequency bands, and a lot of us are battling in our dream time, within the planet and off planet and we’re waking up in the morning like we’ve done 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. This is normal baby okay.
A lot of us are going through this. Kick back, buckle up your seat belt, get your space helmet on and let’s ride this wave okay. You’re on a roller coaster, a beautiful one that’s going to take you into this golden diamond age so enjoy the process. Some people are experiencing memory loss, just forgetting things because things aren’t really that important. We don’t need to think so much. We just need to feel. This is what’s important, our hearts feeling our way through life not thinking our way through life. Follow your cosmic heart, your life compass. It will always lead you in the direction of your dreams. This thing is going to lead you into chaos and mayhem. This is marvellous for creating magic, for manifesting, but it’s not going to guide you very well. That’s what this thing’s for okay. So, start listening to it all right. Memory loss is okay. Forget about it. It’s all good. You haven’t got Alzheimer’s. Stop stressing.
Dimensional bleeding is another one. People are seeing in the empty space buildings or spacecraft or trees or beings walking through or just different energies walking through. Sometimes people see people that aren’t there. It’s because dimensions are bleeding, densities are bleeding, frequency bands are bleeding, quantum spaces are bleeding because everything’s in the same space at the same time. There’s no distance and measurement so right here in this space with me there’s other beings. You might not be able to see them but here’s Diron my beautiful Lyran friend that is always with me looking after me, kicking me up the ass when I’m straying off track. All right some of us see these things, some of us don’t but just know if you do experience something like this it’s completely normal, okay, completely normal.
Some people are seeing energy patterns, codes just floating through the empty space. Again, it’s completely normal. Kick back, breathe and tap into this energy. Feel this energy, observe it, don’t fear it, and don’t try and look at it too hard because if you look at it too hard sometimes it fizzles. Have a nice soft look and just let your eyes go loose, and just phase into the reality of the energy that’s there. Phase in and out gently and you’ll catch it, and you’ll connect with it, and you can talk to it. You can observe it. It’s beautiful hieroglyphs, codes. Binary information is everywhere. As I said some people are seeing beings okay, people, ET’s, beings that are like geometrical codes just plodding through the space or flowing through the space.
Some people are feeling pains in their body like stabbing pains and sharp shooting pains like electricity like electrical vaults pulsating through the body ever so fast. That’s because you are an electrical being. So am I. We all are and these electrical frequencies, these electromagnetic codes that are floating down from the great central sun and from other celestial beings are pummelling our local space and sometimes our system gets overloaded, and you get a shooting sort of sharp bolt or voltage of electricity go through your body. It’s okay, it’s normal. Sometimes you feel stabbing in your body, sometimes stabbing in your head whilst your pineal gland is activating. It’s normal okay. I know you don’t like to be stabbed in the head but just ride the vibe and trust the process. It’s all good. These are some of the main symptoms that people are experiencing right now. If you’re experiencing any of these don’t think anything’s wrong, don’t go to the doctors because they’ll try and hit you up for COVID and they’ll try and mark you down.
You’re a powerful human and you came to planet earth to be your powerful self and to express your divinity and as you’re unfolding and evolving and unleashing your inner mastery. These symptoms are part of the upgrades that are taking place and as I said at the start one of the main ones is the glitch in the matrix and the facade and the stage cracking around us. We’re seeing straight through the lies and the manipulation they’re still trying to throw in our face. But it’s so far-fetched. It’s just a joke baby so open this great big heart of yours, love the process, laugh at the bull****, feel the bliss and the joy that it’s just so good to be alive and be on this planet and to be expressing yourself from these physical avatars as an extra-terrestrial being having a human experience and enjoy your time here. Hug your sisters and brothers tightly, ever so tightly, and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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Remember to check out our website starmagichealing.org. We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet and I will see you again very, very, soon.
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