Being compassionate and allowing others to purge their trauma is mission-critical right now. The Earth is healing and so are we, humanity, Earth’s children. Being compassionate and taking the position of the observer, without emotional entanglement on any level, is the key to staying balanced and calm, whilst keeping your energy levels high during chaos. It’s easy to keep getting swept away but you have the power of choice. You always get to choose. Remember this. To raise your levels of awareness and be in a higher state of consciousness is mission-critical. Stay on point beautiful souls!
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“You, beautiful soul, make sure you get down on one knee make sure that you kneel and that you bow to your masters because if you want to make this world a better place that’s the course of action. Or so it seems.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling, right now, beautiful soul. So today I want to share with you the art of compassion. You see right now on planet Earth there’s some serious crazy stuff going on. You know this beautiful soul and compassion and subservience are getting a little bit mixed up. When someone has trauma and pain rising in their consciousness as an aware human being the best thing you can do for that person is to observe, open your heart, and allow them to go through their process. Number one, you don’t want to get entangled mentally and emotionally. You don’t want to get entangled physically, you don’t want to get entangled metaphysically, you want to just kind of stand back allow them to have their process and go on their own journey and allow their emotions and their trauma to rise to the surface so they can express it and then carry on.
You look at this planet now and you know over history black people have been through trauma. They’ve been enslaved, there’s been some horrible things through human history that have happened to black people. People are looking at this whole kind of Black Lives Matter situation now and they’re saying you know well let’s be compassionate towards these people and let’s allow them to go through their healing process. You’ve got some people that are saying well you know screw that because all lives matter and you know what all life’s do matter and on one hand allowing these people to have a kind of ancestral trauma for many, many hundreds of years, maybe more than that, rise to the surface to be healed. That’s okay if we all stand back and allow them to do that but going out and taking billboards to the streets, getting down on one knee. I even saw a woman kissing the feet of a load of black men who were preaching that black people are the rulers and all this sort of stuff. I mean the world’s gone crazy.
Now, some of my best friends are black. People I love, black people I love, white people I love, yellow people, brown people. If there were green and blue people running around this planet, I’d love them too. If there were red people and pink people I’d let them, purple people, yellow people, all the same. I love everyone. I don’t see black people and white people as any different. I don’t see Chinese, Indian, Russian, French, anyone is any different. We’re men and women, were humans. Hue means colour, hue man’s, we’re coloured people okay. We all have a slightly different colour but we’re all human. It doesn’t make any difference. Light reflects in different ways and different colours, are presented to the person that’s observing the colours, that are reflecting out from whatever they’re reflecting out from. We as humans bleed the same, we have heartbeats.
If you want to show true compassion the best thing you can do is to stand back from more situations and allow everyone to have their own experience and for you as a mature wise, intelligence, elevated being of a higher vibration, you can just start to create the reality that you want by taking the action that you want in this physical world. If you think that getting down on one knee and kissing the feet of all black people just because one black person was murdered, wasn’t really murdered but murdered, let’s pretend that he was murdered. Anyway, you’re going to get down and kiss at the feet of all black people. That is dangerous. If you want to support these people go and give them a hug and say listen brother, listen sister, we love you, we treat you as an equal, and be straight with them and say listen all lives matter, black lives, white lives, red lives, blue lives. Humans, hue man’s, hue woman’s, okay. We all matter. So, let’s not say that all lives matter or all black lives matter. Let’s just say that we’re all equal and let’s just love and hug and nurture each other.
We go through our own individual healing processes. Indians have suffered massively at the hand of the white man over the centuries are kneeling to all Indians, to know if it was a white person that had been killed. I wouldn’t expect any of my brothers or sisters to get down on their knees and kneel to me. I would reach down, I would help them up, I would look into their eyes and say I love you and I would give them a hug back. So, let’s be responsible with our energy because what we don’t want to do is to stop running these minds programs of subservience. If we’re going to change this world, we must bring equality and equilibrium to the forefront of human reality and any kind of subservience creates a difference okay. If there’s a difference, there’s separation and it’s just another trick to separate us. Religion, colour, class, money, all these things have separated us over the centuries.
So, what do you want to do? Are you going to buy into the separation program or you’re going to buy into the program of oneness. I’ve already brought into the program of oneness. I’m just trying to highlight this to anyone watching this but hasn’t brought into this and this, who still pour into the separation program. You are an intelligent human, and you get to choose. Stop buying into the madness in your external reality. The only way you’re going to discover the answers is by going into this magical stargate, taking a deep breath, and observing the chaos and realizing that it’s just a joke man. All these characters, people on the stage that are encouraging white people to kiss their feet, they’re part of the act and the people that are kissing their feet, they’re part of the act too. So, one thing that we all have in common is that we’re all actors. We are all actors so let’s take that thing that we’ve got in common and then start to find more things in common. We’ve got eyes and a nose and ears; we bleed the same.
What we all just want to do it love each other. If we can just breathe for a second, it doesn’t matter where you travel on this pen. I’ve travelled to so many countries, I’ve travelled to some affluent countries and some poor countries. I’ve travelled all over the world, have done so for many years. Racism is not something that is normal. It’s not something you see everywhere. It’s manufactured so stop buying into the manufacturing of reality and start creating your own reality by coming together with those that you love creating small communities, joining with other communities. Share and care with those communities. Love each other and nurture each other within those communities and then allow those communities to sprint. We can start to barter with each other, we can share things with each other, we can trade with each other, and if we start to create our own system within this world, the other system that all the people that are bought into the separation program, plays inside of that which is going to start to dissolve.
If the people that want to maintain the separation program, they can continue to create that reality and live inside of it but will live alongside them in our own worlds that we’ve designed, that we’ve created, that doesn’t need to run into the electrical grids, that doesn’t need gas, that doesn’t need money. we can create our own way of being. We can create this new world of compassion. Show compassion to everyone but don’t get down on one knee. That isn’t compassion. That’s madness and if you ever go down onto one knee and someone you know praises that, you need to look into their eyes and realize that they’re brainwashed too. Seriously man, it is a joke. Anyway, you get my point okay. Focus on a world that you want to create. Open your heart and live with love and compassion. If you want to support someone through the healing process whilst they’re purging centuries of ancestral trauma from slavery, open your heart and love them. They’re going to feel that even if you never speak to them, even if you never make eye contact, even if you’re a hundred miles away, a thousand miles away. Open your heart because in the quantum field there is no time, distance, or measurement.
So, let’s use these abilities that we can tap into, energy baby, light, frequency, light codes, geometry. Let’s open our hearts and flood the world with a wave of positive consciousness that will shift the mindsets and the asses of men and women and children all over this planet. We carry these abilities in our own genetic makeup. So go in here, go in your heart. It’s a simple step but this for the brave and you are brave. In fact, I know you’re brave otherwise you wouldn’t be even tuning into this video. You’re a high frequency being otherwise you wouldn’t have even in the contact with this video. It’s that simple. You’re beautiful, your intelligence, your wisdom. You’re full of knowledge and wisdom and I love you unconditionally, beautiful soul.
Wherever you are on this planet, go back, hug tightly, squeeze your sisters and brothers and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our sisters and brothers. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place and I will see you again very, very soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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