{"playlist":[{"title":"Bereavement","artist_name":"This guided meditation will bring you into a space of peace, tranquillity and acceptance. You will get to be with and communicate with your loved one, whose soul is eternal. You can share as much or as little as you wish with them or simply be still and experience their energy. You will rest, knowing the wisdom and truth, that energy never dies and nothing is ever lost. Please stay hydrated.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/starmagicorg-1cf69.kxcdn.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/03\/f623ccf0-2e30-489f-baeb-f4e01c8de528.jpg","duration":"18:18","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":53001}]}