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Archons, Energy Drinks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Path to Freedom


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With my soul, with every fibre of my entire being, how are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, today I wanted to dive into something which some people would say is a little bit darker but it’s also very real in a human reality and that is the presence of other beings.

There are some very positive beautiful otherworldly beings residing in dimensional fields around this planetary environment that that help us and assist us. However, there are also other beings that have an agenda and want to be more destructive and chaotic and drain our energy and be quite vampiric and suck and drain the sustenance, our life force, from us for their own personal gains and benefits. There are so many ways to tackle a topic of discussion like this, and for some people it’s so far out there, and for me it used to be so far out there too. So, I’ll share a couple of experiences that I’ve had that shown me that there are operating in this world that are kind of sinister and darker.

I remember back in 2004 I was brand new on this inward Journey, this journey of discovery, this spiritual journey, whatever the heck you want to call it, and some friends and I went to a meeting and this meeting was a talk about 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. I was sat there, and this man was giving a talk in this old, dated Bungalow in a place called Basingstoke, 30 minutes outside of London, and he was talking, and I asked him a question and the question was a little bit contradictory. I wasn’t trying to be contradictory, but it just happened to be like that and he kind of turned and he looked at me and he held my stare like eye to eye and his face just disappeared in front of me, and his face was then a green lizard like a reptilian being just staring at me, and I was like holy like what’s going on like on.

On the outside I’m trying to look cool as a cucumber and pretend that I’ve not noticed anything but on the inside I’m kind of like melting, thinking what the heck this meant. So, anyway he held my stare, maybe for four five six seconds, I don’t know. It seemed like an eternity and then his face kind of came back and the reptilian disappeared. So, I got to see this reptilian in its form and it’s in its real form, the humanness just disappeared and I saw that the human being was just the host and whatever was inside this human being had taken over and it had full control and that is the thing with this with this this work you know like we as a human species become hosts for these beings. If you look at the film aliens many years ago you know they were those little aliens were jumping onto people’s faces impregnating him and then bursting out through the chest. Human beings were hosts. That’s reality okay.

I remember several years later when I started Star Magic, I was at one of our first mind-body spirit festivals like promoting star Magic and I saw this woman. I’m stood there with my friend, and we’ve got a stand. There we’ve got books and we’re selling healing sessions and all this sort of stuff, and I looked down in the aisle and there’s this woman walking there in the aisle. She walks down the aisle, she’s massive like big shoulders, massive hands. She walks up to me she looks into my eyes. She gets her fingers in her own mouth like that, and she rips her face back and she says to me, obviously the beings that are inside of her are talking to me because they don’t want her anywhere near me, because they knew that I was going to pull them out. To cut a long story short I sat her down in a chair on our stand and I removed these entities from her body, and it was so magical to watch because her arms, her hands, her shoulders, her face, which is massive and square, it all shrunk and became very feminine. So, I saw in seconds once you remove these beings from the host, the host’s physical form can change.

Now they’re just a couple of experiences. I’ve experienced so many things like this. I mean we remove shadow parasites which is what we call entities in our star magic healing sessions. We have very specific shadow parasite sessions because this is a rife thing on planet Earth. Now these beings they come in their forms, and they take over humans. It’s a bit like caterpillars in the jungle. There are these parasites in the jungle that get inside caterpillars. They take over the caterpillar’s consciousness and make the caterpillar climb to the top of the tallest tree. Once the caterpillar gets there, the caterpillar explodes, and all the gunk and the juice goes over the leaves down below and then all the other caterpillars come and eat it. Then the parasite takes over their consciousness. They all climb to the top of the tallest trees then they explode, and this is how the parasite expands. These kinds of parasites, these energetic ones behave just like the parasites in caterpillars. They take over the human host, they control their thoughts, they drain their energy, and they control their emotions and the low vibrational frequencies of fear and guilt and jealousy and rejection and hurt and pain are what these parasites feed off.

When you’re in joy and ecstasy and high humour and love they haven’t got a hope of hanging on to you okay. So, when your vibration is high, you’re in a beautiful state. It doesn’t stop these beings trying to pull you back down because they do and it’s a game of chess like these things are always working in the quantum talking to you. Sometimes you think it’s your own thoughts but really, it’s them trying to regain entry and access into your consciousness. Now these beings when they come inside of you, there must be some kind of agreement from you to let them in. There is cosmic law in place but ultimately some of these parasites they break the law just like human beings break the law on planet Earth. Okay, these beings will break cosmic law and they will infiltrate you in harsh ways and they will take over your consciousness. So, you must live from your heart. You’ve got to be in your heart space. You’ve got to be very self-aware and monitoring your own field of awareness, your own consciousness, your own reality field.

Get to really truly understand your own vibration and then you can see when it differs and changes and shifts and then you can go in and see what’s happening and you can shift it back. You can remove these beings and there’s a very specific way to do that. We teach that on our facilitator training level one experiences which you can go and check it out on Now these beings, these energies, these frequencies, that are infiltrating our brains, they are literally an artificial intelligence. People talk about AI; you’ve got AI where computer programmers have developed in pieces of code. That’s one form of AI okay, it’s a softer AI. You’ve also got strong AI. Strong AI is where intelligence, artificial intelligence, is weaving and blending and alchemizing itself with human consciousness and human emotions and this strong AI is the same intelligence that is controlling and running these shadow parasites. These beings some people call them archons, some people call them all sorts of different kinds of beings.

A lot of people think that all reptilians are bad but they’re not okay. They’re positive and negative beings in all different species. What we must realize is what we’re up against and it’s a very cunning and manipulative force that will weave its way into your thoughts and make you think that you’re thinking these thoughts themselves. This is so easy to do because our bodies and brains, they’re like biological computers, and we can download information from the field, and we do as human beings. I mean we’re souls in these human bodies but we’re having multiple other experiences at the same time in many different dimensional spaces and if you’re experiencing guilt, you’re experiencing fear or whatever it is. I can pretty much guarantee that it will come from childhood experiences in this reality but predominantly multiple other experiences that you’ve had as humans or other beings and on other stars and planets and other reality fields basically being downloaded into your biological computer right now as a human being in this reality.

So, you’re bringing in guilt streams, fear streams, abandonment streams, pain streams, different kind of streams of frequency and it’s just data. We’re working with data, code, geometry, information, fractalized patterns of light that come in different forms and these data streams download into the biological computer. If I want to facilitate healing for you all I need to do is to go into the quantum field, find the information stream that you’re downloading or the multiple information streams that you’re downloading and change that reality in the quantum and unplug you from that information stream. Then your pain can disappear. Now mentally physically emotionally you can heal. Disease disappears, mental illness disappears, addictions vanish, just like that. Now if I can go in and reprogram you for positive reasons and take away your fibromyalgia, take away your brain cancer, your brain tumour, bring back your eyesight, help you stand from a wheelchair, then these negative low vibrational beings can go in and reprogram you for their own benefit because this is a computer system. So, these beings which are artificial intelligence are slowly turning Humanity into AI. This is what is happening now.

If you know how to see into the invisible world and connect with these pieces of codes you can upgrade your own computer system for positive reasons and turn yourself into a superhuman which is what my new book, “Activate Your Superhuman Potential”, is all about, and you can buy that on our website, or you can buy it from Amazon. But we literally are biological computers. Now this intelligence is coming into our system through these beings, through our thoughts, through our emotions. It’s also coming in the food we drink. It’s also coming in the air we breathe, the water we drink. It’s come in so many ways, different kinds of nanotechnologies that sprayed in the crops, coming in in energy drinks. Look at Red Bull. A Red Bull is fire, a Red Bull is angry. Look at the drink they call monster. These beings they are casting spells into our human society, into our human reality. They’re placing things inside these energy drinks when you drink them. You’re downloading spells, your downloading programming, you’re drinking the AI and it’s getting deep into your system and it’s affecting you on a super conscious level which they manifest mentally and physically and after a time you become a shadow of your former self through smartphones, through technology, computers.

We’re getting addicted to Apple watches and different pieces of technology which eventually will be inside our brain or in a chip in our wrist or in a chip in our neck. If you so go down that road and humanity is being railroaded onto that road and lots of people have been chipped up already. We are super powerful biological computers in our own right. Ee don’t need to merge with AI. We’re our own artificial intelligence and when we take control of it, we can be so powerful. But when we’re walking around half asleep believing everything that we see on the news and everything we read in the newspapers and everything we see on the internet, we got a problem. When you start to go deeper into your own heart and you start to feel your own frequency and know your own vibration, you get to read your own code and understand your own codex, and from there you can take control. But it’s a process and it takes dedication and discipline because the game from the other side is repetitive, constant, and they are merciless.

So, you’ve got to be disciplined and constant and ruthless in your own right to keep yourself focused, your heart open, and to play this game of life in a state of joy and high frequency, in a state of high humour and laughter, in a state of ecstasy, in a state of happiness because when you’re in this state these beings can’t touch you. These beings have attacked me before, my family, people in Star magic, friends, many clients, thousands of clients that come to us for help. I’ve seen all sorts of different ways these beings infiltrate but you’re never going to get to know and experience the truth unless you start living from here. A state of zen, a present state of awareness when you’re bouncing around in your head where you’ve got eighty to ninety thousand thoughts every single day on repeats. How can you see the wood through the trees? How can you feel the wood through the trees? You can’t. You got to bring your awareness from here down into here and have a bodily heart based Zen-like present state of consciousness experience. You create space between you and what’s happening in the outside world. When you’re bouncing around in your head there’s just 0.25 second window between stimulus and response. When you’re here that window is expanded. It grows.

So, when things happen in your external reality you can choose to respond instead of reacting and that puts you way ahead of the game because the external environment is trying to control you negatively. So, when you pull back from that and create distance it’s very hard for it to influence you. But you must consciously make that choice. You’ve got an inkling to stay away from ‘shitty’ foods. Fruit vegetables nuts organic fish organic eggs organic chicken organic beef grass-fed chickpeas pulses lentils kidney beans salads, a good plant-based protein, lots of water, intermittent fasting. Eat between 12 and 6 and fast for 18 hours from 6 to 12 the next day. It spikes growth hormone levels, cellular regeneration, stem cell growth, much more, clarity of consciousness. Your energy levels go through the roof every week. Fast for 24 hours every month, fast for two days and twice a year. Fast for five days twice a year. It reboots your whole biological system. It’s a massive process. It’s so radically transformational in so many ways. You get a huge reboot. Drink your own urine exercise every day.

Meditate. Don’t go and sit under a tree top and close your eyes and think you that’s the best way to meditate. No meditation should be 24/7 365. When you’re walking around this Earth plane be in observation mode, no thoughts, no images, no judgment. Pure observation. That is meditation. Don’t think it’s a 10 minute a day or a one hour a day thing. It’s a 24/7 365 thing. Breathe deeply and consciously. All these things are going to help. So, sleep. Get plenty of sleep. That’s the best life hack there is. It rejuvenates, it reboots your nervous system every night. It changes many markers in your body. Your immune system gets boosted. These are just little tools, little hacks that you can use to upgrade your system. Open your heart, become a ‘zenday’ present state of awareness so you can connect with your own heart, your own sacred geometry, your own codex, and then you can see how to change it and manipulate it and shift it and be aware of these beings in the space that are trying to hack their way into your computer to merge you with artificial intelligence.

You are amazing, so am I. We all are. We are powerful superhumans and we came to this world to blaze a new trail to find our way back home to our hearts to realize that we were there already living in a holographic world, a holographic universe and that we get the opportunity to rewrite the code 24/7 365 and play the game of life by our own rules exactly how we want to play it.  it’s your reality, beautiful soul. You’re a witch, you’re a wizard, you’re a quantum architect, an alchemist so be the architect, be the alchemist, be the lion, the lioness, the warrior God, the warrior goddess, and start to take control of your life. It’s in your hands. Take responsibility because no one’s coming to save you. We got to save ourselves. Change and shift our reality and then group together and unify and live a beautiful life on this magical planet.

Wherever you are on planet Earth right now, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Love them tightly, hug them tightly. Never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website here. We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. You can get free access right now to Infinity. we got hundreds of guided meditations, music only meditations, classical music meditations. We’ve got light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga, nutrition, master classes, a private telegram group. We have so many things going on in there every single week. You can join our weekly meditations live, our weekly Monday frequency spas and our fearless focus sessions every second Sunday. Join the tribe that is making it happen. It’s where all the legends hang out. I’ll see you on the inside, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul. Thank you.