{"playlist":[{"title":"Krystalline Shield","artist_name":"During this meditation, an extremely powerful Krystalline Grid will be created in your energy field. It will stop any unwanted frequencies moving through your space. It will keep you clear and will also energise you and cleanse your body on a daily basis, as you stay plugged into the magnetic and electromagnetic codes flowing from Earthly and Cosmic Grids. Listen everyday for 12 days to really Super-Charge this structure. Please stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/www.starmagichealing.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/06\/34C7B537-56BE-4275-B62F-3D4299BC5901.jpeg","duration":"22:19","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":108685}]}