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Ancient Origins

We have all wondered about our ancient origins. Have you also questioned why it appears that we are alone and what else may have played a role in our cloudy ancient history?

Many believe we evolved from the apes and that is the end of story. Many others believe in some form of creation from an omnipotent deity, and some see that we flow from one source energy. We are now being more open minded to cosmic and multi-dimensional ideas for our origins.

Our Ancient Origins

Where do you and I originate? We are told in schools that Charles Darwin showed that we share a common ancestor with apes and emerged through a process of random mutation and natural selection.

There is much recent evidence that is increasingly difficult to explain by the theory of natural evolution. The main ideas for our ancient origins are summarized below:

  • Evolution is the process where species develop from earlier forms. Scientists claim that evolution provides biodiversity at every level of biological organisation. Emergent evolution is the idea that during evolution entirely new properties such as mind and consciousness appear. These properties emerge from a synthesis of their parts. Evolution is also based on the idea of materialism where no underlying subjective, extra-terrestrial or divine nature, lies behind our existence.
  • Creationism is a belief that the universe and life originates from a series of acts of divine creation such as those described in the bible.  Intelligent design creationists believe that aspects of physical reality including life show evidence of creation and design by an intelligent being. Creationists believe that the universe is created by a sentient God who is separate from the creation.
  • Emanation is the process by which all physical things flow from one original reality into individual consciousness. Emanation is a transcendent principle from which everything arises. Pure worlds and beings are emanated by pure minds and impure ones by impure minds. Emanation leads to manifestation and the illusion of physically.
  • Refinement is a fine-tuning process by artificial means. This includes genetic engineering by our scientists, and genetic upgrades at various points in our history by beings from other worlds or via channeling light codes from other dimensions.

It is highly likely that all four ideas for our ancient origins play a role.

Paracas Skulls
Paracas Skulls

You can feel and experience these ideas from different perspectives from this powerful example. Imagine being in a void or empty space. There is nothing around you. You decide this is a little boring and create ‘light’ which is different to ‘dark’. Within this light you imagine or emanate countless variations or virtual universes. You choose one and give it energy by creating a self-sustaining holographic simulation a little like an immersive 3-D game or virtual environment. The beings that evolve within only have a memory of their immediate environment. They are not aware of you unless you choose so. From their perspective they see and believe that everything evolved naturally in their internal time frame.

Issues with Evolution

More and more archaeological discoveries challenge the details of Darwin’s theory and its current proponents such as Richard Dawkins. New DNA evidence indicates that there is more to the picture than that painted by the current theory of evolution. Evolutionary science struggles to explain many modern observations including:

  • A lack of a viable process for high levels of complexity and irreducibly complex features in species
  • Highly unlikely convergent evolution at genetic and morphological levels
  • A history of inaccurate predictions regarding junk DNA and vestigial organs
  • Failure of chemistry to explain the origin of the genetic code
  • Failure of developmental biology to explain why vertebrate embryos diverge as they develop
  • A lack of support from the fossil record for all aspects of Darwinian evolution
  • Human beings displaying cognitive abilities, traits, and behaviours that offer no survival advantage

Whilst some of these challenges may be overcome through evolutionary science, some will undoubtedly remain. Evolution is only part of the story. It is a piece of the jigsaw but not the whole puzzle itself.

Ancient Astronauts and our Ancient Origins

We are from the stars. We are made of star dust. Absorb star light and share our dreams and aspirations with the stars.

Ancient aliens

Ancient astronaut theory is the belief that intelligent extra-terrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with humans in the distant past. This contact influenced development of modern cultures, technologies, and religions. It claims that deities from many religions are extra-terrestrial in origin and advanced technologies brought to us were interpreted as evidence of their divine status as gods by early humans.

Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin say that humans are descended from or created by ancient astronauts (extra-terrestrials). These beings visited our world thousands of years ago. Some also believe that travellers from outer space built many of earth’s structures and diverse historical cultures share artistic themes which he feels indicates common ancient origins. Another idea is that humanity evolved independently and a degree of human knowledge, culture, and beliefs originated from ancient spacemen.

Also, some artefacts and monuments indicate the use of advanced knowledge and technology beyond that known to be available at the time. Von Däniken believes that these artefacts were constructed by extra-terrestrial or humans who learned how to make them from extra-terrestrial knowledge. These artefacts and structures include:

  • The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt
  • Stonehenge in England
  • Pumapunku near Tiwanaku in western Bolivia
  • Gopekli Tepe in Turkey
  • The ancient Baghdad electric batteries
  • The Moai stone heads of Easter Island
  • Hieroglyphs showing flying craft at Abydos in Egypt
  • Petroglyphs and geoglyphs showing ancient astronauts and ancient technology

The origins of many religions are interpreted as results of encounters with an ET race, and humans considered their technology to be supernatural and the ETs as gods. Additionally, Von Däniken claims that the oral and written traditions of most religions contain references to alien visitors and descriptions of stars such as Sirius from the Dogon tribe, and flying saucer like objects in air and space, such as Vimanas.

Ancient Origins

There is also the idea of humanity receiving non-physical channeled information from beings in other dimensions. Some of the artefacts, petroglyphs and writing may have been channeled to us from extra-terrestrials. Also, many of the structures could have been built by human hands from channeled information. People would see their labours unfold and gain unshakable faith and knowing in the existence of one or more gods, extra-terrestrials, giants, and other energy beings guiding them.

Seeding of Humanity by Ancient Astronauts

Ancient aliens have contributed to human civilization since the beginning. There is much evidence that that certain cultures interacted with ETs and our ancestors were far more technologically advanced than we currently believe. Science is mostly confirming or rediscovering what has already been discovered. The truth is we are not alone and we have never been alone.

Ancient astronaut writers believe that a race of intelligent extra-terrestrial beings visited and colonised Earth in the remote past. They manipulated the DNA of the hominid Homo erectus to create the human race as we know it today. It is unlikely that Homo sapiens could emerge so suddenly through natural selection alone.

It is likely we have been visited several times and had our DNA altered more than once. As a result, humanity is a hybrid species with a mix of genes from Homo erectus and genes from one or more likely several types of extra-terrestrials.

Our Ancient Origins from Lyra and Vega

The constellation of Lyra is considered the general region of the birth of the cosmic humanoid race. All humanoid races in our galactic family have genetic roots connected to Lyra (Lyrae, or the harp). The Lyrans with the Vegans came to Earth initially 22 million years ago. Since then there have been several waves of visitation to the earth including the Hyperborean race, Lemurians, and some Altanteans.

Various offshoots of the Lyran races colonised other worlds including Mars and Venus. The most famous Annunaki offshoot, including Marduk, Enlil, and Enki, first visited us at around 389,000 years ago. Their latest wave of influence occurred around 8000 years ago. Many of the details of previous visits and actions are hidden in the depths of time.

Lyran writing
8000 year old parchment written in old Lyran language

Several million Lyrans and Vegans left their native worlds in another dimension, entered our dimension, and settled on Earth where they interbred and genetically altered hominids. These events mirror those in the Book of Enoch where the Annunaki mated with humans and created the Nephilim.

The Nephilim are a race of giants and human animal hybrids also known as Djinn, Daevas, titans or demons. Billy Meier says they used genetics to create this variety of beings. Over thousands of years these beings died out either because they could not reproduce, from environmental change on earth, or by the further actions of extra-terrestrials.

The Annunaki and Ancient Civilisations

Anunnaki is simply the name given by us for the branch of Lyrans after Anu in the Lyran language. The origination of humanoid beings in this region of space stems from and originates from the Lyrans. These include Terrans (humanity), Pleiadian, Orion, and some Sirian amongst others.  Over 200,000 years ago the Annunaki created and later shaped the development of our human species.

The Anunnaki originate from Nibiru (in the Sirius system), around the Orion constellation and Sirius. They controlled many solar systems and their homes include the planet Nibiru and Mars before they made it inhabitable. The Annunaki were Martians.

The Anunnaki include deities known to the ancient Mesopotamians, such as Marduk, Enki, and Enlil. They were seen as gods worshipped by Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Akkadians. These three beings and their cohorts and experiments are responsible for much of our biblical era history and myths.

The Annunaki are also referred to as ‘Elohim’ which means ‘creator gods’. This term also refers to any living being observed using advanced technology that appears as magic to heal, create or destroy.

The Annunaki were male-brain orientated, egotistical, warlike and materialistic. They had forgotten how to tap into their emotional bodies and were not interested in the spiritual aspects of life. They also lost their telepathic connection other beings and their sense of love and compassion.

The Annunaki interacted with Atlantis so as to destabilize it. They supported pro technology rebels and saw the potential to be the ruling species. They also saw the opportunity to re-write history. They altered the DNA of humans to two strands to prevent us remembering and from communicating with other realms and dimensions. Many of the Lemurians went back to Lyra, which was their home world.

The Annunaki also mixed their own reptilian DNA with the DNA of the Bushmen in South Africa, which had originally come from Lemuria. Their purpose was to create a slave race to mine gold for powering their technology.

Star Magic’s Ancient Origins

Star Magic cosmic living light and sound codes were known and used on earth by many ancient civilizations including the ancient Egyptians. Star Magic codes of consciousness are as old as the universe. Ancient origins

Creating the cosmos

Star Magic flows through the universe like water flowing through water. Star Magic is a higher octave of healing energy that emanates through our cosmos. Star Magic originates from beyond space and time and it travels through space and time at the speed of thought. Star Magic is everywhere.

Star Magic light and sound codes of consciousness are living, breathing, patterns of pure conscious energy. It is an energy we can all call upon by connecting with our hearts and feeling the love of all creation which is limitless and eternal. To experience this subtle energy, drop into your heart, tune in, and follow your intuition.

Star Magic will undo the genetic editing of the Annunaki many generations ago. Star Magic also assists with your awakening and ascension process. Star Magic is beamed down from the cosmic heart of infinite unconditional love and will heal you from the inside and at all levels of being.

Rediscover your wholeness with a healing session today.

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.

Ancient origins