How To Say No

{"playlist":[{"title":"How To Say No","artist_name":"Other human beings often drag you into their reality and as a kind and caring Soul, you say yes and agree to it. When this becomes a habit and you learn to say yes and not no, you forget how to say no. This is dangerous. People often struggle with close family members and loved ones, friends, work colleagues and these are the most important people you need to know how to say no to. Otherwise, you will be distracted left, right and centre and never fulfil your goals and dreams. You will be a people pleaser and lose that connection to you. This meditation will ignite your inner power and divine sovereignty and from then on, saying yes to you and no to others will be a breeze. Listen every day for 13 days. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/07\/Meditation-how-to-say-no.jpg","duration":"29:57","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":195312}]}