Angelic Spa Treatment

{"playlist":[{"title":"Angelic Spa Treatment","artist_name":"We all need a little R & R. Our lives are busy and we forget to slow down from time to time and give back to ourselves. Well, now you have the perfect opportunity. This meditation will guide you into a healing spa, where you will be massaged, healed and rejuvenated by some high vibrational beings. Your mental, physical and emotional bodies will be worked on at a deep level, as well as your spiritual body being cleansed. You will leave the spa relaxed, happy and aligned, just as you would a normal spa in your reality. This spa is open 24\/7, 365, so there are no excuses for time being an issue to give back to the most powerful and important human being on the planet, you! Listen every day for 6 days and then revisit as often as you like. Please stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/12\/14.IW_angelic-spa-treatment-2.jpg","duration":"34:48","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":31638}]}