Coronavirus – The Antidote – Unify & Heal

{"playlist":[{"title":"Coronavirus – The Antidote – Unify & Heal","artist_name":"Recording from our live Star Magic Tribe Meditation where we blew the roof off the Cosmos once again. The Cure is held in the DNA of the Survivors. We held a Global Meditation at short notice to assist with the effects of the Coronavirus; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We are going to connect online and meet in this virtual space, where you will be taken through a process. This process will be to create a holographic blueprint and upload the DNA from all Coronavirus survivors. We will then turn their DNA, containing the antibodies that fought off the virus (from bodies innate intelligent immune system) into code. This code will then be downloaded into the Earth's grids on a 6D level, through the 6th Dimensional Crystalline 6D Consciousness Grid. We will be using the Earths Pyramid Template to administer these codes, once they are brought back to Earth on a 3D Level! I am calling all Spiritual Warriors to participate in this opportunity, to come together to heal our Sisters and Brothers and also to send a powerful wave of cosmic love through the Earth and her children, to open the hearts of many, bring them into a present state of awareness and diminish the fear running through their veins! Out from this Chaos, a New Dawn will BE BIRTHED! It may not be pleasant right now, but by coming together, by unifying as a global family, we will create beauty and magic from fear and destruction. We have the power to transmute anything and everything, so let\u2019s join forces. See You on the Inside Beautiful Souls. Please stay hydrated.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/Coronavirus-The-Antidote-Unify-Heal-Jerry-Sargeant.jpg","duration":"69:23","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":33449}]}