Are you a Star Seed? Is your spiritual awakening making you feel like a social outcast? Often, when we begin to wake up on a spiritual level and begin our ascension, it can make the people around us feel uncomfortable. As you accept your truth as a Starseed, a high vibrational being that came to this planet to expand our collective consciousness, and unify the human race, that shift won’t be accepted by certain people. It can create fear, fear of change, where there should only be unconditional love.
In this video, I will explain what to do if you don’t fit in. How we should embrace our evolution, the transformation within us, and live life in the frequency of unconditional love.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right in there, beautiful soul?
So, what do you do if you don’t fit in? This is a great question. We get lots of emails at Star Magic with people on this ascension journey that are waking up and rediscovering things about themselves and they feel quite uncomfortable that they don’t fit into this human world, that there is no place for them, that they’re a little bit weird, a little bit different, a little bit strange, that their family doesn’t get them, their friends, their peer groups don’t get them anymore. They’re shifting and the people that they are around are not shifting and so there’s this kind of gap, this disparity, this bridge that needs to be made and quite often that bridge can’t be made because one drifts further apart from the other and you can’t keep extending and extending that bridge. it’s a waste of materials, it’s a waste of energy. If you don’t fit into this human world, if you don’t fit into your reality, or what you know you perceive, that you should be liked to fit into your reality, then my suggestion is this. Create a new one, build a new one, build a new world.
Create a new world, a world where you do fit in., We all have the power of choice, and we can all do that. It’s why we came to this planet. Starseeds, us, high vibrational beings that came here from the stars with a mission to wake humanity up. We came here to expand, we came here to unify, we came here to rip down walls, break down barriers and bring us together so as you expand, and you elevate, and you think that you don’t fit in anymore that’s okay. Just create a world which encompasses everyone, where there is no need to fit into anything, where we just are this one vibrational unified field of consciousness all playing in these different meat suits, these space suits, these bodies, these physical vessels, the home of our souls in this reality all running around looking a little bit different. Different coloured skin, different coloured hair, a little bit taller or shorter smaller or bigger but we all have this underlying connection, and that connection is the house we are all connected at a subatomic level. We all have the power to love, we all have the power to love ferociously and fiercely.
When you start to live on that frequency of unconditional love and you create this bubble in your environment that you live, inside of that bubble, starts to affect other people. It starts to infect other people like a positive poison. It flows into their consciousness and starts to ignite something deep within them on a level beyond the physical. This feeling rises, this energy rises, the awareness opens, expands. Consciousness elevates, expands, and people start to see things and feel things differently. A wave of love starts to flow through all things. This wave of love is a tsunami that comes from your own heart, beautiful soul. It comes from my heart and the hearts of every single human being on this planet. If you don’t fit in it’s a beautiful thing. What I suggest is you be still, you connect with your own inner being, your own inner essence, your soul, your spirit. You open your heart. You open it and you open it, and you open it and you put all your focus and your attention in this area, and you expand it and expand it beyond measure and so your whole environment becomes unconditional love.
Then you walk around in this frenzy, this feeling, this vibratory field of beauty and magic and you let that flow and ripple out into everything around you and then your environment starts to change. It starts to change because you start to change and then the next person, the next person after that, one by one this cosmic roller coaster of phenomenal proportion, this kaleidoscope of geometrical code sweeps through us all and we build a new world. Every single thought, every single emotion, every single second of every single day we are building, we are transforming, we are constructing and reconstructing. We are quantum architects in this world shifting and changing the vibration second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. Energy in motion, love, light, frequency, information, codes. It lies within you. If you don’t fit in, beautiful soul, enjoy it, love that space because when you don’t fit in, you know things are shifting. You’re changing and if you’re changing, you change in others, and then we’re all working together changing the world, changing the universe.
Don’t go into fear. Stay in your heart, be in love. You get those two choices in any given situation, fear, or love. What you’re going to choose is this one every time, the bowl of love, the bag of love. This big bag of fear you can just let it drop into the ocean, dissolve into the fabric of the cosmos. It’s all love, baby, and you are a master alchemist. You can change anything with a simple change in your own energy frequency. You are powerful. Know this. Step into your authentic nature. The clue lies within and the answer, the question, the answer, and everything in between.
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. If you’re watching this on YouTube subscribe and share, if you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. We’re a human family, we’re a tribe. Let’s share these positive messages together. Let’s expand and elevate as one family, one tribe. I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul. check out One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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