{"playlist":[{"title":"How to Reverse the Ageing Process","artist_name":"Our cells divide every day. There are chromosomes in every cell and at the tips of our chromosomes are little caps called Telomeres. Their function is to protect our DNA. Telomeres get a bit shorter every time a cell divides. As our cells divide on a daily basis those Telomeres get shorter and shorter. Over time, signs of aging surface such as wrinkles, grey hair, dry skin, age spots hair loss and a weakened immune system. This powerful guided healing meditation will increase the activities of the Telomeres, activate the enzyme that builds the them, slow down the shortening of the Telomeres, not only preventing the rate of ageing at a cellular level, but reversing it.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/www.starmagichealing.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/12\/101.Reverse-ageing-process.jpg","duration":"46:41","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":27165}]}