Star Gates are opening and plasma energy is available containing ancient Lyran, Sirian and Pleiadian crystalline encoded keys to activate DNA templates within our DNA structure, to shift us from a double helix/2 strand matrix to a 12 strand or quantum 144,000 strand DNA crystal template structure to allow our soul technology, to expand and to put a stop to negative artificial intelligence technology. It is a direct attack on the divine feminine and humanity itself through AI tech and the diamond/rainbow light codes available in this transmission will unlock the templates embed in your DNA. Calling all Star Seeds. This is your mission!
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right there, beautiful soul?
So, I’m here today to share a transmission with you, a very important transmission where we’re going to open several portals and connect you to the rainbow diamond light codes that are coming in from Lyra, Vega, the Pleiades, and Sirius. These are ancient stargates that are reopening during this time. We’re going to be connecting through them and you’re going to download potent plasma energies that contain codes that are going to activate very specific templates that are held in your bio human matrix these templates. Once activated, which have been lying in you dormant since the birth of creation, which were installed into your DNA to help combat a future potential scenario and a potential future timeline and that potential future timeline is now. This is something this unfolding in this human space is to do with artificial intelligence and certain technologies that want to turn us into weaponized beings into controlled manipulated cyber beings.
Now once you activate the coding in the templates within you, this is going to combat the so-called structures that the beautiful people that live on planet earth that try and control us want us to engage in and want to open within our own human consciousness. It’s extremely destructive. It’s a huge attack on the Divine Feminine. It’s a huge attack on the Divine Mother, on the womb of creation. They want to stop human beings, particularly women, being able to reproduce they want to destroy our natural ways of reproduction and make us into robots. Now we are the technology and our technology, our soul technology, supersedes anything that could possibly be produced by man or machine. We can override everything with the right codes and the right templates, and they lie within us. If you’re watching this video, then you have these templates within you.
Many star seeds from the Lyran and Vegan systems, Sirian consciousness, the Sirian star system beings from the Pleiadian star system are carrying a player in consciousness. The rainbow diamond light codes coming from these stargates, from these star systems are going to connect with the star seeds incarnated onto planet Earth right now to carry these waves of love, to carry these waves of wisdom, to carry these waves of divinity to stop the madness that’s unfolding. So, I want to share this transmission with you. I first want you to know that I love you and respect you for choosing to come down here into this crazy matrix where the reincarnation system has been manipulated for thousands and thousands of years. To come down into this space it takes a real brave soul, and you are one soul. From one brave soul to another, I love you dearly. I take my cosmic hat off, I salute you and I respect you.
Please close your eyes beautiful soul, take some nice long deep breaths, and just breathe. Breathe into your body, breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Take long slow deep breaths, Â come down into this space, settle into your body, the home of your soul in this reality. Breathe into your stomach, breathe into your hips, breathe into your buttocks, breathe into your groin, and feel your body. Breathe deeper and longer and slower. Breathe into your hips, breathe into your buttocks, breathe into your groin. Feel your body. As you’re breathing into your body, you’ll become aware of a diamond light that starts to move in through the walls of your space, from the left, from the right, front, and back, all around you. You also become aware of a rainbow frequency that flows down through the roof and up through the ground, up through the floor.
The diamond lights and the rainbow lights, they move towards your physical body getting closer and closer and these frequencies start to swirl around the outside of you in a clockwise direction. They start to merge. The rainbow frequency and the diamond frequency, they merge as one weaving, flowing through each other, swirling around the outside of your physicalness like a powerful rainbow diamond tornado. You start to breathe this frequency and you breathe it in through your nose, up into your mind. It flows into your left brain into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head to your face, your neck your throat, through your shoulders, your chest, and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle back, lower back, into your buttocks, through your heart, your lungs, down through your ribcage, through every vital organ, through your hips, your buttocks, your groin down through your thighs, your hamstrings.
It swirls through your knees then through your calves, past your shins into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. As you breathe deeper and longer and slower, this frequency flows through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists. It flows through your hands all the way to the tips of your fingers, all the way to the tips of your thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing. This rainbow diamond light flows through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of you. Your cells, they dance and smile. They start to sing and communicate with each other. These frequencies flow into your DNA. They start to expand and unlock those double helixes, unlocking that 12-strand matrix on a quantum level, 144,000 bio human matrix of your human DNA, the geometrical code that’s embedded within it. As you continue to breathe in these frequencies, your cells they vibrate like crazy.
You become aware that up above you there is a large, inverted diamond pyramid spinning in a clockwise direction three meters above your crown. You also become aware that down underneath your feet, three meters into the ground, you have a rainbow pyramid, the right way up spinning in a clockwise direction. The rainbow pyramid spins faster and faster and it starts to draw in light codes from the Crystal Cathedral Network from Bali, Norway, Florida, Egypt, and Peru. Five plasma transmissions flow from these crystal cathedrals, through Mother Earth grids, through the diamond grids, the chromium grids, the platinum  grids, through the dragon lines. They flow through these intricate systems into mother earth’s heart. She collects the lights, the plasma frequencies from the crystal cathedrals and then sends them up through her Merkabah up through the rocks and the minerals up through the surface of the planet. They flow up through your roots, up through your body and into your heart.
As this light flows up into your heart, the codes they collect on the inside of the pyramid on their travels. The codes from this plasma light, they collect inside the rainbow pyramids, the diamond pyramids spinning up above you. It starts to draw in frequencies from the stargates, the ancient stargates in the Lyran and Vegan system. Plasma energy from the stargates in the Pleiadian system and stargates in the Sirian system. These potent plasma off-planet consciousnesses flows through the cosmic fabric, through mother earth’s atmosphere, down through the sky, down through the roof of your space. They pass through the base of the pyramid down through your crown, your pineal gland, your throat, and into your heart. The light codes from this stream they start to connect in the diamond inverted pyramid up above you. Both pyramids spin faster and faster. As the plasma energies collect in your heart space you feel a powerful vortex slowing and spinning in your heart, in a clockwise direction, spinning faster and faster and faster.
Continue to breathe into your body as these pyramids collect the codes that are going to activate the blueprints inside of your DNA matrix. As you vibrate in this space you become aware that your heart is expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space. We’re going to count from eight back to zero. Once we get to zero the apexes of both pyramids are going to open and the coding is going to flow from the diamond pyramids down into your heart, from the rainbow pyramids up into your heart. They’re also going to transfer codes into your root, your sacral, your solar plexus, your higher heart, your throat, your pineal gland, and crown. They’re also going to communicate with your alpha and omega transmission sensors above and below your body.
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. The apex is of the two pyramids open, the light codes race down through your crown and up through your root. They flow through your body into your heart and boom they explode. These frequencies and codes they ripple throughout your nervous system. Each energy centre starts to spin a powerful golden light. It emanates from your higher heart chakra and eight streams of light flow out from it. They start to swirl inside your heart sending light throughout your physical body connecting to your Merkabah, your own octahedron, your own toroidal field, and the Christ consciousness grid, a part of your extended light body. These codes they flow into your DNA activating your multi-dimensional system. You feel these merkabas spinning around the outside of your physical body extending out through your light body. Your whole body starts to vibrate like crazy as these codes go to work and switch on these templates. Just be in this space for a moment and breathe be in this space for a moment and feel.
Light language transmission
Absorb these frequencies into your light body, allow them to flow through your soul. As you continue to breathe and feel expanded in this space, those DNA strands vibrating like crazy, the energy flowing in through the portals, down into the diamond pyramid, gets stronger and stronger. The apex opens even wider, the plasma light from the crystal cathedrals it starts to flow in an even stronger fashion. Mother earth fires that energy up through the pyramid and into your body. Your heart starts to vibrate uncontrollably. You feel the love, you feel the expansion. You have that deep inner knowing. You are a star seed on a mission, and you came to Planet Earth to be the change, to lead the way, as you stand next to your fellow sisters and brothers, your fellow star seeds.
As you vibrate in this space the pyramid up above you it starts to descend and shrink. The pyramid underneath you, it starts to shrink still spinning, moving up towards your root chakra, up between your legs. The diamond pyramid up above you, shrinks down, still spinning. Your crown chakra opens, the diamond pyramids flow down through your crown and spins around your pineal gland. Your crown chakra closes. The rainbow pyramid moves up through your root, up through your sacral, up into your solar plexus where it stops. Both are still spinning in a clockwise direction drawing down the plasma frequency, drawing up the plasma frequency. Just be in this space feel your body. I want you to become aware of your breath, the in and the out breath, and the space in between. Remember it’s the space between the in and the out breath that keeps us alive. It’s the space between the notes that creates the music.
We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes and come back into this space. Take your time, there’s no hurry, five, four, three, two, one, zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. I recommend you come back and do this transmission every day for 13 days. This is day number one. You have another 12 to go. If you miss a day, come back, and start again. This is an integral piece of your multi-dimensional puzzle and it’s a part of your mission. You signed up for this before you incarnated on this planet. We all did. We came here to ensure that humanity evolved in the correct way. We came here to ensure that humanity ascends and Mother Earth along with her children.
Wherever you are on this planet, go out into the world, hug tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. I’m giving you a great big, gigantic cosmic hug right now. Beautiful soul I love you as my sister or brother. We really are one. Go out and love fiercely and ferociously, shine your powerful lights and speak your truth and sacrifice your values for no one. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
Please check out our website and if you watch this on YouTube, subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on any other social platforms, then share these positive messages. It’s time for us star seeds to unite, to become one, to stand together and make this world a much more harmonious place. I love you, beautiful soul. I’ll see you again real soon.
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