Timeline Transition & 5D Healing

{"playlist":[{"title":"Timeline Transition & 5D Healing","artist_name":"As consciousness expands on our beloved Planet and throughout our human species, as well as other life forms, we are transitioning into a new octave of light. A new band of frequencies is available to us. The consciousness of the planet is moving into a 5th density information stream and so are we, once ready and activated. Its a process that is naturally happening on Earth and to all of us. Old programming is breaking and dissolving, and freedom is being offered through the space that will be created. Some human beings will ascend at a slower rate than others, due to their biological and cosmic bodies maintaining a slower rate of oscillation and vibration, keeping them in a denser space. Its important to know, that as Mother Earth ascends, an old version of her will be available, still plugged into the Matrix, for those that are not ready or willing to make the conscious choices to grow, elevate and expand. This Meditation and Frequency Healing will shift your frequency into a new state, where you can embody new information streams and stay connected and on the pulse as the Planet moves into 5D consciousness. We will connect your Chromium Light Body to Mother Earths 5D Ascension Light Wave Matrix, and bring on line your 5D crystalline blueprint.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/www.starmagichealing.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/04\/Timeline_Transition_5D_Earth.jpg","duration":"58:26","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":28802}]}