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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So many people get annoyed when things don’t go to plan, when we set out on a certain path and we’re headed towards our goals and our dreams and then something comes in and sideswipes us from the left, from the right, maybe from behind, and it changes things for a little while. Maybe we have to stop, maybe we have to go on a tangent, and a whole different path that brings us back onto the same path, eventually, but nonetheless for a lot of people it’s a waste of time.
Often in life we get really close to where we feel we need to be and then something happens and kicks us back down the steps and we’ve got to climb back up again or maybe the steps disappear and we’ve got to find a new set of steps and climb those which again take us on a little bit of a different journey and maybe we get to where we think we need to go to or maybe we end up somewhere completely different. The thing is this. We should be grateful for these situations because the detour gives us an upgrade every time you get kick back down those steps as long as you decide to climb again. You’re going to learn and grow and learn valuable lessons – perseverance, persistence, patience, there’ll be skills and tools that you learn when you get taken off of your path and get sideswiped from the left, from the right, from behind.
When you go on these other paths you experience different experiences and each one of those experiences gives you valuable tools, lessons, and skills. Most of the time you realize when you get to the point where you were aiming for all along, if you hadn’t have gone on that detour and had that upgrade you would have never been furnished with the necessary tools and skills to handle the situation in the place you were looking to move towards or head towards, that eventual goal or dream. It would have never been possible had the universe not taken you on that detour or kicked you back down the steps in life. If we give up, then we failed but as long as we keep going and we keep moving there is no such thing as failure.
Even if you have a business and lose everything, you’ve not failed. How do you know that business failure wasn’t one of these curve balls, one of these side swipes? The universe is kicking you back down the steps again so you could grow even stronger. Let those roots go even deeper into the Earth to get even more sustenance and even more nourishment so that you rebuild the business twice the size, three times as effective, 10 times more lucrative, 25 to 50 times bigger and better to handle the capacity to help more human beings when you’re living out your soul purpose. Every cloud has a silver lining. Every single circumstance, event, or situation has gold for you to mine from it, but you’ve got to choose your perception. You’ve got to choose your perspective and you’ve got to be present enough to see the magic in every situation. Otherwise, it can seem like life is just beating the ‘crap’ out of you left, right, and centre, and its Groundhog Day over and over, and you’re never getting anywhere. That’s the perspective of the victim.
The perspective of the architect, the alchemist, the wizard, the witch, the lion, the lioness, the god, the goddess, the powerful being that resides inside every single human once they decide to choose to go down that road and connect with that element, the aspect of the inner workings. The inner code, the inner geometry rises to the surface, transmutes the victim, and becomes the living legend, and then everything works in that human being’s favour and the detour serves as the best upgrade ever. You get to choose how you want to operate in this world beautiful soul. You wrote this story. Remember that you wrote this story and all of these little curve balls and all of these little detours and all of these little elements that happen unexpectedly because you forgot you wrote them into the story. They’re magic, pure, and utter magic, pure magic.
Silence is beautiful. Stillness quenches your thirst in the silence. There’s energy in the silence. There’s serious firepower in the space. There is untold potential. So, don’t be in a hurry to get to where you want to get to. Allow the space to nurture you on the way and allow all of those curve balls and those detours to upgrade you, expand you, grow you, elevate you, and move you into a space of excellence.
You are amazing. I trust you know this. Go and take a deep look into the mirror. Look into your own eyes. Look deep into your soul and love all of you because you are truly amazing, truly phenomenal. Go out into this world and crush it. Shine your light, speak your truth, allow your own natural aromas to fill the world with your own magical essence. Don’t hold back beautiful soul. Give it absolutely everything. It’s why you came to this planet. To share your magic and inspire your sisters and brothers so go out into this world and love them, every single sister, and every single brother. Love them fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging.
Remember to check out our website. We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth and you can get access right now free for 7 days to hundreds of meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, master classes, nutrition, breath work, you name it, private telegram group, so you can connect with souls on a mission just like you. What are you waiting for? Don’t hold back. Just dive in, take this opportunity to upgrade your mind, your body, and your soul, and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Go out and laugh, have some fun, be a little bit crazy and enjoy this human ride.
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