{"playlist":[{"title":"Lemurian Healing Temples","artist_name":"We will be connecting with Lyrans, Lyran-Unicorns, and a Great Grandmother Cosmic Dragon, as we work with Krystal Spiral Codes to activate our New Earth Templates. There are Plasma Waves entering into Earth's orbit, changing us at a DNA Level. There have also been incredible shifts in the Earth's energetic infrastructure and electromagnetic field and this is an opportunity to further anchor these grids to shift Earth and our Human Templates, giving us the opportunity be to Superhuman, by altering our brain wave patterning, expanding our heart\/brain coherence and turbocharging the light quotient in every cell with Cosmic Energy. Stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/www.starmagichealing.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/04\/Lemurian-Healing-Temples_med-image.jpg","duration":"54:54","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":243239}]}