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“The avatars in the game are becoming conscious. They’re starting to have some kind of emotions. They’re starting to think.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Gow are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, I wanted to just dive in and share a little bit about being human and just to remind you that you are human and things on this planet are not always what they seem and the way that the world is going, the way that technology is going, it’s very easy to slip into the realm of artificial intelligence and not actually realizing what is real and what is not.
What we are living in right now on this planet, in this galaxy, in this universe, some say is a simulation, some kind of holographic reality and I buy into that, that we are living in some kind of holographic reality. If you look at computer games, there are many games with multiple worlds and multiple universes and multiple characters within characters, within universes, within levels, and dimensional spaces and the characters. The avatars in these games are becoming intelligent. A lot of computer games themselves have programs written into them that infect our own human consciousness like a virus affects the computer system. We are biological computers. I just have to look at the healing that we do day in day out with star magic, the star magic frequency. We use that to recode people’s biological computers.
The body and brain are always downloading information from past life experiences, present day life experiences, future life experiences, and we’re able to go in and recode those and when we recode those in the back end, just like reprogramming a computer system, the physical injury illness, disease disappears. When children are playing on computer games their consciousness is getting infiltrated. They get hooked on these games. They get addicted to the games. They become friendly with the characters in the game and the characters are like their best friend, quite often better friends than the friends they’ve got in this so-called real world. It’s dangerous. I’ve worked with clients before that have been playing computer games or they’ve been watching pornography, or they’ve been on some kind of website and the website has downloaded some kind of program into their brain and whenever they go to sleep at nighttime or whenever they go into meditation the program tips them into an alternate reality and they can’t get out of it.
This alternate reality is a nightmare reality where they’re getting chased, hunted, abused. Depending on what that human being’s greatest fears are, the reality field that they get tipped into will play on their fears, on their worries, on the programming that’s already inside their biological computer. If someone is scared of spiders they’re going to flip into a reality where there’s spiders everywhere and they’re in a room that they can’t get out of or they’re in a forest with nowhere to go. They’re running through the trees, but they can’t escape. That’s a nightmare. That’s not nice but these programs are being put into computer games, different websites. What’s happening at the moment, there are certain computer games where the avatars in the game are becoming conscious. The avatars in the game are starting to have opinions. They’re starting to have some kind of emotions. They’re starting to think artificial intelligence in computer games talking to your children or talking to you.
Maybe if you’re playing these computer games, it’s like that film Ready Player One that came out many years ago where they put the virtual VR headsets on and you see these people in broken down high-rise buildings scraping to get by struggling to live in the human world because the virtual reality, the AI is much more real than the physical world that they live in. Both are holographic realities; both are artificial intelligence scenarios. Both of them are spaces where you can engage in the same manner. Maybe we’ve never really been human, maybe we’ve always been in a construct. maybe we’ve always been in a holographic reality and maybe our biological computers have simply been downloaded with information, stories, circumstances, worlds, and planets, and countries and all we do is play the game.
Now what we’ve done is we’ve created another version of the game that we’re already playing but we’ve made it more elaborate through the computer systems that we’re building and the games that we’re creating for ourselves and our children. It’s wild when you think about it but it’s dangerous. The thing about consciousness is it is intelligent, and it does adapt, and we can choose to engage in these systems, in these games, and get lost in another world and forget about our physical body in this reality because some people they don’t enjoy this reality. They find this reality troublesome. They’re in fear all the time. They’re worried about the world the conditions of the world, their state of health, their state of financial abundance, their relationships.
People are worried left right and centre, so they jump into these computer games, pick an avatar and that avatar has these amazing friends and colleagues and gets to travel the world and the universe and that becomes more real for them. So, they get lost in that, and their physical body deteriorates, the brain deteriorates. They become unhealthy, lost in this maze of mayhem, chaos, with the only escape being the game just like Ready Player One. My son got addicted to computer games for a number of years. Eventually his phone broke one day when he was about 14 or 15 years old, and I wouldn’t get him another one. His frequency started to shift because he wasn’t playing the computer games. Several months later I got him another phone and when he went back and played those games, he realized how it dropped his frequency so much, so he was able to see himself and he made the choice not to engage.
It’s a crazy world we’re living in, and we wrote these stories, or did we? Maybe the stories were written for us by the game masters. Will we ever really know. Is it worth worrying about? I mean what I would do myself is not play these computer games. I would stay focused on my human world, exercise, travel, meditation, healing, breath work, doing the things that I can help my fellow sisters and brothers building our healing centres, building communities, and stay away from that so-called artificial holographic reality BS that is being pummelled into our daily lives. They’re trying to get our children addicted to it. Be a conscious parent and don’t give them the opportunity to get addicted to it. Give them the opportunity to play in this physical world. Go out into nature, connect with other children, like-hearted, like-minded souls, with other conscious parents, build your own communities.
A lot of parents get lazy so what they do is they give the iPhone or the iPad to the child just to shut them up for 5 or 10 minutes. But that’s the start of a long windy slippery road into the depths of despair. Our brains are maybe quite possibly the most powerful supercomputer in the galaxy so let’s take a deep dive into our hearts, let’s unwind our inner workings, let’s get to truly inner stand, understand what makes us tick. How our own computer system works and how we can upgrade it without technology external technology. We have neural pathways that aren’t open yet. We’ve got a pineal gland that is a slither of its normal size. We’re supposed to be 12-strand fully activated angelic humanoids with six digits on each hand, much bigger, much more able with Merkabah fields that we can travel. Energetic fields that allow us to use telekinesis to move objects, big objects. We’re supposed to be able to communicate telepathically, heal people at distance.
Our bodies are supposed to self-generate, self-regulate, but only when our computer system, our biological computer system is tiptop, functioning properly, and wired correctly. The only way you’re going to know how to do that is by taking that deep dive into your heart and firing up your supercomputer with love. to be present living in the isness, in the stillness, then you get to see reality for what it truly is, mathematical code, and when you start to understand that mathematical code you can start to play with the code and rearrange the code and that my friend is when you step into your full superhuman potential. You don’t need artificial intelligence. We are the living, breathing, AI. We’ve just not tapped into it.
Wherever you are on planet Earth, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go. You are amazing. I love you so much. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, bundles of free resources. You can get access right now to all of our high frequency ascension tools, guided meditations, light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga, breath work, qigong, nutrition, private telegram groups. So, you can connect daily with other like-hearted souls just like you so you can grow and evolve together in a nurturing loving community regardless of where you are on the planet.
Time, distance, and measurement are illusions. Anyway, they’re part of the game. It’s a beautiful game but you’ve got to choose to see the magic in the game and the beauty in the game and you’ve got to choose which parts of the game you want to play. I love you. Go and be amazing, go and be phenomenal. Shine your light, speak your truth, and be the powerful superhuman that you came to Earth to be. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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